Greyhound hesitated.

"To be honest, I have also doubted whether it was the Doctor who did it. After all, he was the most inhumane person in the Tower of Babel at that time..."

There is a reason why it is called the evil spirit of Babel.

As long as he is on the battlefield, all the doctor's judgments are directed towards one goal, which is victory.

In order to win, he could turn a blind eye to the lives of tens of thousands of people. His command was cold and efficient. Such a victory would make many people who experienced it feel scared.

"But, I found out later. Wang's death was not a homicide, but most likely a premeditated suicide."


W's voice suddenly rose a few pitches higher.

"Are you sure?!"

"Not sure, just guessing. But there is enough basis"

Greyhound said calmly.

"On the eve of the Tower of Babel falling apart, I sneaked into the archives while everyone was packing their things and found something."

"The king left a record in a secret file, and she found a ruins. In the ruins, there was information recorded in ancient Sakaz writings."

"The text on the ruins reads: Kazdael, the cursed land. The endless war is the curse left by the passing of the ancient gods here. Only by offering the blood of the king can the door be opened, which leads to the sleep of the gods. The coffin on the ground.”

He took a deep breath.

"The translator's number is B101, that is, Doctor."


There is very little documented history in Kazdaele.

A land that has survived war and struggle. Many Sakaz are very weak when it comes to the concept of a nation.

This is exactly how history looks to them. It's just something that can be burned by a fire, and it's of little value.

But having said that, the people of Kazdare still believe in the legends that have been circulating in this land since ancient times.

For example, Kazdaele is the place where gods fell, and the king of Kazdaele can bring peace and stability to all infected people in this country.

Of course, these legends are more or less part of the momentum spread by those who are fighting for the king for the sake of public opinion. However, even if there is momentum, it must have a source.

At least as far as the place where the gods fell, any Sakaz would have heard of such a legend.


W was also confused for a moment. She never believed in things like destiny. But I still know a little about these popular legends.

However, she never thought that one day her life trajectory would be connected with these things that only existed in legends.

"No, doesn't this translation mean..."

Later, W realized what Greyhound meant when he said these words.

Greyhound nodded.

"Yes, it was the place where Wang found it, and the translation of the text on the wall was given by the doctor. You should also know something about the situation at that time. Wang was assassinated by an assassin in his hometown. Even in the end, the assassin could not find him. Come out. Don’t you think, according to the division of power in the Tower of Babel at that time, it is very ridiculous for such an assassination to happen? "

W narrowed his eyes, and the Greyhound's words were directed at the doctor.

Whether it is the king's safety issue or the hunt for the assassin after the king's death. Doctors should be responsible for handling this.

But at this time, the previously reliable doctor seemed to have suddenly lost his superpowers. Not only did the assassin fail to be found amid everyone's desperate fury, but the top brass of the Tower of Babel suddenly fell apart.

Even Kelsey lost her ability to judge in such a situation. She took Amiya and the doctor with her and dragged the Rhode Island ship away from Kazdaele, away from right and wrong.

"Furthermore, the order I received from Tracys at that time was to find out the cause of the king's death and bring back the king's body as much as possible."

Greyhound once again dropped a bombshell, making W's head dizzy.

"Wait, wait. In other words, her death...Wang's death was not caused by Tracys? It didn't even have anything to do with him?!"

"No, it must be related."

Greyhound shook his head.

"At that time, the war outside the Tower of Babel was already evenly matched with Tracy's side, and Tracy also organized several sneak assassinations, but they were all blocked by the doctor. I did not participate in those assassinations, but I was Knowing the situation, I also found an opportunity to secretly leave a message to the doctor."

"Just think about it, the doctor himself has set up a dragnet, so that these assassins working for the Pardoner have no way to escape. The struggle between the two sides has reached a fierce stage. But suddenly at this time, his own house The base was assassinated, and the soul returned to the earth..."

Greyhound thought about the scene again, and there were still many mysteries that could not be solved. There are only a few clues in his hands now.

"Also, after Wang was assassinated, her body never appeared in front of us again. Is this possible? Wang was not assassinated, but her own choice?"


W couldn't accept the news for a while.

She has always had the mentality of avenging that woman, and wandered between Rhodes Island and the Regent of Kazdaele.

At first, she was also suspicious of the doctor, and even held great resentment.

But after reconciling with herself, she began to devote all her energy to revenge on Tracy.

But now, these news seemed to bring her back to reality.

Wang's death was her own choice, and what the doctor seemed to do was send her to death.


W was a bit incoherent. Anyone who heard the news would have this reaction.

"Don't panic. When I first analyzed it, I was shocked. At that time, I even had the idea of ​​assassinating the doctor."

Greyhound said frankly.

"However, I thought about it for a while, and then gradually learned some facts, and then I began to understand why Wang did this."

He took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, took one and lit it in his mouth.

Take a deep breath and then slowly exhale the smoke.

"Trasis's power is very strange, you should have seen it before."

Gray Dog suddenly mentioned Tracys, and W's mind almost jumped to it.

After being stunned for a while, W nodded blankly.

"To be honest, even though Tracys held most of the inheritance of the previous dynasty of Kazdaele at that time, many discerning people did not think that Tracys could succeed. The one who truly won the hearts of the people was our king. She also has the most talented people around her.”

"But the power that Tracy possesses is irresistible. He seems to be able to use strange luck and foresight every time, and on the battlefield, his soldiers are all brave and good at fighting, and they can't even be described as beasts. It’s not an exaggeration.”

"But the most incomprehensible thing is his kingly aura."

Recalling the bizarre oppressive feeling when he met Tracy, Greyhound couldn't help but take another puff of cigarette.

"I will never admit that it is the demeanor of a king. Cruel, gloomy, and condescending, like looking at ants. There have been tyrants in Kazdare's history. But no matter in the gossip, there are still very few There are records in official historical records. The reason why those tyrants became kings was not only their own bravery, but also their unreserved trust and care for their soldiers."

"In front of him, all my secrets are hidden, and my sanity gradually disappears over time."

"That kind of feeling is not the impression a king should have on his warriors. But I, as a person, take impression points very seriously."

Having said this, Greyhound shook the ashes from the cigarette end in his right hand onto the ground, and pushed the ashes away with his leather-booted feet.

"What about you? It should be about the same."


W nodded. She didn't have a good impression of Tracys, for the same reason as Greyhound.

But more importantly, she was impressed by the king she recognized.

The light and hope I saw that day were not something a Sakaz mercenary should feel.

This is like poison, causing them to shift their fighting spirit from fighting for themselves to a goal that seems out of reach.

"Save the infected so that everyone can have a place to live and work in peace and contentment. Build a country where there are no longer barriers between people."

W recalled how he felt when he met Wang.

She clenched her fist subconsciously.

"This kind of innocent ideal sounds like a child's dream. But as long as it's her, she has the power to make people believe it."

"Yes, this is the difference between a true king and a false king."

The gray dog ​​nodded appreciatively, feeling the same feeling in the king.

"So, for a period of time after the king disappeared, I left the Tower of Babel and the false king on the grounds of investigating the cause of death."

he continued.

"I went to the ruins mentioned in the record, the coffin leading to the gods."

"What do you see?"

Intuition told W that Greyhound found the reason for him to be what he is today in that place.

The greyhound lowered his eyes.

"I followed the coordinates and route marked on the record, starting from Kazdare and walking all the way to the center of Kazdare. Then, I found nothing."


W felt that he might have heard wrong again.

"No...then you..."

"Yes, I found nothing. But there is definitely something there, at least something once existed there. Because when I went there, there was nothing except a whole underground cavity."

Greyhound's words were filled with calm.

"This is an experience that goes beyond common sense. You will never believe it. It's like an invisible hand has wiped everything out of the world. It's one or two hundred meters deep from the ground. I walked about five hundred meters away. The rice didn't reach the end, it was endless darkness and silence."

"My voice cannot fill the void, and not even the light of fire can light the way forward."

"Can you understand that feeling? That feeling of being forgotten by the world, only the darkness of being unable to discern the way forward."

"But being in such an environment, I felt more and more that Wang's death might just be a scam."

"It is absolutely impossible to do something with the current technology of Terra Continent. Why did such a huge ruin suddenly disappear? Where did it go? Is it a ruin left by the ancestors or a legacy left by the ancient dynasty?"

"Why did the king also disappear, and what is the connection with the god's coffin that was entered with the king's blood as mentioned in the records?"

Greyhound stared at W, hope burning in his eyes.

"Maybe the king is not dead yet."


"Doctor, it's time to wake up, doctor!"

"It's so late. If you want to sleep, just go to your room and sleep. Why did you fall asleep in the library..."

Drowsily, the doctor lifted his head from his arms.

He heard Amiya's voice.

"Doctor, I have packed all the books for you, and marked the places you read with bookmarks. You can leave the rest of the notes to yourself."

Amiya was seen standing on the raised stool, putting the books back on the bookshelf. Looking back, she saw the doctor waking up, then jumping off the stool and coming to the doctor's side.

"How do you feel? Is it hard?"

The doctor was confused. He blinked hard, then lay down behind the chair, and then stretched out his hand to wave to Amiya.

"It's's okay. I just suddenly thought of something and came over to look for information."

"Then why did you suddenly fall asleep? Doctor, no matter how hard you try, you will never do this. And according to the monitoring, you have been sleeping here for several hours!"

Amiya pointed to the clock on the wall next to her.


The doctor turned his head and took a look, and then realized that it was already two or three o'clock in the middle of the night.

Only then did he realize that he had slept for so long.

"It's okay, I'm really okay, Amiya doesn't have to worry."

"Humm...well, Dr. Kelsey happens to be in charge of your physical examination tomorrow. I will inform Dr. Kelsey to pay more attention then."

The doctor played two haha, which made Amiya temporarily relieved.

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