Arganthes: The Capital Of Dungeons

Chapter 74 - 66: The Legend That Changed the World

The Chieftain sat down with us, reaching out for the campfire to start. The tent filled with warmth as When he lifted his fingers pointing up straight to the sky. With everyone waiting in anticipation he started to talk; "You are now officially a part of the pack and tribe as a whole, please allow us to bestow upon you the names we will be the ȧssociation you with from now on. Young Shadowfang, since you already had a companion previously we will allow Haruka to take on this role once more, maybe later you might encounter another companion. Who knows? Looking at the basic characteristics of your armor and were our first encounter has been in this world, you will now be known as "Hornwood". We set off as our ancestors didn't have a rich nature like ours, no.

Instead; I'll be telling the story that has been kept save. What has happened in the stories of old, the legend of the World-Changing War:

We begin our legend, at an environment so odd, That eggs could be baked in the air. The ground shaking like never before. Long ago my ancestors from the Yakami Tribe, then know as the Lunar tribe joined forces with the Raion tribe to stop the Ryuushin tribe. This way we thought to fend off their evil ways.. but... not for long...

this was not enough... the Ryuushin's army drove us back with the combined force of darkness and fire. At first, it became dark nothing to be seen, but then everything changed.

Suddenly our village was on fire we could see little through the darkness. Yet we could hear all the screams of pain and agony. We ran for our lives as the flames of destruction closed in and destroyed building after building...

Not caring for others their life my ancestors ran as fast as they could...

my grandmother Isha tripped and hit her head.. when she came by she was covered with ashes of burned wood and leaves.. when she stood up she could see that the whole village was in ruin and was burned down to ashes.. when she looked down she could see footprints in the ashes and followed them... The footprints went to the end of the river. There she could see that the Ryuushin had taken the survivors hostage.

Thinking that she needed to get help as soon as possible for her fellow tribe members she ran to

safety and kept running for days. A few days flew by as she was thinking back about the legendary place of the Holy animal Spirits.

She needed the help of the Fox God, Holy Deity of the earth, and the village Hidden in light.

Isha kept searching until she saw some strange light shining on top of the inactive volcano in the distance. The legendary Hikari no Yama is also known as the mountain of light.

That is where the Holy animal spirits live. she finally found it but on the way, the elite of the Ryuushin blocked her path.

Fighting with all she had she tried to get past them, but it was all in vain...

She couldn't get past them and if it was like that then she couldn't protect the ones precious to her. On the final moment before she got defeated she heard a voice tell her to join forces, to tell her what she dėsɨrėd.

The voice seemed to come from above her.

Isha looked up and saw the shining spirit of a fox above her.

"My child.. what is it that you seek? Do you seek power? And for what purpose?"

"I want to save the ones dear to me, I-I want to protect them from the evil that is destroying these lands Isha answered in all honesty. My child.. your prayers have been heard... I.. will personally grand you this power you seek and guide you through this task. But first I need you to free me from this mountain.."

My grandmother nodded and swore to the spirit to fulfill this promise.

The spirit pushed the elite squad to the ground with an unseen force.

"Now my child, hurry to the summit of the mountain, I helped you now you must keep your end of the promise and free me from this place."

Isha started making her way up to the summit of the volcano.

Climbing carefully through the rubble she began getting closer to the summit.

She carefully looked where to walk and where to put her feet and hands on the path so she wouldn't fall. Once she reached the summit of the mountain she could hear the spirit clearly and saw some kind of shrine in the middle of the summit.

This was also where the light was pointing at from the sky.

The shrine was shrouded in darkness even though the light was trying to break through the darkness but still, nothing happened. Closing in Isha could see the fox laying in the shire it was restricted from moving with chains around its legs and neck.

Isha knew what she had to do and rushed towards the shrine, but right before she could touch the chains she was thrown back because of some kind of force field.

"Aargh, damnit isn't there something I can do to break down this energy field?"

"Try reaching my hand child she heard inside of her head."

"So that time at the foot of the mountain, that time you helped me past those men.

You weren't a spirit? You just used telepathy to communicate with me and help me."

"Yes child, that is correct for as you can see I cannot leave this place cause of these chains,

the fox said."

Since you are so close to me it is very difficult to project the Hikari no Chikara to help you,

Even though the force field kept throwing Isha away again and again she kept trying to reach the fox. After every single try, she got just a little bit closer but also got thrown away harder. Isha was determined to not give op, not now... she was so close to helping the fox escape.

Isha reached out one last time with all her might and started howling to summon the power of the moon without the tribe knowing this was yet another form of the Hikari no Chikara. Her howling started to waver the field, which in turn made it easier for Isha to push through little by little as she kept reaching out for the fox her paw.

She howled again and grabbed onto the shackle of one of her paws that began glowing purple and breaking little by little.

"Well done my child, you know how to use the Hikari no Chikara,

this will help me to get free again and protect all of Arganthes against the Darkness of Ryuushin.

Now break the rest of these cursed chains so I can be set free."

The force field seemed to be broken since the balance of the shackles was broken as well.

Isha began breaking the rest of the shackles one by one as the fox began to move its ears little by little. Slowly her tail began to curl and her legs began to stretch.

"My child I couldn't thank you enough for freeing me from this prison of darkness now I shall keep up the end of my promise and grand you passage to the mountain of light.

The fox closed in on Isha and pressed her head against her head so she could look right into her eyes."

The fox began glowing ever so slightly and breathed in deeply.

"My child you seem to be of the Lunar tribe one of the tribes of light.

What I can do with my power is bestowed upon you the chance to become one of the

Kyuubi no Hikari. This will grand you immense power and helps you awaken the Hikari no Chikara and Hikari no Yama inside of you. These two different kinds of powers will help you attain the true form of light like myself.

But let me warn you, this is not a simple task. You must maintain your resolve to save your tribe and keep a clear mind at all times. This is because these powers will test your prowess till the end. If obtained without a clouded mind these powers will take you over and change you in the Yami no Hikari because without light there is no darkness and darkness is needed in the light to maintain balance.

Heed my warning and try to find the inner balance inside of you and tell all survivers of your tribe about this, if one of your descendants born with this power ever falls to darkness this could mean the end of the world as we know it." said the fox with a serious expression.

With the newfound powers and prowess through her journey.

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