Greyhound also asked a few questions casually.

Scout listen, he said.

"It was originally very dangerous, but there are indeed some things we need, so Kelsey asked our elite operators to do these things."


The gray dog ​​nodded, indicating that he understood.

Just when Scout was about to continue reading the book in his hand with concentration, Greyhound suddenly said something.

"Eh? Are the spears that Ober left behind at that moment still there? Are they the ones in the corridors on the seventh and eighth floors?"

"No? I didn't see it when I went there."

Scout replied casually, saying that he didn't see it.

But when he finished speaking, he seemed to realize something. He raised his eyes slightly and glanced at the gray dog ​​over there.

"Is this so..."

Greyhound also stared at the book in front of him, and he turned the next page leisurely.

Just when Scout was about to look away, a flash of bright blue light suddenly exploded from the corner of his sight.

A dagger that was entirely crystal blue shot out within a very short distance, stabbing Scout between the eyebrows.

Scout used the book in his hand to resist and turned his head away.

But just behind his sight, another straight sword was condensed and stabbed directly into Scout's neck.

Scout shouted, shocked and angry.

"Greyhound! What are you doing! Are you crazy?!"

But the gray dog ​​over there was unmoved, his eyes were extremely calm, and he continued to hand out the straight sword in his hand.

Scout could only try his best to dodge, but unfortunately the angle here was narrow, and all possible dodge angles had been blocked by Greyhound.

He tried to get a chance to escape by kicking the greyhound in the vitals.

But Gray Dog seemed to have figured out everything. He dodged to the side, and the long sword in his hand was deconsolidated and turned into specks of light and disappeared into the air.

The hand that originally held the sword transformed into a palm shape, and struck Scout hard under the chin.

Scout was hit in the throat and felt uncomfortable for a while.

After being dazzled, a crystal blue short knife was already pressed against the side of Scout's head.


Scout still wanted to speak, but his throat had just been violently slashed, and now he couldn't speak at all.

"I was not sure whether I came in alone or if everyone came in."

Greyhound's tone was extremely calm, which was completely opposite to the irritability he had been in these past few days.

"But thank you for your answer. At least I can confirm that you are not Scout."

So, before Scout could speak, Greyhound stabbed the side of Scout's head with the dagger in his hand.

Just when Greyhound's dagger had just pierced the skin, the Scout he had imprisoned suddenly lost some of his human form in front of Greyhound's own eyes.

The appearance of the body's surface has been transformed into a viscous flesh, as if it has been mosaicized.

As Greyhound's dagger pierced the head stuck in Greyhound's arms, the disguised Haiji gradually lost the ability to move after a pointless struggle.

Greyhound let out a breath, loosened his arms around Haiji's body, then turned his head and looked at the wall beside him.

The struggle between the two just now should have left traces on the wall, but there were no traces of damage at all.

Just as he thought, no matter how hard he tried on this ship, the environment would not change at all.

Because this is not a real ship.

Unknowingly, Greyhound entered the dreamland again. Even he himself didn't realize immediately that it was a dream.

However, there is always some strange perception that interferes with Greyhound's external perception, making him very sensitive to the passage of time.

This also led to the discovery of some flaws in the dream.

W's knife fell to the ground twice, but it didn't leave even a scratch on the wooden floor.

The traces of engraved cypress that Greyhound asked about were actually traces left in dreams.

Moreover, Ciobe did not follow the people from Rhode Island to Iberia at all. Not only should Scout not know about Ciobe, but he should not know about the marks of the fight that Ciobe still left down there.

This means that this ship is exactly the scene pieced together from the previous broken dream.

So, now that he knows he is dreaming, what should the greyhound do?

Getting up from the bed, Greyhound pushed the door open and walked out.

No matter how the dream changes, there is one thing that can never be restored 100%.


450.Agor has arrived

When he opened his eyes again, Greyhound subconsciously formed a crystal blue sharp blade in his hand, pointed it at the figure in front of him and swung it over.

He didn't even care if he was lying on the ground, he just knew. If he doesn't take action and strike first, then he will do it all over again.

After finally finding the way out of nearly ten dream loops, he burned himself to death by the fire. He didn't want to experience the feeling of being burned by the flames again.

However, just when the Greyhound's sharp blade was about to swipe across the neck of the figure in front of him, a heavy anchor was swung over.

Accurately hitting the middle of Greyhound's sharp blade, cutting his condensed crystal straight sword into two pieces.

The figure in front of him easily grasped the severed crystal blade with two fingers of his other hand.

"Okay, you're awake."

A calm and emotionless voice sounded in Greyhound's ears.

At the same time, a foot kicked Greyhound's hand that was holding the sword hilt, and then pressed his knee against the hand that he subconsciously opened, crushing his hand to the ground.

At this time, Greyhound realized that he was lying on the ground, and there was a person kneeling on him in front of him.

The person who held him down was a masked man, who pressed his knee against Greyhound's palm.

After realizing that his resistance had no effect, Greyhound still chose to speak.


"Okay, relax a little. Now you have broken free from the dream. Anyway, you are among the first among the Rhode Island operators to wake up."

The man's weapon in front of him was stuck next to the Greyhound's neck.

As long as the gray dog ​​makes any move, he has a hundred ways to kill him.

Greyhound naturally knows that the situation is stronger than the person. Even though he still suspected that this was a dream, he still asked.

"How to prove it? And, who are you?"

The man looked at Greyhound and spoke.

"I am the one who helped you. If it weren't for me, your body would have been transported out of the Argor by these heirs, and then sent to some strange place."

"As for how to prove it, if you are willing to give me even a little bit of trust, then you only need to go out and take a look, and you will know why."

The man finished speaking, but he still suppressed Greyhound, and the weapon in his hand might hit Greyhound's brain at any time.

The gray dog's eyes flickered, and he was about to speak and pretend to agree.

The man in front of him spoke again.

"Let me say it first, I'm not sure what your situation is now. Is it because Haiji has taken over your mind, or you still don't believe me. If you have any thoughts of resistance, you can just try. I don't guarantee that I will stay. Hands. After all, the current situation no longer allows anyone to show mercy."


The man talked a lot, and when he finally looked at Greyhound, his tone was already full of threats.

The gray dog ​​froze for a few seconds, then nodded slowly.

Satisfied, the man stood up and took five steps back, leaving enough space for the greyhound.

The gray dog ​​got up from the ground, feeling a strange sense of restraint on its body. The parts that left a sense of restraint were even stained with unknown mucus.

Only then did Greyhound notice that beside him was an entire floor paved with broken pieces of Heir.

The scattered body parts, some of which had even been crushed into pulp, almost covered the floor with a carpet of flesh and blood.

After Greyhound stood up, he was silent for a moment, and then looked at the man.

"What's today's date?"

"I don't know whether you are talking about the Agorian calendar or the Terran calendar. But I know that this is the seventh day after you set sail on the sea, and you have been unconscious for four full days."

The man pointed to Haiji on the ground.

"When I saw these things, you were already here, surrounded by them, trying to take you somewhere, so I stopped you."

"Is there anyone else?"

The greyhound quickly confirmed the condition of his companion.

"For example, a weirdo wearing armor, an old woman with white hair and a cold voice, or a woman who looks like a bug-headed woman. She should have a bad mouth when she speaks."

Greyhound described as much information as possible about several key figures.

After the man listened, it took him a while to reflect on what Greyhound wanted to express.

"You should be talking about the armored knight. He left here very early and was chased by Haiji. As for the others, I'm sorry."

The man shook his head.

"The Alk was damaged. I don't know where the people are scattered now. You are the third person I have seen."


Greyhound was stunned for a moment.

No matter what, he still remembered that he should have dived into the water with the Alk. If the Alk is damaged, doesn't that mean he's on the bottom of the sea now?

When thinking about this matter, Greyhound even took two deep breaths of air, trying to find out whether he was dead and his soul returned to the land of Sakaz's ancestors.

"Don't try, you're not dead. Alke is indeed damaged, but there is still the air that normal people need to survive."

When the man saw Greyhound's action, he immediately understood what Greyhound was thinking.

"If you don't understand what's going on, just go outside and take a look and you'll know."

The gray dog ​​and the man were in a room that was not too big.

The room is surrounded by circular walls, seemingly carved out of an unknown material.

"The door is over there, please help yourself."

The man pointed to the door next to him.

Greyhound subconsciously walked over and opened the door.

The first thing that catches the eye is a picture intertwined with countless shadows, dim lights, and darkness in the distance.

And when he adapted to the light in front of him, he opened his eyes completely again, and the picture he saw made him freeze in place.

The tall walls that are tens of meters high, and even various strange-shaped buildings in the distance can be seen, and there are fluorescent walls made of incomprehensible technology, and the pictures above have been frozen in the last moment before damage.

The ground beneath the feet was made of a material that looked like stone bricks and was spread forward. A whole road, like one only seen in Colombian movies, floated above the darkness, leading to the door of the city.

A huge city whose edge can't be seen at a glance, but stands quietly in this dark area where the sky and the earth are dark.

Greyhound's first reaction was that he had arrived at the legendary palace of gods.


Greyhound stammered twice, then suddenly turned back to look at the man sitting on the box.

The man nodded to him.

"Welcome to Argoll, kid. I don't think this is an appropriate time, though."


After communicating with the man for a while, Greyhound roughly figured out the current situation.

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