At this time, none of the three said anything.

This is so weird, weird and desperate.

The huge nightmare that cannot be hurt, Haiji, who was originally their enemy, attacked the sludge monster at this time.

There is also more and more powerful power, and one's own side is constantly being consumed.

At this time, everyone is almost out of ammunition and food, so it’s a good thing that W’s Originium explosives were reappeared in a dream. But the greyhound and the undead really need a little magic and can't use it.

Greyhound felt like his head was starting to feel dizzy. He had consumed too much mental energy. Wanting to continue activating the Origin Stone skills was no longer easy, but had become a burden.

If he had to condense various crystals to fight for himself, Greyhound would probably have to pass out.

Isn't this the case with immortal people?

When he just used this simple spell, sparks flashed two or three times.

After losing the supply of First Fire, the undead people have thrown out countless spells in an attempt to delay the progress of the silt.

Whether it's a thunder gun used as a single-point blast, or a chaotic fireball that covers the ground and stops the silt from advancing.

Even the undead still used many high-level miracles to see if they could cause any damage to the silt aggregate.

The answer is that while miracles do work, not much.

It was even said that these wounds were re-covered by the slowly spreading sludge after only a few seconds.

Too much mental power has been consumed by the undead, but there is no effect at all.

The doctor really doesn't treat them as human beings.

The obstruction he mentioned was really the kind of trying to block its progress in every possible way without causing any harm.

Everyone rested for less than two minutes before they stood up from the ground again.

"Let's go."

Greyhound stretched out his hand to wipe away the blood from the corner of his mouth. After regaining some of his energy, he became active again.

"Don't force yourself, brother. If you can't do it anymore, you can still say it."

At this time, Greyhound still had the heart to joke with the undead.

The undead man glanced at Greyhound, and of course he knew that Greyhound was deliberately irritating him.

But thanks to him being a greyhound, the atmosphere between the three of them was not so serious.

The undead man put the cleaned arm armor back on his arm and fixed it, and the fragments in the gaps in the arm armor had also been cleaned up.

"Let's go."


Just when the undead man was about to go to the next level, the seventh level.

In a certain room on the seventh floor, a small flame lit up in the darkness.

A bonfire appeared out of thin air amid the sparks, and flames ignited from the ashes at the bottom, igniting the entire sword body together.

As a result, two white traces of runes appeared on the ground in the room.

The sparks ignited the traces of runes and transformed into two half-crouching figures.

It was Gladia and Laurentina.

The two of them looked at each other as soon as they opened their eyes, and then raised their weapons at the same time.

The chainsaw roared as it rotated, slicing open the still sleeping Haiji's body beside him.

Changsha also penetrated Haiji's head hanging on the wall in the swirling storm.

After cleaning the room, they put away their weapons and began to look at the room.

“Very familiar decor...”

Laurentina looked at the shapes in the room around her, her eyes gradually widening.

"Are we back to Agor?!"

"Not Agor, but close."

Gladia hung her long hair behind her back, reached out and picked up a book on the bookshelf next to her, and said.

"Ark Arc, finally arrived."

435. Fighting against dream objects

If we want to say that the people who suffered the most tragic casualties in the war against Haihe must be the people of Agor.

However, in the face of this war, those who were almost wiped out among the Agor people had to talk about the deep-sea hunters.

This is not a population, this is a cluster produced for a certain function.

They are the people of Agor, but they also have the responsibility to protect the people and hunt the heirs.

Agor has been fighting Haihei since he was born. This kind of tradition, even to Gladia's generation, can't explain why.

Even though everyone is saying that Haihe is the devil and the manifestation of the will of the ocean.

But only the deep-sea hunters remain silent about this, and always engage in silent hunting.

It's not that they don't have time to participate in discussions among the people of Agol.

But because they discovered an astonishing fact, this fact was enough to reverse the spiritual will of the entire Agor people so far, making everyone understand that what they had always believed was wrong.

And this fact gradually fermented in Gladia's mind.

As the captain of the second detachment of the deep-sea hunter group and one of Agor's military governors, Gladia naturally has the right to access many deeper secrets.

For example, the research on Hai Hei and the excavation of one's own history.

Agor has a long history, and their technological level is enough to conquer the land countless times.

However, according to the lessons that the country of Agor has always taught, no one will actually set foot on land.

Until that time of great silence.

Many Agor people were sent to the land without their knowledge. They brought their technology and abilities to the land and lived together with people of other races.

And just ten years after these people left Agor, the Great Silence broke out.

The Great Silence dragged Agor into the bottomless abyss, and all the deep-sea hunters were dragged into a curse during that battle.

From now on, all the deep-sea hunters who participated in the hunt will no longer be able to sleep peacefully.

They will hunt the heirs in their dreams, trying to stay awake during endless battles.

Or let yourself be captured by Hai Hei, become part of the dream, and in turn harm your own people.

Today, there are only three deep-sea hunters left alive and maintaining contact with the group.

And Gladia naturally doesn't need to keep that secret, she will no longer keep silent about Laurentina.

But what is puzzling is that Laurentina seems to have never raised that question.

Perhaps during the years of being tortured by the Origin Stone, Laurentina also noticed her own differences and found her own answer.

But when she actually faced Hai Hei and the scales on her chest grew wantonly again, Gladia finally understood.

Dreamland, this unique battlefield, is not actually a disaster.

But a curse, a curse that tries to make them understand "who" they are supposed to be.

Perhaps it's not just the deep-sea hunters, but other Iberians who were dragged into the dream, or other groups who accidentally traveled to Iberia and fell into nightmares. This is the same.

They should have the same language, use the same words, and live together in the same country.

But now they are separated for some reason.

This dream will show them "reality" and also unearth the true power of mankind.

And facing this reality is part of this curse.

Gladia was eager to end this dream precisely because it was something that was not allowed.

She knew deeply that the so-called reality was just a precursor to another disaster.

That will be the end in which everything falls into great silence.


Gladia shouted softly, and the storm gathered on the spear in her hand suddenly condensed, clinging to the tip of the blade like a small tornado.

Along with the swirling dance of the deep-sea hunters, the storm around her gathered together with the water vapor that appeared out of thin air.

It broke up the mud that was supposed to crawl up her body, and stabbed it diagonally into the chest of the huge monster.

Laurentina, who was shouted out by Gladia, wildly waved the spinning chainsaw.

In her hand, the chainsaws that pressed the switch crisscrossed rapidly, and the sparks that kept exploding in the collision of the saw teeth, like Gladia's long spear, smashed into the monster's chest.

The violent chainsaw tore apart the outer mud as it rotated, almost cutting through the body.

But when Laurentina regained her strength and jumped back, the gap that had been cut began to recover in the blink of an eye.

By the time Laurentina and Gladia took two steps back to avoid the splashing mud, the wound on the huge monster's chest had almost healed.

"This guy...can't be killed!"

Laurentina smashed the chainsaw to the ground with her right hand, holding on to her chainsaw and breathing slightly.

"I always think this thing is a bit strange. Logically speaking, dreams will not give us a monster that cannot be solved."

Gladia has been walking in dreams for decades. It can be said that there are few people who understand dreams better than them deep sea hunters.

"Unless this monster is not our prey."

Gladia found the answer very quickly and told it.

"This is Ark Alk. It is a scene in the memory of people from an ancient period, so this monster should also have its origin."

"Alke has clues that can lead to Agor, and the main purpose of this monster is not us."

Gladia's eyes lit up.

"It's going down, and it has a reason to go down! There must be something attracting it below!"

At this moment, the aggregate composed of layers of black sludge began to deform and twist irregularly.

In front of Gladia's eyes, it expanded again and turned into a round black giant ball.

And the next moment, the giant black ball suddenly shrank inward like it was breathing, and then something like raindrops broke a hole from the outside of the giant ball, shooting out thousands of black balls in all directions. arrow.


Laurentina only had time to shout out, and she had already begun to try to avoid the arrows, which were as dense as rain.

Gladia also saw those arrows stabbing towards her, her pupils shrank slightly, and the storm on her long hair became manic in an instant.

The fierce wind blew the nun's hat off Laurentina's head, and after the storm and water vapor gathered together, Gladia pushed her in front of her.

A vortex like a waterspout gathered in front of the two people.

The black arrow that was originally flying towards the two people changed its direction in the face of the suction of the vortex, spinning from the middle and shooting out in a straight line towards the back of the two people.

Gladia gritted her teeth to maintain the vortex, but there were too many black arrows, and its kinetic energy was too strong. The vortex almost broke apart after just surviving the first wave.

Laurentina ignored the bruises on her body, she spotted a room next to her, grabbed Gladia and hid towards the door frame of that room.

The tornado shattered almost instantly after losing the support of Gladia.

The manic arrows once again swept through the entire corridor, walls, ceilings, and floors. Nothing was spared, and the black arrows were pierced to a depth of several centimeters.

Fortunately, Laurentina reacted quickly enough and pressed Gladia between the door and the door frame. She also got close to Gladia, hugging her and trying to reduce the extent of her body exposure. .

The entire "heavy rain" lasted for more than ten seconds. By the time everything calmed down, the entire corridor was almost unrecognizable from its original appearance.

And those black arrows that were shot, after remaining silent for a period of time, changed from an extremely hard posture to a soft silt-like liquid.

As if it had consciousness, the continuously falling liquid fell to the ground, paving a black road to the front for the entire silt aggregate.

Gladia reached out and patted Laurentina's shoulder. She was about to remind her that she could let go of herself, but she reached out and touched a blood-red mark.

"Laurenti... wake up!"

She understood in an instant that Laurentina had not completely escaped this storm-like attack.

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