Watching the interaction between Greyhound and Ulbian, Laurentina wanted to ask them what was going on.

But she quickly remembered what had happened before.

"No...where's Mr. Immortal! And Dr. Kelsey!"

Laurentina's expression suddenly became solemn, and she didn't even care about Ulbian's affairs.

The gray dog ​​patted his butt and replied with a grin.

"Mr. Ulbian and I came in first to open the door. The Rhode Island troops are still over there at the ruins of the Alk."

"What day is it today? I mean, how many days since Alke crashed?!"

Greyhound counts the days.

"It's the fifth day... night after the crash of the Alk? It's about to be the sixth day."

Laurentina's face suddenly turned pale.

"Oops, it's too late!"

Laurentina raised her steps and walked straight out of the door.

However, there was Ulbian who stopped her.

"Laurentina, tell me, where is Skadi?"

Ulbian was very concerned about Skadi's condition.

Laurentina knew why, after all, Skadi was his team member in the past.

But now, she can no longer feel the blood connection from Ulbian, and she can no longer confirm whether he is on her side.

Just when Laurentina was still thinking about whether to believe Ulbian.

Vibrations from the depths of the city of Argor came under everyone's feet.

The entire Argor seemed to have come alive. The surrounding dust and stone brick powder fell rustlingly, making a squeaking sound between vibrations.

Ulbian immediately grabbed Laurentina's arm and dragged her to him.

"Agor has begun to float upwards! Tell me, what happened, where is Skadi?!"

Ulbian's voice was so nervous for the first time, even full of anger.

Laurentina also realized that she was no longer allowed to hide from Ulbian, and she had to trust this compatriot who had lost contact with her.

Laurentina had no choice but to speak.

"We set out to enter Argor through a special passage the day after the Alk crashed, and were immediately attacked."

"We found W outside the city, traveling with us. But there are too many sea descendants, and their target is not us, only Skadi."

"Skaty stayed where she was, not knowing what was happening. She didn't react at all. She let herself be taken away by the heirs, and Gladia chased after her."

"W was scratched on the arm by a man in black and fell unconscious. I had no choice but to stay and use the biting spell ring to relieve W's condition. Then I met Will and the others who were unconscious."

"Before she left, Gladia said that no matter what, we must set off to the core of the world barrier on the fifth day, otherwise things will not turn around."

"She also said that if necessary... she must kill Skadi, even if it costs her life."

Ulbian didn't have time to speak.

W, who was leaning against the wall next to him, spoke first.

"The man in the Pardoner."

The corners of her mouth curved, and her beautiful face was full of madness.

"I recognized him. He is one of Tracy's staff."

Perhaps Ulbian and Laurentina haven't realized what this means.

But Greyhound and W looked at each other, and they already knew what each other was thinking.

Sure enough, it still has something to do with him.

455. Blood of the Old God

Just when Kelsey was planning to dedicate some of his manpower and the undead to explore the city, the entire Argor suddenly shook.

Such a shock cannot be hidden from anyone.

At the same time as it vibrated, Haiji, who was originally surrounding the outside, suddenly moved forward in the same direction.

The undead knew what route this was, and this was the direction to the port gate in Agor City.

Even though the people from Rhode Island who ran out to check the situation were only ten meters away from the heirs, these heirs were not interested in the people of Rhode Island at all. Even the undead were standing beside the heirs, and no one was interested in them. He moved half a finger.

Such a strange scene attracted everyone's attention.

"what happened?"

Kelsey pushed through the crowd and walked out from the innermost area. She looked at so many heirs and was a little confused for a moment.

Even Kelsey, one of the creators, had no idea of ​​such a scene.

In her memory, Haiji's behavior pattern should be controlled by a leader.

But in fact, one leader concentrates the thoughts and reflections of all Haihei, which means that the leader's thoughts should be huge and complicated.

Physical deformation is just one of the results of this evolutionary model. Its essence is that as the leader of the sea heir, he has an extremely weak body despite possessing extremely huge mental power.

Spiritual evolution exceeded expectations, and physical growth was put on hold as a result.

But at the beginning of the design, Haiji never thought about going in such a simple and failed direction.

Therefore, the leader of Haihe must not be left behind physically.

But the current situation...

Could it be that the Lord of Dreams finally plans to use all the bodies of his kind to concentrate on himself to complete the integrity of his body?

"I don't know, it just happened after the shaking started."

Scout had already packed his things and was ready to go to the city with the undead, but this shock disrupted their plans.

Everyone was confused, even Pachi was a little confused when he just woke up.

Only Kelsey blinked after thinking for a while.

"No, Haiji cannot cause changes in Agor City."

At the beginning of the design, even if Agor City was destroyed, its urban features would not be completely unusable due to fragmentation.

Agor City will be divided into several blocks, but each block will have complete living facilities to ensure the safety of the people.

The only possibility of this kind of shock is that Agor City has turned on the voyage module.

In other words, Agor City began to move.

"They want Agor City to float!"

Kelsey suddenly reacted.

"This is the decision of the Lord of the Swarm. Is he planning to keep Agor City away from the deep sea?!"

The reason why Haihe is called Haihe is because Haihe's body and strength can fully develop in sea water.

There is one thing they are absolutely lacking, and that is experience and technology in land life.

This is also the answer Kelsey got from studying Hai Heir over the past few years.

Now that Agor City has become the nest of Haihe, the Lord of Dreams who has learned enough knowledge in the dream must know how to control Agor.

But the deep sea is the hometown of heirs, will they abandon their hometown?

Just when everyone realized that the matter was urgent and planned to enter Agor City directly.

There were several figures in the distance, rushing towards the Rhodes Islanders against the trend of Haiji's advance.

When they got closer, Kelsey and the others saw clearly that it was the Greyhounds.

Kelsey issued an order for everyone to pack their belongings and prepare combat equipment. They would enter Agor City in ten minutes.

Kelsey himself, as well as some elite operators from Rhode Island, were surrounding the corner of the wreckage of the Alk at this time.

"Mr. Ulbian, although we have confronted each other before, based on the logic of your behavior, I do not classify you as an enemy. You showed us more curiosity than hostility."

Kelsey naturally saw Ulbian. Even at that moment, the shadow under Kelsey was ready to move.

Mon3tor felt the familiar aura and subconsciously wanted to come out and stand in front of Kelsey.

But Kelsey stopped Mon3tor's move. Because Ulbian is with Greyhound, Laurentina and W.

"But now I need an explanation why you don't suggest that we go to Agor City."

From the first time Ulbian came into contact with Kelsey, Ulbian had an extremely strong resistance to Kelsey and others contacting the deep sea, and even Agor.

The tone made people feel uncomfortable as if someone had entered the back garden of their home.

Ulbian looked around at everyone present, his tone slow.

"Because you are weak, and the weak can only be food for the Lord of Dreams."

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere on the spot changed.

Scout, Logos and others slowly lowered their arms that were originally holding their chests.

People like Sharp, who had confronted Ulbian before, felt a strong sense of contempt.

However, Ulbian then said.

"Of course, you have proven your abilities to me by destroying the Lord of Dreams' plan. I am also surprised that there are people on land who can reach your level of life."

"However, I still maintain my opinion. You are weak and will become food for the Lord of Dreams."

He seemed to want to lighten the atmosphere, but what he said couldn't really be called a buffer.

Everyone looked a little strange, but Kelsi didn't say anything, and the immortal didn't say anything either. They had no choice but to endure their emotions first and see what else the man in front of them wanted to say.

However, Kelsey's focus is not on the word weak, but she is more concerned about another concept.


Kelsey got the point.

"You mean, we are its food?"

"Yes, it's not just you, it actually includes Laurentina, and even me."

Ulbian looked at Kelsi calmly and stated.

"After the Great Silence, I was also locked in a dream. But I cut off the connection with the dream in a special way, which allowed the part of me that originally belonged to Haiji to stay at that time forever."

When he said this, Patch subconsciously took a step back and stood behind the undead man.

But Ulbian obviously did not want to point out his relationship with Patch at this time.

"But this also caused me to lose contact with the Lord of Dreams. But I was lucky enough to be aware of the essence of this dream before leaving the dream."

Ulbian said.

"It's plunder, fusion in another sense."

In fact, it's not just Ulbian who thinks so, Kelsey has also discovered this fact.

Whether it is the dream itself that continuously affects a person's mental state, or the dream will reproduce the combat ability that the person has experienced in it.

They are all an imitation of a person's ability and even his will in dreams.

However, its essence is not to reproduce someone.

Instead, the master of dreams learns by observing the abilities and behavior patterns of people trapped in dreams.

Learning the knowledge and cognition from people on land, learning the power and social system of another race.

Finally, perhaps another dreamer will be born in the dream, taking the place of the human body without his knowledge.

This is the scariest part of the dream, and also the original plan of Nightmare Theresia.

She wants to use this feature of the dream to control Kelsey and make Kelsey her gateway to the real world.

"But the dream has been destroyed. In this state, the master of the dream should have temporarily lost this ability."

Kelsey asked as she stared at Ulbian in front of her.

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