Arganthes: The Capital Of Dungeons

Chapter 75 - 67: An Unusual Find

Isha rushed back to the village to search for clues.

When she finally arrived there the village was completely deserted,

there were no signs of people but there were still signs of fire since the ashes within the remaining wood were still warm. Feeling around through the ashes she found hints of a trail???

Hints consisting of little stones, dimples, and even tracks of a large group leaving the village.

The trail was easy to follow with her hunting skills.

Slowly but surely she closed in on the group who attacked her village.

When she looked into the distance she could see signs,

smoke.. smoke was going into the air.

There.. that must be where they are.

Carefully she closed in on the smoke, she kept following the trails step by step.

Isha blended into the environment and made sure no one could notice her.

She noticed that she was close now.. since she arrived at the sight of the campfire.

carefully she looked through the bushes beside a tree and saw that the campfire wasn't burning anymore. They must have put out the fire not long ago since the smoke was still coming from the wood and still glowing a little. It was getting darker but she was sure that she was closing in on the group.

When Isha wanted to stand up to follow the group she noticed footsteps coming closer not far from where she was. Quickly she hid in the bushes close to the trees and saw that it was one of the guards who attacked the villagers. Luckily the guard didn't notice her.

Isha kept quiet and watched the guard as it was holding a baby.

"I will protect you little one, I'll make sure no one will hurt you."

The guard said with a caring voice.

She was one of the village people who had disguised herself as one of the guards.

Isha kept being cautious and carefully took note of what the woman was doing.

It appeared that the woman was the daughter of the village doctor.

She was holding something but Isha couldn't see clearly what the woman was holding.

Curious about why the woman was disguised and what she was holding Isha closed in carefully step by step. The woman sat down by the campfire and tried to make it alive again.

The woman grabbed a few of the branches and twigs that weren't burned up yet.

She blew on the twigs and made friction with some kind of special stone.

Shortly after the place where she made the friction started to glow and a little flame stood up from under the twigs and branches.

The woman held one of her arms around the mess of twigs and branches so she could blow softly but fast into the flame to make it grow. The flame now completely engulfed the branches on top and gave of some warmth and light.

It appeared to be a baby boy.

It started crying cause of the sudden crackles in the breaking twigs.

While the boy was crying Isha could see his teeth coming through what must have hurt as well... yet... there was something odd about the boy his teeth, it looked similar to the teeth everyone at the lunar tribe had, but his fangs were seemed to be larger than usual...

While Isha was wondering about this she noticed that the boy was entering his demi-human form and that his ears were more similar to those of the nekomata tribe.

A halfbreed? This can't be Isha thought to herself.

Where could this little boy's parents be?

Too curious for her good she closed in on the two and sat down by the fire.

Because she suddenly sad next to the woman got scared.

"Don't... don't worry I won't hurt you.. you are Samiko the witchdoctors daughter right?"

"I am Isha daughter of the chieftain of our tribe, you have done well to survive my childhood.

But tell me I saw you were taking care of this half-breed child...

Do you know from whom this child might me?"

The woman took a deep breath and started talking.

I took this child with me before the guards could find it and hid him under the rug of this armor.

It seems the child is not from one of our own, but it has some similarities towards us, yet the child is so different than us.

The child giggled as the woman held him up in the air to examine all his features.

It seems the child came from outside of our village and his parents must have been very close friends without a tribe. Before we proceed, is it okay if I call you by your name Samiko? Isha asked.

Samiko nodded and slowly started talking.

"I also had close friends in the nekomata tribe.

To be honest I knew this boy his mother and his father very well.

When the village got attacked by the Ryuushin his mother got shot in front of me and asked me with her dying breath to protect their child and bring him to the city of playfulness and courage Genkido, with the promise that he will one day unite both tribes to fight the Ryuushin. The child his father protected the boy and kept the Ryuushin away so that I could escape with the boy.

After that, I haven't seen anyone ever since.. but still kept following the guards to try and find out why they attack us and who is behind it all."

"Would you like to team up with me? Two is always better than one.

Especially when the group you are fighting is too strong for one person to handle."

"I agree.. but first we need to get this boy to safety I know where we can find the nekotama tribe's city. There we should be able to find someone that can take care of him.. and while we are there we could also try to recruit more people to help us against the Ryuushin.

But before we go to Genkido we first need to find out what those troops' next move will be."

Later on that evening they decided to follow their tracks the next morning.

~ The Next Morning ~

But she could hear a faint humming in the distance. I almost sounded like singing.

Cautiously Masiko closed in on the humming when she noticed that it was Isha.

She was bathing in the pond that was close by and it seemed she was gently holding the baby and was carefully washing his face while playing with his ears.

"Isha is that you?" Masiko asked.

Isha turned around, smiled, and waved towards Masiko.

"Heeey, you finally woke up! Come join me in the pond,

then we can track their trails after we have taken a nice and refreshing bath.

Make sure you wash your ears and tail as well since it will be a while before we get back to the city."

Masiko slowly undressed and gently dropped herself into the water.

"It...It is warm." The water seemed to be warm and good for restoring fatigue Isha said.

Now since you are here I can give this boy back to you.

It seems that he likes you a lot and I can see why Isha said with a grin on her face.

Isha went around Masiko and grabbed a hold of her b????bs.

This must be why he seems to like you very much!

Masiko screeched and yelled; let me go!!! Don't touch me!!

Masiko was trying to hold the boy in place but because of Isha, the boy went up and down and up and down through the air.

*splash* *splash* *splash* *splash*

The boy giggled and laughed while it was flying through the air and splashing into the water with the help of Masiko in her arms.

Isha looks out I am still holding the boy!! Isha calmed down and let go of Masiko.

The boy was still giggling and laughing without a care in the world.

'He must have enjoyed the whole scenario' Isha said.

Isha gently took the boy in her arms from Masiko.

'I'll clean him up and take care of him a little so you can clean up as well Masiko'.

'You little naughty boy let's clean you up'

The boy talked some baby gibberish,

nodded making her believe he understood what was going on when suddenly he made farting noises with his mouth, which in turn made him laugh again.

Isha slowly and gently lowered the boy into the water so she could clean him up.

Just when she lowered him the boy began splashing water.

*splash* *splash*

The boy splashed some water in Isha her face and was giggling again.

Isha turned the boy around because she didn't want the boy to keep splashing in her direction. Struggling to own up to her words she finally had a chance to start cleaning the boy's back.

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