Arganthes: The Capital Of Dungeons

Chapter 52 - Bonus 19.85: Unexpected Combinations

Geo pulled me into the kitchen and prepared a place for me to sit and enjoy the show.I don't know why, but the living quarters were fully equipped for all our luxurious needs.

So at the bar where I was sitting a huge steel plate could be seen.After preparing some stuff Geo came back with a basket full of goods.

He quickly put a flame underneath the steel plate allowing it to warm up slowly.While making me wait Geo put a small block of specially made buŧŧer on the plate.

As the buŧŧer melted away different spices began filling the air, my nose picked up the smell,and the moment my brain had registered what was inside my mouth slowly began to water.

Unable to hold back Geo quickly prepared his cooking tools. Two evenly ling and wide spatulas.What was he about to do? I couldn't wait to find out.

Knowing my belly would begin to growl Geo made sure I was fixated on what was happening.

The buŧŧer began slowly spreading evenly on the steel plate when Geo swiftly but elegant revealed the first ingredient.

"Fresh Lamb Meat!"

Quickly Geo threw small lumps of the meat on the now sizzling steel plate.

The meat too began to sizzle as Geo twirled his spatulas around. Holding back the meat with one of them while evenly slicing the meat in two.

Soon after Geo grabbed the salt bin and slammed it on the plate while actively throwing it in the air. While doing this he made sure he evenly spread a tiny pinch of salt.

After this was done he swiped the meat to the outer left corner giving him space to continue with the other ingredients. Quickly revealing that the next ingredient was in fact a combination of mushrooms, purple and spring onions, and even some bell peppers.

It seemed that since the meat needed a good while to prepare he now could start on the vegetables. Before throwing them on the plate Geo grabbed a few small rectangular plates and lay them in front of me.

"I will prepare the different foods in order from your left to right. So be sure to pay attention to what is happening not only in front of you but also your plates haha."

The smells began to mix and even spread outside of the kitchen making some of the other pupils come over to take a look at what was happening.

Knowing we needed to have enough energy for the training Geo wanted to include some spinach and eggs as well. Knowing that before he could do so, he needed to start on the other vegetables.

Geo grabbled a different looking block that appeared to be herbal buŧŧer.

As it touched the center of the plate it too began to sizzle. Looking at it closely it was different than the last block of buŧŧer, because this time it seemed to nu just simply melt away.

Instead… it revealed a round fluffy core! Wondering what it could be Geo began placing the vegetables one by one, starting with the bell peppers.

He was actively lifting up the almost completely melted herbal buŧŧer and spread it throughout the prepared bell pepper rings. Now, gently but quickly he slides the bell pepper rings to the right and displayed his skill with the basic spices once more, putting in a pinch of salt and pepper.

Again Geo reached under steel plate revealing some kind of dark syrup-like substance.

He then proceeded to give the four parts of meat a little splash. Now put the bottle on the right side of the table, he grabbed the mushrooms who had been cut into perfect bites as he spread them around the meat. Quickly grabbing the herbal buŧŧer he let it melt for a little bit as again another splash of dark brown syrup-like substance got thrown over the mushrooms.

The meat was almost finished, to make sure it was done Geo began grilling some bacon on the side and carefully wrapped the lamb meat with it, but before completely closing the package another ingredient got thrown into the mix.

"Raw onion chips."

The chips rained down in the opening of the meat Geo sprinkled a tiny bit of olive oil inside to make the onions juicy, while keeping the bite. Then finally he rapped up the package and pushed it down gently with the spatula. As the meat made my mouth water more and more Geo quickly turned over the bell peppers, mushrooms, and onion mix.

When Finally Geo lifted the carefully prepared meat package he slides it onto the most left plate. Before I was allowed to eat Geo gave me two sticks as eating utensils while proceeding to give instructions.

"The first course is finished my friend, now, what you want to do is eat this after I have sprinkled it with dried onion chips."

Geo then proceeded to sprinkle some onion chips and allowed me to take a bite.

"Bon appetite!"

I thought because of it being wrapped in bacon it had to be tough to break through,but instead the sticks slid through it as if it was a knife through buŧŧer.

Steam escaped from the package make my move water, even more, I couldn't wait…

I had to take a bite… And when I did, nothing that I had ever eaten before could compare.But… there was something peculiar, the inside was fluffy as well as crunchy, why was that?Could I have missed an ingredient while he was carefully preparing?

I enjoyed the epic meat package as Geo continued to finish the vegetables.

Quickly those got slid onto the middle plate as Geo was quickly washing and preparing some spinach. While the Spinach was being drenched with water to wash off the impurities, Geo splashed some water on the steel plate to clean it off.

The water touching the plate instantly began to sizzle and evaporate in thin air.Quickly Geo scrubbed of the small burned portions as he cleaned the plate with a thick cloth.

Quickly scraping the dirt and filth of his spatulas he continued his cooking.I was enjoying the show and the food, oh don't make me start about it! It was almost otherworldly.

While chowing down on the prepared vegetables Geo cracked some small eggs and put the cracked side on the edge of the plate, there small air holes could be seen.

I was wondering why he chose to do so. Almost instantly after he threw a few blocks of herbal buŧŧer on the plate. Making them melt, he played with it a little bit continuing his show.

Again Geo threw the now almost completely melted buŧŧer onto the spinach. When he began slicing and slamming it into mush. Again he made more portions, this time, he wanted to spread the love and made some for the other pupils as well.

When it was done everyone enjoyed the show, even June and Ragnee began to have a better opinion of him.

"Now everyone, please enjoy your meals!"

Geo said happily sharing his cooking.

But, before everything had finished geo was preparing the eggs who have been sitting tight for a little while. Now breaking the shell completely he began twirling the multiple eggs into one another creating a yellow mixture. Wanting to make this into yet another masterpiece he sprinkled some raw union chips into the egg as well as dried bacon chips.

He knew the dried bacon chips were pretty salty already, which is why he didn't need any more salt. When the egg was almost done Geo put in a small pinch of black pepper and finished the omelet with a touch of ketchup on my plate.Geo later revealed that inside the meat package there have also been small bits of carefully prepared chicken, marinaded in ketjap and maple syrup. The light and fluffly feel to the entire bite came from a mashed potato mixture he had carefully prepared with mushroons, spring onions and dried tomato. I must have missed that part, but man... was it delicious!

Again… he had to throw out all the previous expectations as I gobbled up my last dish.

Soon after it became time to continue with our training as Geo cleaned the entire kitchen for the next who would want to use it.

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