"The huge Steam Rider he drives is the reason why the Steam Rider can become Victoria's solid backing."

"The rebels in the underground workshops of Londinium found a way to make such a giant steam knight in the secret room of the National Library."

"But I don't know the specific progress."

Vina said.

"This is the news that Morgan revealed to me before I left. Now Morgan is in Londinium. If you want to know more information, you can only find a way to contact her again."


At the same time, inside the city of Londinium.

The city of Londinium has not been in such a depressed state for many years.

Even during the infected riot a few years ago, Londinium returned to calm after the night passed.

The reconstruction of Lower Town has not affected the prosperity of Upper Town. People are still doing what they are supposed to do, and office workers also go out on time.

But this time is different.

The once bustling streets were filled with broken vehicles, and the houses on both sides were deserted.

The ground was covered in pitch-black material, and monsters emerged from the nest of the abyss, searching for those people who were eking out a living hiding in the upper city.

This scene has been going on for more than a month. Most of the Victorian people hiding in the uptown area have their own beliefs.

"Hide the things well and be careful not to be discovered by the guards when you take them down. Once you are in place, hand them over to Arthur from the transportation team. He will handle the subsequent handover."

A black-haired Luper handed the package in his hand to the worker hiding in the corner.

Both men were covered in dust and coal, looking like slovenly men who had spent a whole month in the mines.

"Is that just this?"

The worker weighed the package in his hand curiously.

"It's not light. What's in it?"

"Don't ask any questions. If this thing is caught by the guards, just wait to be thrown into the dark hole."

The black-haired Luper clapped his hands, then poked his head and looked out the window of the room.

The creatures of the abyss wandering around the streets did not notice anything strange about the window. But the two of them still lowered their voices unconsciously.

"This thing is very important, and there is no room for error. When the king comes back, she will need your help."

"King Aslan..."

The worker looked hesitant in his eyes.

"With all due respect, Miss Morgan. Now is the king..."

"Yes, the king has temporarily left Londinium."

Morgan told the truth matter-of-factly.

The workers were visibly sluggish.

"But this is not the end. The king is not trying to escape, but to find helpers for us."

"She is a king. How can a king abandon his people and run away alone?"

"The aliens have occupied our capital, and her people are suffering. As a king, she will not give up her hometown, believe me."

Morgan tapped the worker on the shoulder.

"Okay, don't think too much, I will bring back the latest news about Wang as soon as possible. Send the things down first."

The worker forcibly cheered up and nodded.

Then he turned around, pulled up a trap door from the ground behind him, and crept in.

After the trap door was closed, Morgan dragged a slightly damaged blanket from the side and covered the frame of the trap door.

After doing this, she poked her head out again and took a look at the abyssal creations on the street.

It's carriers like her that these things are capturing.

And she is also responsible for delivering some other goods to different workshops one by one.

The king had been away from Londinium for some time, and she deliberately wanted to break out of the encirclement and leave.

If it were just these supporters of King Aslan's party, there would be no chance of winning.

At Morgan's suggestion, Vina made up her mind to find helpers and went to Rhode Island with the information and intelligence here.

Morgan still had a lot to do before Wang reconnected with her.

When the king returns, a grand welcome ceremony must be held for her.

This is the gift that a minister should give.

After checking the package in his backpack again, Morgan took advantage of the gap between the abyssal creatures wandering on the street to stay away, quietly jumped out of the window, and climbed to the roof.

Under cover of darkness and shadow, make your way to another delivery point.

474.Can’t get out of the past

The plan to attack Londinium was indeed feasible.

It is also true that after determining the route and policy in the next few days, Amiya set the time to attack Londinium with a wave of her hand.

But before Rhode Island's large army goes to Londinium, some preliminary preparations need to be made.

For example, we need to first contact the rebels in Londinium City. At the same time, the doctor also wants to lobby some forces that continue to pay attention to this place.

Like Kalan, the Kjerag force is dominated by Silver Ash. It can be said that they are more concerned about the situation in Victoria than some locals.

Most of their business is based on Victoria and spreads outward. At the same time, Victoria is also an important location for Kjerag's foreign trade.

The fall of Victoria directly caused the price of imported goods in Kjerag to skyrocket during this period due to insufficient inventory.

There are many forces like this that are inextricably related to Victoria. The doctor is determined to bring these people together and form a force.

In this way, there will be enough manpower when attacking Victoria.

However, not everyone can immediately jump into new actions.

This is certainly due to the fact that the incident in Iberia just ended. But more often than not, it is because they themselves are unable to look up and look forward.

Medical Department, Intensive Care Unit.

"How long has she been awake?"

Shining turned his head and looked at Laurentina beside him.

Laurentina's mental condition is not particularly good, but at least she has the strength to reply to Shining.

"She woke up the day after you returned to Rhode Island with the undead. She hasn't spoken a word. I just waited for her to have some quiet time."

Laurentina pulled her coat.

"I didn't go in to see her based on the principle of letting her have a good rest. But yesterday I saw that she had removed the tube that conveyed the nutrient solution from her hand, so I went in."

Gladia was sitting on the hospital bed, she lowered her head and looked at her hands silently.

The originally energetic deep-sea hunter remained silent. It was like she had lost something, preventing her from getting over the past.

"Although Dr. Kelsey said at the time that after taking that thing, she would experience a life and death decision. But when she realized that she was no longer a deep-sea hunter..."

Laurentina sighed.

Now, she could no longer sense Gladia's existence from the deep sea hunter's bloodline network.

"She probably still can't accept it. After all, she has been calling herself a deep-sea hunter for so long."

"I'm afraid that the fact that she is no longer a deep-sea hunter makes her more at a loss than Agor's disappearance."

The Deep Sea Hunter is no longer proof of her existence. Now she only has a name called Gladia.

The rest was expelled from the body along with all the heirloom tissue due to the rejection reaction.

The sunlight outside the window was crushed by the curtains and scattered on the ground paved with white bricks.

Gladia was like a traveler who had lost her hometown, temporarily losing her soul.

"Her physical condition has remained normal... rather, I have never seen anyone in better shape than hers."

Shining handed the report sheet to Laurentina.

"Ore sickness will never happen to her. This report is like something that only exists in dreams."

Laurentina took the report sheet in her hand and glanced at it briefly.

But there is a shocking number in the column of Originium content in the blood.


"I don't know how you did it. But thinking about it, I'm afraid such a miracle cannot be replicated again."

Shining shook his head regretfully.

If possible, she really wanted Gladia to become a deep-sea hunter again and go through the transformation process again.

But becoming a deep-sea hunter has a high chance of dying, let alone surviving the desperate rejection reaction.

As The Shining said, such a miracle belongs to Gladia alone.

But she couldn't get used to it.

It was as if her spine had been taken away, and she could not raise her head again.

"Let her have a good rest, and if she needs anything, come to us at any time."

Shining took out the report sheet from Laurentina's hand.

Laurentina nodded gratefully.



On the other side, there was another deep-sea hunter who, like Gladia, fell into silence.

"How long has she been like this?"

Kelsey looked at Patch next to her.

"It's been two days."

Patch pouted.

"It's been like this, looking at the window and not talking. I wanted to talk to her, but she ignored me at all. She only reacted when I mentioned that person's name."


"No, immortal."

Patch shook his head.

"I didn't dare mention Ulbian in front of her. I watched when he cut off the girl's limbs."

The two of them stood outside the door, staring at Skadi inside.

Skadi's long silver hair almost fell to the ground. She stared at the sunshine outside the window, very much like Gladia.

"She can't accept this fact."

Kelsey said softly.

"She must understand that Ulbian's death was not caused by her."

"But Ulbian's death was indeed partly for her."

Patch added.

"This child can't change that. Ulbian's actions played an indispensable role in the crucifixion of the Lord of the Swarm."

Kelsey came to see Skadi, of course, because she wanted to see what kind of physical condition this deep-sea hunter with strong individual combat capabilities had recovered.

If she could, she would want to keep her contract with Skadi and commit her to Victoria's battlefield.

Although her limbs were chopped off, the moment the purified blood of the old gods was integrated into her body, it was already destined that Skadi would recover as before.

That was the opportunity that Ulbian had earned through fifty years of forbearance and waiting.

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