On the night of the third day of sailing, everyone still maintained their original routine on land.

Go to bed on time and rest on time.

It is precisely because of this that the power of the Lord of Dreams was able to penetrate into the Alk and drag everyone into the dream at the same time.

However, this kind of dream cannot be compared with the huge dream that enveloped everyone before.

This time there is no connection between the dreams anymore, it is just a false cage built simply by relying on one's own consciousness.

As long as a person is sensitive enough to the surrounding environment and notices something is wrong, it will be defeated by the person's own consciousness and automatically disintegrate after a period of time.

The duration of this coma depends on the person's mental strength.

As for those who did not sleep, they did not escape.

Under the influence of the Lord of Dreams, the closer you get to him, the more serious the influence of dreams on people.

Especially people like Greyhound, who have entered dreams before and faced the existence of the Lord of Dreams.

His dream became more real and more perfect, and it happened to be on the Alk.

Under such circumstances, being able to escape the dream cycle in these four days is already a greyhound with extraordinary talent and different from ordinary people.

As for this man.

According to his own statement, he has lost the ability to dream. Even if you close your eyes and rest, you will never fall into a dream. More like a shutdown of consciousness.

And thus escaped disaster.

"You know, when the Great Silence first began, many people lost their lives just in dreams, and their body functions were damaged because their consciousness gradually withered in dreams. That Great Silence took away the entire Ago Nearly all the residents of Seoul.”

The man handed the greyhound the food in his hand.

The greyhound took it, politely thanked the man, then stuffed it into his mouth and chewed it quickly.

No matter how delicious the food you eat in the dream does not count.

Your body will tell you the real answer, whether you need to eat or not, or you should listen to your body.

"Now that the Alk has collided with Agor, it is equivalent to stepping into the territory of the Lord of Dreams. The dream will only become more and more real."

The man himself took off his mask and put the food in his hand into his mouth.

This is food taken from an unknown storage room.

Greyhound hasn't eaten this, but it tastes good.

"Although I really want to tell you that Agor is getting closer, I can't come forward after all."

There was some regret in the man's tone.

"When Alk hit Agor, I could clearly see that the bow of the ship that originally hit Agor's pier turned a corner at the last moment, causing the entire ship to rub against Agor's pier. Stop or we all die."

"Thinking about it, the captain who was driving the Alk at that time must have been sober too."

When Greyhound heard this, he raised his head.

"You mean, Kelsey is still awake?"

Kelsey is driving the boat, so isn’t she the captain?

"This is just a guess and cannot be confirmed. I myself don't dare to stay next to the hull. After all, I have never appeared in front of you. If I am regarded as those unconscious deep-sea hunters, I will have to meet with your subordinates."

The man curled his lips, took two bites of the food in his hand, and stuffed it back into his clothes.

"In short, now that you are alive and you know that you have arrived at Argor, what are you going to do?"

"I'll vaccinate you in advance. While you're asleep, I try to bring more people out from the ruins of the ship. But there are too many sea heirs guarding there, and they can be seen almost every day. I wouldn’t dare go there until the flames burst out from inside.”

"The knight you mentioned went to the door to check the situation late yesterday. But there was no way to open the Agor City Gate. I don't know where he is going now."

The man looked at Greyhound, waiting for his response.

"However, I know how to enter Agor. I just want to see if you are willing to trust me and help me."

The greyhound swallows whatever is in its mouth.

He had realized that the man in front of him was inviting him.

And he still doesn't know why he was selected again.

"why me?"

Greyhound didn't hesitate to ask the crucial question.

"I can also go directly to the hull and find Mr. Undead. Why should I help you?"

The man was silent for a moment, then threw his weapon to the ground.

The huge anchor landed on the ground, and after a while, it slowly moved back and leaned against the wall.

"I know Lapp...or he is Patch now. I found most of the raw materials for the potion he gave to you and another little girl at that time."

"I know that you want to enter Agor, which may overlap with my purpose. And I also know that your professional ability is not bad."

"Agor has become very strange now. It has become the lair of a large group of Dream Lords. It is not safe for me alone."

"And from this sentry tower to the wrecked hull, it will take at least half a day at your speed, and there are many sea heirs blocking the way. Not to mention that it is far from my destination. Even if I successfully find you Companions will also waste a lot of time.”

"Furthermore, the switch at the dock has been damaged by the impact of the Alk. Entering Agor to find the valve is the only way to open the door."

"Are these explanations enough?"

The man put all the reasons in front of Greyhound.

Greyhound simply could not find any other reason to refuse.

"The blood of the old god has been taken away. You don't know its meaning. But I know that I must not let the Lord of Dreams get it."

"Including me talking to you here is a waste of time. So, you make a choice quickly."

When he said these words, the man looked at Greyhound with an even sharper look.

After being silent for less than three seconds, Greyhound stretched out his right hand.

"Just call me Greyhound, a former Tower of Babel operator and now a covert operator in Rhode Island."

The man frowned, but still reached out and held Greyhound's hand.

"Ulbian, the former captain of the third group of Agor deep-sea hunters, is now just a homeless man."

Their hands were separated as soon as they touched.

Ulbian immediately picked up his huge anchor.

"No time to waste, let's go."

The gray dog ​​immediately put the last piece of grain into his mouth, chewed it twice, and ran out of the tower, following Ulbian's footsteps.

451.Agor Ruins

Running on the pier of Argor, Greyhound and Ulbian walked one behind the other, walking through various collapsed buildings.

For the Greyhounds, it was a first time at Argore. But he vaguely felt that he had seen such a similar architectural style somewhere.

In fact, if it weren't for the urgency of the matter now, Greyhound would even want to stay and stand there and take a good look at the city.

Even if it is just a dock, its scale is enough to despise the docks of most mobile cities on the entire land.

Various exquisite carvings can still be seen on the collapsed buildings.

It's a pity that they are now buried with flesh and blood and various stains, and are reflected in the incomplete lights of the blinking light, like relics from ancient times.

Ulbian and Greyhound didn't rush towards their destination just to make time.

There are many sea heirs on the road, they form a group in twos and threes, wandering around the entire sentry tower.

Greyhound also saw one Haihe break off his limbs and send them to another Haihe.

Then the other sea heir directly opened its mouth, bit the limb, chewed it, and then swallowed it.

This kind of scene is even an incident between monsters. But it still left a very deep impression on Greyhound.

It's like these heirs have developed a certain degree of social form.

It is precisely because the locations of these heirs are not fixed, sometimes Greyhound and Ulbian will even wait in place for a few minutes. After the heirs left, they set off again.

There is a special connection between the heirs. Once Ulbian and Greyhound reveal their whereabouts to one heir, the other heirs will come closer like rats that have caught a scent.

It won't be a simple breakout then.

"What did this place look like before?"

Greyhound asked casually as he and Ulbian hurried on.

"Honestly, I can't imagine it."

It is different from the randomness of dreams.

The buildings here are definitely of a shape that Greyhound has never seen before, but with his imagination, he is completely unable to detect the scene of Agor's past.

Faced with the problem of greyhounds, Ulbian, who just stopped and waited for Haiji to leave, had enough time and patience.

"The old Agor... It's hard for me to tell you what it was like."

Ulbian was silent for a moment, thinking about his words.

"I know that there are many countries on Terra, and there are many differences between these countries. I have also traveled to some places."

"But I can't compare Agor to any other country. Even Iberia has only learned part of the semblance."

"You can see some decorations and architecture with Agor elements in Iberia. Those are the aesthetics brought to the shore by the Agor people in the golden age of Iberia."

"I can only tell you that it is a country where everyone's eyes are focused on one place."

"Agor has no purely governmental institutions. Our supreme leader is served by twelve elected sages, who are called helmsmen."

"Below the helm, there are dozens of consuls, responsible for city governance and military affairs."

"You may know Gladia, who has communicated with Rhodes Island. She is a military consul."

What Ulbian said is indeed different from most countries on Terra.

Agor is like a huge cluster society with no so-called leader.

Greyhound has never thought about this kind of social organization.

Even Victoria, known for its partisanship, has a king who rules the country.

Not to mention Great Flame, a behemoth like Ursus.

"The Agor people have great freedom. But everyone must shoulder their responsibilities."

"This responsibility will be recorded in the citizen file and someone will be responsible for checking it at regular intervals."

"Besides, as long as it does not threaten the social stability of Agor, you can do whatever you want. The government will even provide sufficient funds for this group of people walking on their own path."

"After all, no one can tell. What seems like nonsense today may turn into a good thing that benefits everyone tomorrow."

When Ulbian recalled Agor in the past, a little light finally appeared in his eyes.

Greyhound imagined such a society, and soon realized a very critical problem.

"Are there any infected people among the Agor people?"

This is the biggest difference that affects the country of Terra and Agor.

Judging from Ulbian's description, he didn't mention anything related to the infected at all.

"Infected people? Are you talking about oriosis patients?"

Ulpian was stunned for a moment, then he shook his head.

"The Agor people hardly rely on source stones to survive, so there is no so-called ore waste. Except for some special source stone products, there are basically no source stones in the lives of the Agor people."

"Furthermore, the Agor people have a high resistance to the Origin Stone. I vaguely remember that someone has done experiments on this, but I have forgotten the specific circumstances."

In other words, among the Agor people, there are almost no patients infected by the Origin Stone?

This is something Greyhound simply cannot imagine.

"Then where do you get all this energy from?"

Greyhound asked again.

"Terra's current social civilization system was developed based on the Source Stone. What about Agor?"

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