Melanza was about to subconsciously ask what it was when she saw a tentacle reaching behind Kelsey like a shadow.

At this moment, Kelsey still had an amiable smile on her face.

Soon enough, the sharp bone blade cut off the originally extremely fast tentacle. The broken tentacle was on the ground and was nailed to death by another bone blade. Then the power above seemed to return to Mon3tor's body. Same, completely shriveled up.

Kelsey reached out and pinched their cheeks again, then kept the smile she had just now.

"Now that you've had enough rest, let's run."

"Don't look back."

Kelsey stretched out her hand and pushed the two of them toward the stairs.

Melanza was still a little worried and wanted to look back, but Keob grabbed her arm.

"Don't worry!"

Keob said confidently.

"It's Kelsey's mother who's back!"

"??" Melanza really didn't understand what Kyobe was talking about, and why she called Kelsey her mother.

"Oh, let's go, let's go find Fusei Leng!"

Then, Melanza was dragged towards the upper floor by Ciobe.

Only a figure with white hair was left standing at the top of the stairs, smiling and waving to them.

Suddenly, the white luster on her hair seemed to dim.

Between light and shadow, it slowly soaked into deep black.

434. The approaching storm

After Melanza and Kiobe completely disappeared from sight, Kelsey put down her right hand that she had been waving, and then turned her head.

When she turned back, the smile on her face had completely disappeared and turned into a kind of indifference and disdain.

Mon3tor, who was standing in front of her, was confronting Thearesia in the distance who had completely transformed into a nightmare form.

However, when Kelsey turned around, Mon3tor paused for a moment before following Nightmare Theresa's attack and constantly defending.

However, at the next moment, the entire Mon3tor seemed to melt instantly, shrinking and expanding outwards, and then melted into a black ball of water.

Kelsey's hair began to rapidly change from the original silvery white to black when Mon3tor's body melted it into a black water ball.

The changes that had been suppressed in front of Melanza and Kiobe were now unbridled.

Kelsey watched as the nightmare manically stretched out its unique tentacles once again and attacked towards her.

She raised her right hand and flicked her index finger towards the sky.

The entire water ball formed by Mon3tor unfolded in an instant.

As a plane, completely sealing the entire stairwell, Mon3tor transformed into a wall, blocking all attacks from Theresia.

"I'm so sorry, kids, but mommy needs your help."

Kelsey spoke softly, her words full of tenderness.

"Just stay here and come back to me when you can't hold it anymore, okay?"

Kelsey seemed to be talking to someone, but strangely, there was no one around her.

On the contrary, the black wall transformed by Mon3tor in front of her had a little ripples. Just like water waves spreading, it trembled twice quickly.

"What a good mother's boy. Good children get candy."

With that said, Kelsey took off the sugar coating from the last candy in her hand and threw it towards the black wall in front of her.

When the candy touched the wall, it immediately split open and blended into the black wall.

In an instant, the overall hardness and solidity of the wall were greatly improved.

The Nightmare, which was originally able to hit outwards to create a dent in the wall, could only create a shallow pit when it faced the wall again.

Kelsey had already turned around and walked towards the ninth floor unhurriedly.

From that room, after ending the conversation with the nightmare, Kelsey has been sorting out her thoughts.

She found a source, and that was her name.

It seems like her name never changes. Even though tens of thousands of years have passed, Kelsey's name is still the same.

Starting from this, she tried to separate and analyze the tangled ball of silk as much as possible.

Then, she found the answer to her current problem.

As a son of the deep sea, Kelsey has also found her own purpose.

And her purpose was to stand above the lives of people at that time and achieve the safety of those who came after her.

Therefore, even in the words of the doctor and those phantoms, Kelsey was very gentle before, but she was definitely not an indecisive person.

She has always been the one who has the clearest estimate of the value of life, even more so than the doctor, a guy called the evil spirit.

If not, how could she face so many children on the operating table?

Moreover, these children were created by her hands.

You must kill your own creation with your own hands, dissect him, and then use the changes in his body to find clues to provide the next generation of new humans with stronger survival capabilities.

This is her duty.

The creator, Kelsey, has never been a kind person.

In a sense, her mission is more torturous than that of the Doctor, and she is the only one who can endure this journey that lasts tens of thousands of years.

Because as early as ten thousand years ago, she killed her child with her own hands.

More than one.

Medical treatment and research do require sacrifices, and Kelsey knows this better than anyone.

Those children's fear of pain and trust in Kelsey surrounded her body as a child of the abyss, and were gradually absorbed.

When she lost her first body, these pure fears and malice became a gift that Kelsey was unwilling to face.

From then on, Kelsey has been with the bodies and souls of her children, which will be the source of her strength and the source of her suffering.

Of course children like their mothers.

Even though she lowered her head and examined the wounds on her body with emotionless eyes. Even if she cuts open her own head with a sharp scalpel.

They still believe in their mother and believe that she can bring them the future she promised.

A world where you don't have to spend your life in a laboratory.

That world of green grass and golden sunshine.

But now, Kelsey needs some little help from her children.

Kelsey is lost. She wants to find her past self, which means she has to learn to face the complaints of her children.

But what child doesn’t love his mother?

These complaints eventually turned into obedience and trust in Kelsey.

Kelsey slowly stepped onto the stairs to the ninth floor.

Here she wants to face her heart and find her former self.

She also wanted to see if the child who had traveled with her had left any special gifts for herself.

On the other side, the silt aggregate is still moving forward tirelessly.

Its destination, everyone knew, was the tenth floor of this giant ship.

Even the immortal can probably guess why.

Like some kind of special ritual, the closer to the tenth level, the harder the surface of the silt aggregate became. Until the sixth level, the greyhound's ordinary slashes could no longer break through the monster's defense.

With its hard exterior and flexible internal force, the strength of the silt polymer is constantly growing.

This ship seemed to have become its ascendant to the gods. The further down the ladder it went, the more power it had regained.

Starting from the fifth floor, Haiji continued to appear on the floors. But unexpectedly, these heirs did not attack the undead.

Instead, he launched an attack towards the silt aggregate.

Under the astonished eyes of Greyhound and W, they rushed out from their side and launched a fierce attack on the aggregate.

However, such an attack is like mantis trying to use its arms as a chariot. Once a sea heir approaches the side of the silt aggregate, it will be dragged by the small tendrils emerging from the silt, soaked in the silt, and finally melted by the silt like gastric juice, becoming part of the silt aggregate. .

"This is..."

The greyhound was starting to get confused, he couldn't understand. In this dream, aren't there just two forces on their side and the master of the dream?

Why did the Haihe who originally belonged to the Dream suddenly attack this aggregate that also belonged to the Dream?

"Don't worry about this yet, be careful!"

W only had time to shout and reach out to push away the greyhound standing next to her.

Greyhound and W pushed to both sides, and a tendril just crossed the gap between them, completely binding Haiji who had just appeared behind them, and then dragged him into the mud.

The second before the sea heir was completely submerged, he even looked at the gray dog ​​with his two pairs of eyes.

After Greyhound was stared directly into those eyes, he stood there stunned for two seconds before he realized what he was doing and ran back quickly.

The two kept retreating, not daring to go to the battlefield directly in front where the undead were in charge.

Just when the two of them were retreating, they saw something suddenly fly back above their heads.

They saw a black armored warrior over their heads, fell to the ground, rolled twice, then immediately adjusted his balance from the ground, leaned over and propped himself up.


The gray dog ​​went over and stretched out a hand to the undead man, and the undead man followed the strength of the gray dog's arm to stand up, and then continued to retreat with the two of them.

Without any time to explain, the three of them continued running towards the lower floors. In the direction they were heading, countless heirs emerging from the rooms on both sides rushed against their direction and rushed towards the silt aggregate.

The three of them could only protect their bodies as much as possible to prevent themselves from being cut by various organs on Hai He's body in this wave of sea heir.

Finally, the undead man found the room with golden runes, kicked it open, and then rushed in with Greyhound and W.

After the door was closed by the undead, the breathing of the three people could be clearly heard in the sudden silence.

It was even said that Greyhound and W had several more wounds on their bodies.

Greyhound raised his right hand, and there were two more cuts on his arm, both of which were made by the sea heirs in the sea heir tide when they collided.

W was even worse. There was a penetrating wound on her thigh. But no bones were broken, which was the best thing.

However, the situation is already very serious.

Because of their most important fighting power, the undead were also injured.

The undead man's left hand hung down, and blood flowed outwards along the undead man's broken gauntlet, dripping on the ground, making a ticking sound.


Greyhound naturally discovered something strange about the undead.

Knowing the seriousness of this matter, Greyhound didn't even have time to rest, and ran to the undead man to check his wounds.

"Wound? Or is it disabled?"


The undead man shook his head, letting the gray dog ​​feel at ease first.

Then he raised his right hand.

The flames formed a spark in his hand. However, the spark flashed several times before it managed to condense into a crimson magic fire.

The undead man took a deep breath and activated the spell fire in his hand, turning it into a soft light that could float in the air.

Spell (warming fire)

Under the reflection of this soft golden light, the three of them felt that their bodies had softened, their limbs were warm, and their previous fatigue was quickly fading away.

The undead stretched out his hand and pulled off the damaged part of the armor to prevent the broken armor fragments from expanding the wound due to continued movement.

The outflow of blood was gradually stopped by the light, and the wounds squirmed and closed at a slow speed, trying to heal the bloody bodies.

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