"What else do you know?"

Ulbian sighed.

he said.

"You all know Skadi, right?"

Of course everyone knows Skadi.

Many operators even went on missions with Skadi, albeit only once or twice.

But the extremely powerful Skadi left an impression on everyone.

"Of course, Skadi is also one of the operators included in the Rhode Island Files."

Kelsey nodded, her attitude towards Skadi was quite friendly. After all, there is profit for both sides, and it was through Skadi that she first became aware of the existence of deep-sea hunters.

What Ulbian said next made everyone fall into shock.

"She was supposed to be the new Lord of the Swarm, the King of the Sea Heirs."

Even Laurentina next to her opened her eyes wide and looked at Ulbian beside her in confusion.

Only Greyhound and W didn't have any feelings because they didn't know Skadi very well.

But they also felt the outrageous situation of this matter from the expressions of everyone.

The undead man was thoughtful, and he thought of something.

But his face was hidden under the helmet and was not seen by Ulbian.

"Perhaps some of you experienced the Great Silence fifty years ago, but the subsequent impact is actually not important."

"The Great Silence itself was a tragedy caused by a battle between Haiji and the Deep Sea Hunters. It originated from Haiji's attack on Agor."

"No one knows why Haiji attacked Agor at that time. But the deep-sea hunters themselves have an extremely close link with Haiji."

"The deep-sea hunter's body modification surgery was developed from the research on Haiji."

"In other words, deep-sea hunters are heirs who have the cognition of being human."

Kelsey's expression was not so solemn, but her frown became smoother and smoother.

Ulbian's answer answered many of her questions.

"Does Gladia know about this?"

Kelsey asked.

Ulbian nodded.

"She should know, but she doesn't want to face it."

"In that battle fifty years ago, the Third Brigade led by me acted as a breakthrough force. Under the cover of other teams, we successfully broke into the depths of the lair of the Haihe swarm."

"We paid the price of many people, including me who almost lost consciousness at that time. But I still watched Skadi kill the old false god with one sword after another."

"Her sword pierced the body of the false god, and the false god trembled and spurted out blood. But the false god did not resist at all."

"Until the false god was dismembered and completely killed by Skadi, the hordes of Haihei fell silent."

"It was at that time that the mind and body of the old god were divided into two parts."

"The thought part has become the core of causing the Great Silence. The dream you broke away is the New God's Brain compiled from thoughts."

"But the old god's body and the source of his power need a new carrier. And this carrier should naturally be borne by Haiji, the most powerful person in the group."

"He needs a new body as a staged achievement of Hai Hei's evolution. Once successful, Hai Hei will be born in human form."

"Whose body could be more suitable than that of the man who killed the old god?"

Ulbian's face was calm, but his words were shocking.

"Scati, standing in the center of the battlefield, has become the preparation vessel for the New God. Our carefully planned breakthrough assassination was actually expected by the Lord of the Swarm."

"All the deep-sea hunters captured in dreams in the Great Silence are the victims of this plan."

"Because of the characteristics of a sea heir, the deep sea hunter also has the characteristics of being connected by blood like a sea heir."

"After the blood of the old god was injected into Skadi's body, she escaped because the brain of the new god was not yet stable."

"Now that Skadi is back, the blood of the old gods in her body has also been brought back."

"In other words, Haiji has already decided the path they will take."

"Tell me, do you really think that you here can resist the wrath of Haiji's entire clan?"

Ulbian looked around at all the operators again and asked.

"Or are you going to become a sacrifice for the Lord of the Swarm to absorb the blood of the old gods in this sacrifice? Pave the way for him?"

It’s no wonder that Ulbian is extremely resistant to the people from Rhode Island coming to Agor.

According to him, the Lord of the Swarm has prepared everything, and what they are about to face is a false god who is ready for evolution.

Just to die.

"But according to what you said, even you can't resist the entire Haihe clan."

Kelsey pushed back against Ulbian's words.

"But you are still here now, which means things can still turn around. Is there anything you can do?"

Ulbian looked at Kelsi with some surprise and admiration in his eyes.

He hadn't seen such a calm and rational land person for a long time.


Ulbian nodded.

"The evolution of sea descendants has many limitations. And there is a special power that can inhibit the evolution speed of sea descendants."

"The weapons made by our deep-sea hunters are all mixed with stone powder engraved with the writings of gods."

"This is also the reason why Agor has been able to fight Haihe for thousands of years."

“If we want to get rid of the shackles of evolution, we must make this weakness a thing of the past.”

"When the New God's Brain absorbs the blood of the Old God, it needs to use the Stone of God's Words as a medium to make Haiji get used to this power."

"In other words, it takes time."

Ulbian was unfazed.

"Gradia is already on her way. What she wants to do is also what we want to do."

"Kill Skadi before she is transported to the Wordstone to be sacrificed."

"Interrupt this ceremony."

456.Breaking barriers

As Ulbian said, the only solution to the current situation is to prevent the Lord of the Swarm from completing this sacrifice.

In fact, whether to kill Skadi is really not the only choice. They can also choose to save Skadi and face the wrath of the Lord of the Swarm and the attack of the entire Haihe tribe.

However, such a reality seems to be an impossible outcome for everyone. Just a group of heirs is enough to give people a headache for a long time, let alone the leader of the group who has only one brain left, and has not even shown up yet. The people of Rhode Island almost lost themselves in the dream.

Faced with the pressure of the Lord of the Swarm, it was doubtful whether they could move, let alone rescue Skadi under the pressure of the Lord of the Swarm.

The answer proposed by the deep-sea hunters is the optimal solution to this battle.

When Ulbian told him about killing Skadi calmly, Laurentina didn't say a word.

In fact, they are not thinking, is it really worth it?

But they have no choice.

This is why Gladia chased Skadi, who was taken away, even if she left Laurentina and W behind.

Everything they deep-sea hunters did was to make the lord of the swarm die silently.

Agor is dead, and the monsters born from Agor's body cannot be allowed to affect other countries.

This is their belief as Agor people, dust to dust, dust to dust.

This is an unfinished war fifty years ago, and now they are also part of the war.

Kelsey and everyone in Rhode Island didn't raise any objections to this plan. They didn't have any ideas.

Whether Skadi dies or not has little to do with them. After all, as a solitary operator, Skadi left a bad impression on everyone.

Only the undead, Greyhound, and W got together after meeting again.

While Kelsey and Ulbian were still discussing the core of the plan, the three people found a corner and pulled Patch along with them to talk quietly.

"I don't think it's that simple."

W said.

"I have seen the man in black, the man who appeared when Ulbian told you that he took Skadi away."

"He is a staff member of Tracys. I have seen him more than once when I went to see Tracys. As a core member of Kazdaele's Pardoner, he should not leave the royal city."

"Unless he has some important mission that forces him to leave...just like the Sin Absolver we saw in Dayan last time."

What W mentioned was the incident during the Great Yan period when he cooperated with Jin Yiwei to seal off the scene, with the undead as the main participants, destroying the portal.

That time, the Absolver of Kazdare was also involved.

"Greyhound, is this Ulbian trustworthy?"

W looked at the greyhound.

She didn't know the details of Ulbian, but Greyhound appeared with Ulbian, so he should know something about it.

But Greyhound just shook his head.

"I don't know. When I woke up, he was next to me and told me he needed my help."

"Actually, he has been protecting me since I entered the city. The only thing he needs my help is that I serve as a medium so that he can more easily contact people in Rhode Island."

Greyhound saw clearly that he was not deceived by Ulbian's pretense of being friendly to him.

After all, Ulbian's attitude was indeed strange when he was awake.

W communicated with Greyhound, but did not come to any specific conclusion, and then aimed his sights at the undead and Patch next to him.

"Where are you two? Let's say something."

W clicked her tongue. She was now in a bad mood because of the sin pardoner.

I was feeling depressed just now because of Theresa's incident, but now I entered the city and saw the Pardoner again.

For people who meet Traces in a mysterious place like Agor, it is difficult not to wonder if there is Traces controlling everything.

The immortal man didn't speak. He was always the one who listened and rarely expressed his opinions.

But Patch, it's different.

Patch crossed his arms over his chest and said.

"Ulbian is trustworthy, but you can only trust that he will not harm you. He is an ally with outstanding combat capabilities."

He said this very cleverly, meaning that Ulbian was not telling the truth.

Moreover, it was almost written on his face that Ulbian had his own plans.

Greyhound thought for a moment, then he asked.

"Did you know that Ulbian is the captain of the Deep Sea Hunters?"

"I knew, not only did I know that, I knew that Scarty was his player. One of his favorite players."

Patch shrugged.

"Moreover, when you entered the dream of the Lord of the Swarm, he also quietly entered the Iberia camp to meet Kelsi and Skadi."

This surprised Greyhound and W.

"Has he sneaked into the camp? Then he should know about Skadi's condition, right? Why not let Skadi leave directly?"

Greyhound was confused.

"According to normal people's thinking, since we know that Skadi's coming is extremely dangerous, why haven't we done anything yet?"

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