"What the master means is that I hope you can follow this team to change hands during the changing of the guard. Until they are inspected, the security around the guard post will be relatively weak. This is the best way to enter the foot of the Holy Mountain. Chance."

"At this moment, enter from the side of the post through the broken fence that someone has prepared for you. As long as you avoid the sight of the post, the soldiers guarding there are from our Kalan trade and will not embarrass you."

The undead man looked at the place pointed by Jiao Feng, looked at the map at the same time, and wrote down the way to go.

They also went over to take a look this afternoon. There were indeed many people guarding the foot of the Holy Mountain.

The undead man nodded. He tapped the spot of the sentry on the map and asked.

"Can you determine when we will set off?"

Old Benny also mentioned this.

Old Benny also made corresponding assumptions.

In fact, for the undead and Skadi's skills, the fence could not surround them at all, and they could jump over with a light jump.

The problem is how to prevent the guards from seeing the two of them, and what's more, it's impossible to know when they will change guard.

"I understand the time for the changing of the guard at the Three Clans Council. I will not leave until you set off."

Jiao Feng nodded, but he keenly heard the words from the undead man.

"You guys? Is there anyone else going besides you?"

"And her."

The undead man pointed to Skadi next to him and said.

"I am the only one who can protect the saint. However, I need to be vigilant."

The undead man straightened up slightly and tried to introduce the name of this white-haired woman to Kakufeng.

However, Jiao Feng didn't care at all about the immortal's arrangements.

"As long as we can meet the master's requirements, our deal will be completed. Everything else doesn't matter."

He looked towards the undead.

"With two people, the risk will increase accordingly. Mr. Immortal, are you mentally prepared for this?"

Kakufeng did not ask about Skadi's identity, which surprised the undead man.

But the undead man reacted quickly and gave Jiao Feng an answer.

"I know. Don't worry."

Kakufeng nodded, then took out some other things from the bag next to him and placed them in front of the undead man.

One of them is a portable injection syringe wrapped in a white shell, filled with blue liquid, and with the Kalan Trade icon engraved on the top.

"This is a nutrient solution used to inject people. It can relieve hunger and fatigue. It also contains various other nutrients. If the eldest lady has any problems on the way, or because of physical problems, give her this injection. "

With that said, Jiao Feng took out another syringe from the bag.

"This root is a medicine used to stop bleeding and increase cell activity. It can seal the wound in a short time and maintain the most basic life signals."

Jiao Feng pushed the two needles in front of the undead man. He looked at the undead man and said.

"Although the master did not say this request personally, he was watching the whole process when I was preparing these things. He did not stop me from bringing these things to you, which means that he has acquiesced in this behavior."

The undead man picked up two syringes. Although the liquid inside looked weird, it seemed to be good stuff from Jiao Feng's description.

He put the two needles into the gaps in his armor so that they could be taken out for use at any time.

Then, the immortal asked.

"Do you think there will be danger?"

"It's not that I think it's a problem, it's just to nip it in the bud."

Kakumine shook his head worriedly, and he explained to the undead man.

"It is impossible for the three clan councils to have such good intentions, give the eldest lady this opportunity, and watch her become a saint."

"As a member of the Shivaash family, the eldest lady has also been taught some self-defense skills since she was a child. Although her physical fitness is not good in the entire Kjerag, she is already one of the best among women. Class."

"What I'm afraid of is that when the eldest lady is about to reach the top of the mountain, the guards will be mixed with moles from the Three Tribes Council. If you want to target the master, in addition to using the saint to kidnap him out of the three tribes council, you can also use the master's relatives Hold him hostage."

"I contacted you because I was worried about this. If something unexpected happens, at least there will be a layer of insurance."

The immortal nodded, expressing his understanding.

But then he asked again.

"You guys, this is it. Isn't it the default decision to be a saint?"

The undead man pointed in the direction of the holy mountain and asked.

"Do you really believe in gods?"

The implication is that Yin Hui's behavior is like being destined to be a saint.

Originally, the Saintess Trial was for selecting Saintesses. But if there is an outside force other than the saint involved, wouldn't that be tantamount to blasphemy?

Hearing this, Kakufeng smiled instead.

"Each term of saints is created under the gaze of the gods and our struggle."

"Although I have never met the god in the snow realm, since that god has chosen Miss Enya, he will not take our thoughts and actions into consideration. Perhaps our preparations are in line with the god's wishes?"

Jiao Feng's answer was unexpected. If others heard his words, they would definitely call him impious.

But the undead man nodded and agreed with his statement.

If the gods are really angry because of the intervention of external forces in the trial, then as an undead hero, he himself may never pass through the ancient city of Thane.

Furthermore, it is the act of gods sending down gifts or punishments. Whether it’s protecting believers or punishing those who violate laws, aren’t they all external forces to some extent?

Kakufeng's attitude is very good, and his explanation is just right.

Time passed quietly, and the exchange between the two came to an abrupt end with a whistle.

Skadi came to the window and opened the curtains.

The sky has darkened, and the road is illuminated by lights powered by Originium. But the wind and snow scattered the lights, making it almost impossible to see clearly under the lights.

Gradually another group of guards came from the end of the road.


Skadi whispered, she had already changed into travel clothes and picked up her weapon.

The undead man also put on the hat on his robe and hung the giant sword on his back from the side.

Kakumine went to the window, called the two of them over, and pointed to the intersection at the end of the road.

"Over there, where the changing soldiers come, there is a path that leads directly to the underground water system. From there, you can watch the soldiers on the drainage canal and follow them as they move."

"It takes about twenty minutes from the time the soldiers gather for the changing of the guard to the sentry post. There will also be a small exit door nearby. Pay attention to your body shape and make sure to walk against the fence on the side of the Holy Mountain. It will be fast. You can find the gap.”


The undead man nodded, and then waved to Keob next to him.

Kyobe also put her weapon behind her back. When she saw the undead beckoning her over, she immediately jumped to the undead's side.

"You, take this child away."

The undead man patted Keob in front of him.

Kyobe was stunned for a moment, then immediately turned around and asked the undead man.

"Not dead, stunned?"

"I'll go and do the work. If you're not suitable, follow me."

The immortal explained to Keob.

"When the time comes, I'll come back and look for you."

Kyobe wanted to say something else, but he saw the undead man pointing at the Fengho tribe next to him and saying.

"Today's pie was made by him. Let him make it for you again."

Kakufeng looked at the undead man in astonishment, and then he felt a look of suspicion and excitement.

Ceob stared at the horn peak.

Like a hungry refugee staring at the fragrant bread.

"Pie! Delicious!"

Kyobe gave a thumbs up to the horned peak, and then looked back at the undead man.

"Come back early! Keob, waiting for you!"

The undead man rubbed Keob's head, and the blond silly dog ​​shrugged his shoulders, but did not avoid it.

After making these instructions, the undead man put away the map and finally said hello to Jiao Feng.

"I'm leaving. Take care of her. Just help me."


Kakumine originally wanted to say that this was not within the scope of the transaction. But seeing Keobei's excited eyes, Kakufeng didn't refuse for some reason.

Besides, this is the famous war knight, and establishing a good relationship with him is equivalent to doing things for the master.

Thinking of this, Jiao Feng simply nodded and agreed.

"Okay, I get it."

The undead man looked at Skadi and nodded, and Skadi followed the undead man and left the door with him.

The two of them went down the back stairs of the hotel. The back door there could provide them with enough darkness as cover.

As for Horn Peak, after sending away the undead and Skadi, he closed the door again.

He looked at old Benny standing next to him.

Old Benny's eyes kept evading, not daring to look at Jiao Feng.

"This afternoon, you were wise and did not say anything you shouldn't have said to your master. Otherwise, you would not have the chance to stand in front of me now. The war knight would be one step ahead of me and smash you to pieces with his giant sword. .”

The tone was completely different, instantly taking on the indifference and majesty of a member of the Shivaash family's bodyguard.

"The Shivaash family will remember your kindness today and is willing to give you a chance."

"Please speak!"

In front of Jiao Feng, old Benny was hunched over, looking surrendered.

"To work for Shiva Ash, I need a guy like you who can see the situation clearly."

Jiao Feng took out a family crest from his chest and placed it on the table next to him.

Old Benny still lowered his head, but his waist became even lower.

"It's an honor to work for Shiva Ash, God Bless Snow!"

After hearing Old Benny's allegiance, Jiao Feng didn't react at all, but waved to Kiobe next to him.

Keobai took all his weapons and took two steps forward, not so close to the horn peak.

Jiao Feng saw the girl's caution, he opened the door and said to Keob.

"Come on, follow me to Shivaash's house. Mr. Immortal will be back the day after tomorrow at the latest."

Compared with talking to old Benny, Kakufeng was not so serious when facing the girl. Instead, he exuded an inexplicable maternal brilliance.

"Don't worry, with his strength, no one can keep him."

Keobei nodded and followed behind Jiao Feng without saying a word.

Old Benny was left alone in the room.

It wasn't until Jiao Feng left for a long time that old Benny seemed to have lifted all the weight from his body and sat down on the ground.

He took the Shivaash family emblem from the side with trembling hands, and his expression revealed an inexplicable sense of joy.

Old Benny was not surprised at all when he heard about the war knight.

In fact, how could he not know the identity of the immortal? But he needs to play dumb.

It's a pity that the Shivaash family took the first step to contact the undead before he reported the news.

Yin Hui's step completely shocked him, and he did not dare to say a single word.

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