Just before people could react, the two weapons collided together again.

The clanking sound of steel collided like a giant net covering everyone's hearing.

The hot straight knife was burning with red flames.

Every time he swings, the blade will pass through the air and leave a trail of tail flames.

Fixed blades themselves have also become tougher.

And Melanza, who stood up again, seemed to be more comfortable when faced with the expert's attack again.

Her body has been greatly strengthened.

Not only is the strength able to go head-to-head with experts, but in terms of speed, it is also able to keep up with experts' attacks, instead of just relying on muscle memory like before.

Her eyes could follow the sword in her hand and the movements of the expert.

Melanza only felt that the world had slowed down a lot in her perception, and she could actually see the expert's knife path clearly.

The straight knife and the hammer knife collided with each other. The two blades forged from special materials only trembled slightly without any signs of breakage.

The momentum and the wind of the sword tore off the branches of the flowers swaying on the ground in the initial furnace.

The petals kept flying along with the two people's blades, forming an approximately circular circle around the two people.

It was stuck in the air due to the shock wave caused by the collision and could not fall back to the ground.

The swords in the hands of the two danced faster and faster, and the dense sounds occupied everyone's eardrums.

Up to now, ordinary people can no longer see clearly the trajectory of their swords. They can only see the looming shadows and the flash of the sharp sword light.

Only some warriors could barely see the direction of the battle between the two.

"So fast..."

Morton, who had been watching the game intently, subconsciously sighed like this.

If Melanza had attacked him in this state, I'm afraid Morton himself wouldn't have been able to sustain it for even a minute.

He could barely make out the blade marks of the two men. But if he was asked to resist such an attack, he would definitely not be able to react.

Ya Dao also stopped talking. Both of them have their own strengths in swordsmanship. But it can be seen that it is the same Eastern swordsmanship as the base.

Yato, who has been practicing Dongguo swordsmanship for a long time, actually feels that he can gain some new insights from the duel between the two.

Unknowingly, has Melanza grown up to look like this?

The battle between the two continued, and everyone thought that Melanza was finally evenly matched with the experts.

But only Melanza herself knew that she didn't have much time.


Melanza gritted her teeth. After all, she was neither immortal nor ashes. Even if you get the approval of the flame, you still have to bear the pain caused by the flame.

Yes, her strength has indeed been enhanced to a certain extent. But her frail body could not bear such side effects.

Carrying the power of fire in an ordinary human body is going against nature.

Melanza could feel that her skin was drying up at a slow speed, and her heart and nasal cavity could produce severe burning pain with every breath.

And the power in her body, which was full from the beginning, was lost with every slash.

She had less than five minutes left.

If, within these five minutes, she couldn't find any way to defeat this heroic spirit, then she would surely wither away quietly after blooming brilliantly.

She couldn't accept this ending.

The expert also seemed to feel that Melanza's power was gradually and evenly weakening with each slash.

He is not in a hurry to attack. As long as the two of them remain evenly matched, he will definitely win in the end.

The battle of life and death is inherently outcome-oriented with victory.

And Melanza would rather be defeated by the experts again than remain evenly matched and be dragged to death by the experts.

Therefore, she no longer resisted the expert's attack, but deliberately took a step to the side.

The blade of the knife passed through Melanza's temples, cutting off a strand of purple hair. The hair floated in the air with the blade, and was completely covered by the flames in the next moment, turning into a piece of hair during the burning. A mass of ashes.

Melanza, who dodged the knife attack, took a step forward, pressed against the expert's chest, and slashed upward with the knife.

If the expert had not planned to turn around and put away the knife, he would have been disemboweled by the knife.

So he did put away the knife, holding it horizontally in front of him. After resisting Melanza's blade, he also took a step forward.

The distance between the two was less than one meter.

At such a distance, the blade can cut off a piece of meat or an arm with just a slight turn.

And the game between the two has reached this point, which is the most dangerous moment.

None of them chose to retreat. At this time, whoever retreats will be at a disadvantage and be chased and beaten by the other side.

As an expert in swordsmanship, he can naturally understand the situation. So he not only wanted to take another step, but also used this step to completely defeat Melanza.

The blade that was originally blocking her chest turned and slashed diagonally towards Melanza's left shoulder.

And Melanza didn't even intend to dodge. She also pressed the blade of the knife and slashed it towards the expert's lower abdomen.

The blade of the knife pressed the blade of the straight knife underneath, and while the two of them were wrestling, the edge of the knife was drawn towards their bodies at the same time.

The blades in the flames rubbed against each other, causing sparks to fly and fall on the skin of the two people, leaving some deep and shallow marks.

But no one stopped, and the blade cut through the corner of the clothes fiercely and decisively with the intention of killing the opponent.


There were two simultaneous sounds of the blade entering flesh.

Two streams of blood flew out from different directions.

The distance between their bodies was even closer. After the attack with the blade ended, the two turned over the handle of the knife at the same time and struck the other person's head with the bottom of the handle.


Arms collided with each other, and the two of them raised one leg at the same time and kicked each other in the abdomen.

Their calves collided, and the two finally took a breath and took a step back from the continuous attack like a wave.


The expert held the knife with one hand, exhaled a breath, and then breathed it into his lungs again.

A huge wound stretched from his lower abdomen to the side of his ribs, dripping with blood.

And Melantha wasn't much better.

A piece of flesh was removed from her left shoulder. If it weren't for the timely adjustment, I'm afraid that my left arm would have been completely removed by the sword just now.

But even if she made effective evasion, it would be even more difficult for Melanza to hold the knife with both hands.

Melanza's left hand trembled slightly, and she gripped the handle of the knife under the palm of her right hand.

The girl forcibly controlled her shaking body, and the flames burned at the wound, quickly stopping the bleeding. Her body was also recovering from the intense energy consumption.

As long as she breathes, the flames will protect her and forge her into a battle-hardened body.

Therefore, Melanza must not waste time.

Before the flames burn her out, she must kill the heroic spirit or fall by his sword.

Just getting a chance to breathe, Melanza took a breath and immediately stepped forward with the knife again, slashing from top to bottom with the knife.

The expert's reaction was also extremely quick. He raised the knife above his head and blocked the knife. Then he immediately stepped forward, wiped the blade of the knife, turned around, and slashed Melanza's chest with the knife.

The two figures were entangled again. But this time, the jingling sound was much less.

Only those with good eyesight can be horrified to see the doorway from the violent attack.

It's not that the number of confrontations has decreased, but that they chose to give up defense almost at the same time.

When faced with an attack, try your best to use your body skills to avoid it, instead of choosing to resist the direction of the blade.

The two blades were constantly scratching each other's clothes, but there were few attacks that would leave marks on the other party's body.

The two of them simultaneously relied on each other's blade to stage a drama about walking on the blade.

Sometimes, facing the same slash, they would dodge in almost the same direction.

Well-deserved as an expert, until now. Even after exchanging injuries with the opponent, the expert's movements were still as plain as water.

And Melanza showed even more murderous intent, every sword strike was extremely sharp, and she had the aura to cut the opponent into pieces without any hesitation, and she pressed on the expert.

The confrontation between the two seems to have entered the final stage, and no one cares about their own safety anymore.

He also chose to attack like a storm.

Their physical strength was consumed almost simultaneously, and their movements could no longer be as smooth as expected.

Just one minute after the confrontation again, several scars left by each other appeared on the two people's bodies.

The expert's thigh was gurgling with blood, and half of his thumb was cut off from his left hand. The hair tied behind his head had to be let down, and one third of it was even chopped off by Melanza with a knife. 0

As for the girl, her injuries were even more serious.

On Melanza's cheek, a hideous wound cut through the skin that had become dry and dull, completely destroying the entire beautiful cheek.

Not only were the wounds caused by the experts, but the pressure of the flames on her body had reached a point that was close to the limit.

Her originally well-maintained fingers had completely withered, and the bark-like skin was attached to the atrophied muscles, and the muscles were wrapped around the phalanges, like the palm of a long-dead mummy.

And her face had long lost its beauty as a girl's, and had almost turned into a skull in the flames.

Lava-like lines were still running around her body. Today's Melanza is like an evil ghost crawling out of hell.

But she didn't know that she had become what she was now, and she didn't care.

Melantha now has only one thought in her mind.

Kill the enemies in front of you.


The blades collided again, and after a short period of wrestling, the two took a step back at the same time.

Both of them understood that the other party had reached the final stage and was running out of gas.

There is only one last straw left to bring it down completely.

So, they made the same choice.

The blade crossed the sheath mouth and rubbed against the steel sheath mouth, making a sharp sound.

Both blades were sheathed at the same time.

The two chose the same way to end the battle.

Melanza leaned down and pressed down, holding the upper part of the scabbard with the trembling palm of her left hand, while her right hand rested lightly on the handle of the knife like a feather.

The expert also lowered his upper body in the same posture. His left hand with half of his thumb broken off used his last effort to hold the scabbard, and his right hand held the handle of the knife.

Combat Skills (Iai)

The petals gradually stabilized in the air and were no longer led by the wandering blade.

Ashes also gradually fell in the air, completely revealing the appearance of the two people.

Time seemed to have stopped, and the two bodies on the field no longer moved at all.

Only the sound of flowers swaying in the breeze and the faint breathing of the two people were left.

Then, it was like time was cut apart.

No one could realize what had just happened.

It was so fast that neither eyes nor consciousness could catch it.

The flower petals and swords that were still floating in the air were instantly blown away by the misty wind created by the intersection of the two, and swept around.

Only two dazzling sword lights could be seen flashing by, and their figures exchanged positions in an instant.

Like a meteor that flashed by, it left behind a light and disappeared in an instant.

An arm flew into the sky, accompanied by splashes of blood, attracting everyone's attention.

They didn't see clearly until the blades they held in their arms fell to the ground and collided with the weapons thrust into the ground, making a pinging sound.

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