The doctor calmed down and stared at the notes on his desk, not knowing what he was thinking.

Amiya also knew the doctor's habit. Every time he fell asleep in these places, he would always think about it when he woke up. It was as if he had seen many things that inspired him in his dreams.

Amiya saw that the doctor was in good mental condition. There is no problem except for being a little sleepy and a little slow in activity.

She continued to organize the books on the library table.

But she had just put a few books back into place, and before she could get off the elevated bench, she heard the doctor ask.

" you know the legend of Terra?"

"Legend? What legend?"

Amiya was confused, why would the doctor ask such a thing?

I saw the doctor staring at his notes, what he had copied down, with some seemingly meaningless symbols drawn on them, and the doctor continued to speak.

"A generation ago, there was all darkness. Unknown heroes held fire high to light the people of Terra..."

"Ah, this? Isn't this the storybook that Sister Huang read to me before?"

Amiya was even more confused.

Doctor, you came to the library just to read storybooks?

The doctor's hand grabbed the pen, and he subconsciously moved his fingers, letting the pen fly on his fingertips.

"Amiya, do you think these legends are true history?"

"If it's a legend, isn't it...a legend?"

Amiya didn't expect the doctor to ask such a question, so she reorganized her words.

"Well, how should I put it? I think whether it's legend or history, it's all in the past. Just like what the story says, the hero did such great things and made people at that time live a better life. Have a good life."

"Whether it is true or not, the idea conveyed by this story must not be that we want us to kill each other, right?"

Amiya jumped off the bench.

"And, instead of expecting such a hero to appear again, why can't we allow ourselves to become such a hero?"

"Even if we don't have that power, such ideas and hopes are definitely not wrong."

Amiya's voice was not loud, but it was sonorous and powerful.

Even though she is not yet an adult, she can already vaguely see her magnanimity as a leader.

The doctor turned his head to look at Amiya, his vision a little blurry.

Amiya felt helpless when she saw the doctor's confused look.

"Okay, doctor, you should go and rest! Why are you struggling with these issues here? As I said, legends are legends, whether they are true or false are in the past tense!"

The doctor was half pushed and half urged by Amiya to pack up his notes and leave the library.

After saying goodbye to Amiya, the doctor walked on the way to his room, staring down at the ground.

"Regardless of whether it's true or false..."

As Amiya said, most of these legends are stories made up based on people's imagination.

But he vaguely remembered that those stories that only happened in legends were all true.


He seems to have seen that hero with his own eyes?

Please take a day off.


298. Eyebrows

"Front, don't let him escape!"

"Lao Yu, you go and intercept him from the side."

"Take orders!"

Amidst the flashing neon lights, a man wearing ordinary clothes was running through the streets at a speed that ordinary people could not understand.

His eyes were strangely bright red, and his running posture gradually changed from standing upright on both feet to using all fours together.

Among the countless signboards and street lamps, his limbs gradually became thicker, and even the red eyes looked darker.

The heavy breathing turned into a meaningless growl. But the hurried running posture still exposed the fact that he was in distress.

And this was just because three sergeants were chasing him.

If they were just ordinary people, it would be okay. With this kind of power beyond ordinary people, I would be confident enough to kill these ordinary soldiers in a few seconds.

That is the power obtained from the mysterious master, which can respond to one's own desires and become the role one wants to be.

But in the hands of these people, he couldn't even hold on for one round, and a huge gash was cut in his chest.

What made him even more frightened was that the wound that used to heal quickly was bleeding non-stop and showed no sign of healing.

All this was telling him a horrifying fact.

He will die.

He panicked and pushed away the passers-by in front of him. He was so anxious to get rid of the pursuers behind him that he didn't even notice that his limbs were different from those of ordinary people. Turned into an alley leading to the main road.

Just at the entrance of the alley, two black figures floated in like ghosts.

Just under the neon lights that illuminated the entire street, the colorful black on the fine fish scales and the long knife with fine patterns were instantly reflected.

The man ran to the dark side only focusing on one path, but all the rationality in his mind was lost due to the continuous overflow of blood and the rapid hematopoiesis of strange power.

Power has a price after all, and that adult reminded him when he gave him these things.

Don't trust your weak body too much, everything has its price. Even these powers that can work miracles are the same.

Once your life is on the line and you are in danger, it will certainly give you a chance to survive, but it will also make you no longer you.

But after tasting the sweetness of power again and again, he could no longer control himself, and just kept activating the power that seemed to have been gained without giving anything.

Until all reason was shrouded in black fog, and the light in front of his eyes gradually expanded.

The road is in front of you.


It was the sound of a long sword being unsheathed.

A heavy broadsword struck from top to bottom in front of the man who had transformed into a monster, and penetrated deep into the ground.

The black shadow fell, like clothes falling to the ground, without making any sound.

"Bastard! Go back!"


The black shadow raised its foot and hit the man's face, whose head had mutated.

The weird and bloated flesh on his face allowed him to bear this powerful kick, but he was also forced to stay where he was.


It's a meaningless roar, with no trace of joy or sorrow, just relying on the instinct of life to burn the last brilliance.

The monster raised its mutated animal-like limbs, and its nails stretched out like sharp knives, trying to tear the guy blocking him in half.

But his claws did not tear apart the flesh, but were cut in half by the sharp blade.

The sergeant used his agile body to pull out the long knife and slashed upwards. The sharp blade cut the limb into two sections, while the monster's stump limb quickly shrunk in size and finally returned to the size of a normal human hand. A huge pool of blood was also left behind.

Before the monster had time to react, he just heard the sound of a long sword being unsheathed behind him.

The next moment, his eyes flew into the air, and when he looked back, he saw a beast-like body without a head, and a bright silver long knife.

What kind of monster is this?

The last moment of clarity in his mind only left him with a question that he could think about before going to the underworld, and then he was cut into two parts by another sword light.

The three long knives drooped, and the black mist emanating from the monster's dead body was absorbed by the three people surrounding the monster, and gathered on their long knives, armor, and visors.

It wasn't until the faceplate illuminated a white light in the black mist that the black mist emitted an unwilling hiss and was absorbed by the long knife in their hands.

At this time, when I looked at the monster's body, I could only see a normal human corpse in ragged clothes.

The clothes on his body were completely shredded by the mutation, leaving only some fragments sandwiched by swollen flesh and blood.

The long swords were sheathed, and the three Jinyi guards took off the visors on their faces. The lines on their faces looked so childish. But there are a few obvious wrinkles. This weird youth and aging coexist on them in an extremely twisted way.

"What monster is this?"

"The third."

One of the Jin Yiwei replied.

"This is the third time in the past two days. I don't know how much the brothers from other teams have gained."

"Although this is a military achievement, before the military achievements, they were also ordinary people of Great Yan. We cannot call them gains."

Jin Yiwei, who was obviously more mature, said a lesson.

"It's pity that we, the people of Great Yan, are bewitched by this demon species. You must not regard them as monsters. They are all the sins of this demon species."


The other two Jin Yiwei nodded in agreement and quickly admitted their mistakes.

The captain straddled the long knife, took out a round coin from his belt, pressed the sensor in the middle of the coin, squatted down, lifted the monster's body, and pressed it under his belly.

This is a marker used by Jin Yiwei when enforcing the law in the city.

Used to mark the monsters you have solved and notify special logistics troops to clean up the scene. In this way, the frontline guards can mark their prey and explain the battle situation in detail in the subsequent document report.

At the same time, it can also save time for the Jin Yiwei.

"Okay, let's close the team. The work these days is not the focus. The important thing is the adult we are going to meet in two days."

The captain stood up and clapped his hands. His gauntlets were made of special material. Even the weirdly viscous blood didn't stick to it, as if it was born without blood.

"You mean, that adult?"

One of the team members couldn't help but feel a little excited when he spoke.

"I heard that he is in Shang Shu?"

"You are a little kid, but you just heard some gossip."

The captain laughed and scolded and patted the team member on the head, then nodded and said.

"But your news is correct. Our great general of Dayan is in Shang Shu."


Two days have passed since the exchange with W and Greyhound, and there has been no news from Nian and Ling.

Wenstein and the Immortal have been staying in the hotel for the past few days and haven't gone anywhere.

Lord Liang Xun's confidant, Yan Di, has been staying at the hotel these days, ready to serve the Immortal's needs.

The undead man had been silent, which made both Yan Di and Liang Xun feel a little strange.

Logically speaking, the undead man's previous attitude toward demons was so disgusting that he shouldn't have stopped suddenly.

It wasn't until people came from the capital that Liang Xun was too busy to think about the undead's actions.

Yes, a group of people came from the capital and began to conduct large-scale searches in Shang Shu.

Even Si Suitai did not continue to contact Liang Xun.

Nian Heling had been calm these past few days as if nothing had happened, which made the undead a little panicked.

It wasn't until last night that Chen's arrival made the undead pay attention to another matter again.

That is, the establishment of the Southern Expedition Army.

When Chen came to the hotel to look for the undead, she was carrying a bag of strange things. According to Chen, it was a gift from an elder.

The elder also got rid of Chen and gave a token to the immortal. With Chen's explanation, the immortal knew that the elder was the old Heavenly Master hidden in Shang Shu.

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