Arganthes: The Capital Of Dungeons

Chapter 78 - 70: The Butler

~ *Crackle* *crackle* ~

Lightning was coming down from the skies crashing down in trees close by.

"hurry girly~ we are almost there." The mayor shouted through the wind.

After a while, they stopped in front of an enormous gate… Isha looked up to see the top of the gate, but the top wasn't visible. Lightning roared filling the sky with majestic and untamed nature. Cracking down to the ground with an impact only found in tails. The ground shook, vibrating wildly, only to return to darkness as the lighting followed at a steady pace.

~ *Crackle* *crackle* ~

She could see it now, the gate... it was huge! Isha looked in awe...

"There can you see it?" The mayor asked. "There in the distance."

The mayor pointed towards the top of the hill in the distance.

It... It was huge... Not only the gate... Which stretched out for miles around the land,

but also the land behind it not to mention the building the mayor pointed at…

The light reflected brightly on the surface of the mansion. Was it gold? I couldn't tell for sure…

The mayor noticed me staring in awe, being out of this world he tried to pull me back to reality.

"Please.. we must hurry, my men will be there when we arrive."

Isha and the mayor hurried towards the gates which were even more mighty in person.

At the side a small counter could be seen with someone inside. The person in side noticed the mansions resident and me, allowing us to enter without much trouble. Slowly the gates open… As we were already soaking wet, I couldn't care about that anymore.

The gates opening made me realize how far away the huge mansion on top of the hill really was… "This could take quite some time, no?" Isha asked knowing what the answer would be. "Precisely why I wanted to make haste, if what you said is true, there isn't much time left to prepare… But with the time needed to arrive I think it's best to prepare as much as we can during the evening and start devising a plan of action, yes?"

The mayor sounded quite reliable, knowing he would take the situation serious put Isha's mind at ease for a moment.

"I made sure to inform the butler of the situation. He took it upon himself to prepare some troops ȧssuring protection against what might come for us."

"The waiter?" Isha asked not sure about the situation.

"Yes, I trust that man with my life young one! Being ex military he always provided strategic divisions and concocted reliable plans to fight those who dared stand against my land.

Isha thought it was weird having such a capable butler.

If the butler is as capable as the mayor mentioned it must mean that the mayor must have quite some enemies, better keep it low and respectful in the future when I talk to the man.

Shortly after making a mental note, keeping in mind how to address the man we began slowly closing in on the mansion it became apparent just how big the building really was.

Light shone down upon the road dressed with marble, glistering in the darkness it almost felt magical, but in reality Isha knew this was what one could accomplish with power and money at an infinite rate. The power seemed unlimited. This too got her hopes up.

"Maybe we would be able to succeed in the coming battle?"

Isha said to herself as they arrived that the front door. Isha looked in awe at the greatness of this mansion... It was even bigger than she could imagine. Both out of breath the mayor answered in front of the door as he huffed and puffed.

"Finally.. we are here..." Continuing to weeze, it became apparent that the mayor didn't have much stamina, but who could blame him with such a physique, being chubby and rich at that. After calming down and catching his breath, the mayor grabbed his keys and open the huge door in front of them.

"Please come inside my dear." "Johnson... Peter Johnson are you there??"

The mayor yelled towards the huge hallway.

"Yes sir I am right here" a nice looking, gentle old man came walking towards them, his attire was appropriate for that of a butler, dressed all in black suit and tie accented with a white coat underneath. What intreaged Isha the most was the fact that the man wore something similar to glasses, but it clearly showed unique craftmanship as it attached to its head in a special manner. Welcoming them both as a true gentleman, he questioned them both for ȧssistance;

"Is there anything you would need my ȧssistance with sir? Madame?"

The gentleman bow down in front of them both and made them feel right at home.

"Yes P.J. as a matter of fact there is. This woman, please help her feel at home until the rest of the expected guests arrive."

The Butler pushed back his glasses as he observed the woman. Isha could have sworn to feel a slight spark of hostility, which immediately vanished as the butler kindly answered the mayor.

"Right away sir, if you would be so kind to follow me, madame? But first, let me take your coat and please don't let me forget my manners. Allow me to introduce myself.

I am sir Johnson, Peter Johnson...

but you can call me P.J. As everyone here does so." The man chuckled.

"Truly, I have grown quite fond of the initials haha.

I am the humble waiter, butler and ȧssistant if you may from the phoenix household here in Kerare. The master seems to be quite willing to help you on your quest.

May I ask your name, my fair lady? And while we're at it, let me prepare some tea for you."

Isha kindly knodded before answering P.J's question. P.J. Bow down and turned around towards the service area in front of them to prepare some tea for Isha.

"my name is Isha, Isha of the Tsuki no hana." Ah I see, the old man said. "The Lunar village of flowers hidden in the moonlight. I once met some people of your tribe. But that's a story for some other time. What is it exactly that you needed to do here in Kerare?"

I came to warn the city about an invasion that will follow soon.

The Ryuushin attacked our village and took all the children and survivors.

All who opposed them were killed right in front of everyone.

I am one of the sole survivors of my tribe and never wish this to happen to anyone else. Still... I want to try and save the ones who survived and were taken away by them as prisoners.

There is also another reason why I came here aside from warning the city of the coming war that must be stopped I came here with the aid of the Kyuubi no Hikari to ȧssemble a team to fight against their might."

As they walked through the hallway and into the waiting room Isha only was more in awe with the mansion as it appeared bigger and bigger than she could ever imagine.

"Madame, it will take a while before my master has ȧssembled the ones needed for your quest let alone for them to arrive here.

So could I fill up the bath for you in the meantime?"

Isha nodded still being overwhelmed by the greatness of the mansion.

"While you wait here, please make yourself comfortable until the bath is ready for you." P.J. Poured in another cup of tea and took the rest with him and started to prepare the bath for Isha.

~ after a while ~

P.J. Came back into the waiting room and asked Isha to follow him towards the bathroom. On their way there P.J. Noticed that Isha was covered in scars, yet curious he decided not to ask about it. "Here we are madame, I'll inform you when the rest of the guests have arrived."

Isha nodded, closed the door behind her, and was yet again awestruck about another amazing room. They never had such a huge place to live in let alone a huge bathing place like this. The floor was made out of pure white shining marble and slowly turned into a huge kind of pool.

As it seemed that must be the bath P.J. Was talking about.

Isha got undressed and gently went into the water, she felt all her fatigue slowly leave her body, she never had the time before to enjoy a bath like this.

The water was coming out of the beak of golden birds which had a close resemblance to the mighty phoenix.

Isha stared towards the ceiling as there was only one thought crossing her mind.

"I need to get the team ready as fast as possible."

She stretched her arms. Suddenly there was a knocking on the door.

"Madame the guests have arrived, could you join us shortly?"

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