He gave his team member a new life and pushed her out of the dream. And ended the terrifying ambition of the Lord of the Deep Sea Swarm.

Killing two birds with one stone, Ulbian himself would probably be proud of it.

But there will always be someone who cares about his existence, just like a bird will mourn when its companion dies.

And when this result appeared on himself, Skadi realized that Ulbian had exchanged his life for his own.

All this was because during that great silence, she brutally killed the old god of the deep sea, without realizing that she had become the vessel of the old god.

Skadi could not accept that he had become an "accomplice" in Ulbian's murder.

"Then just wait."

Kelsey lowered her eyes and turned around.

"Wait until she comes out."


Although it is said that I am waiting for others to come out.

But Kelsey herself knows how difficult it is to get out of something like this.

It was not easy for her to accept Theresa's departure.

After returning to her room after a long absence, Kelsey walked slowly to the table. She looked at the photos on the table that had been intentionally torn off a corner, and stared silently.

Even Kelsey often doesn't go back to her room. But with the presence of employees on duty, Kelsey's room was not so dusty.

However, Kelsey knew that some things would not be swept away so easily like dust.

She looked at the photo for a moment, then reached out to take the photo frame, and took out the torn half of the photo frame.

Sakaz smiled happily and implicitly, which was in sharp contrast to Kelsey's sullen expression.

Even if she knew that this ending was the best she could see, Kelsey would still feel regretful.

For Kelsey, in this long life, there are many people who will leave an impression on her.

But many people fade over time.

If they are unable to leave their traces in the world, they are destined to be forgotten by people, even Kelsey is no exception.

Only Theresia, her ideal will follow the Tower of Babel, follow the Battle of the Two Kings, and follow Rhodes Island, and will always be engraved in the history of Terra.

After hearing about Gladia's condition and seeing Skadi's appearance with her own eyes, Kelsey could understand their current situation despite her silence.

Everyone has someone they care about the most.

Just because Kelsey has regained her memory does not mean that she will ignore everything around her for the sake of the future of mankind as she did countless time ago.

Theresia, this person has left too many marks on Kelsey’s body.

Kelsey attached the fragments of the photo to the photo itself, taped it to the back, and put it back into the frame.

Under the light, Theresia's smiling face returned to this photo of the elite operators of the Tower of Babel.

It cannot be forgotten, nor can it be forgotten.

Theresia should not become the dust of history, even though she has passed away.

Time flies so fast, everything in Iberia seems like it happened yesterday, but in the blink of an eye it is already a week later.

In this week, Rhodes Island has traveled hundreds of kilometers forward. Rhodes Island is approaching Londinium and has no intention of hiding its whereabouts.

For the original cast of Rhode Island, it was war.

It is a continuation of the last unfinished war.

For those who were born in Victoria, this was a war to protect their country.

No matter which party you are on, you need to make your position clear in order to gain more support.

Thanks to the doctor's hard lobbying, many forces have re-sent their operators who originally signed contracts with Rhode Island.

Black Steel International, Rhine Life, including Kjerag's Shivaash family, and even many Dragon Gate operators also returned to Rhode Island within this week.

Rhode Island has regained its vitality, and everyone is busy working towards the same goal.

Conquer Victoria and liberate Londinium.

There is now more and more information, and replies have been received from various operators who have sneaked into Londinium.

They are in contact with the rebels. However, since King of Advancement Vina's troops had not arrived, they were unable to determine Rhode Island's position and therefore refused to disclose more information.

But they very much welcome other forces choosing to support the rebels.

It can be said that Rhode Island also officially has a channel to know the inside information of Londinium.

More and more operators on duty outside are being recalled, and many elite operators who have never appeared in Rhode Island have returned to the Rhode Island ship from all over the world.

In just one week, the number of people stationed on Rhode Island doubled or tripled, which even shocked the undead.

He originally thought that Rhode Island's power should not be so huge. It seemed that he still underestimated the abilities of the doctor and Kelsey.

Everyone in the reserve team was also organized into the field team during the emergency.

As the captain of the A1 reserve team and a disciple of the Immortal, Melanza has the highest command authority over all reserve teams in the absence of elite operators and Doberman instructors.

Now, Melanza has grown into a qualified warrior.

To be honest, this may not be the same as what she once dreamed of. But Melanza never regretted the deviation in her life.

Everyone knows that this will be the most severe war Rhode Island has ever faced.

This ship is about to take to the battlefield just like its predecessor.

"Logos has prepared a lot of things. Remember to take them with you before you leave."

The doctor is standing on the deck. He is seeing off the scout team led by Scout.

"Before our large force reaches Victoria, be careful to preserve our strength. Although there are many helpers now, we cannot stand at the forefront of this war as the main force."

"Those rebels, as well as Victoria's own forces, are the most important force in this war. We just need to do what we can."

Scout nodded slowly, saying nothing.

He has maintained this appearance since he returned to Rhode Island.

The doctor didn't pay attention. He reached out and patted Scout's arm, nodded slightly to him, indicating that the transport plane behind him was ready.

Scout stood still to the doctor, gave a slight salute, then turned around and jumped onto the transport plane, taking the scout team behind him to the front of Londinium.

"We have only established contact with the Victoria Resistance Army. Isn't it a little hasty to send Scout out so quickly?"

Ace's eyebrows couldn't help but worry.

If they are just rebels, these temporary armies composed of the original people may not be able to compare with the regular army in terms of professionalism.

Scout sets out for Londinium at this time and is bound to face more threats.

"Scout is not going to find the rebels."

The doctor turned around and looked at Ace, a smile appearing on his face under the mask.

"Thanks to our Lord General, he brought us a message from Dayan's border army."

"Officer Chen...ah, no, it should be Mrs. Chen of the Imperial Guard. She once studied at the Royal Victoria College of Guards. Thanks to this experience, she gained several valuable friendships."

"As it happens, one of them is now stationed in the villages around Londinium as a Victoria regular."

As he spoke, the doctor waved the personnel file in his hand to Ace.

A female soldier with long orange hair and a heroic appearance was standing guard on the edge of the field holding a city-breaking spear that was taller than herself.

Her face was full of hearty smile, full of pride for her hometown.

475. City Breaking Spear

Chen would help. This was unexpected by the doctor, but it was reasonable.

Chen's growth has indeed been rapid. Until now, she even has enough intelligence network to know the movements of Rhode Island. At the same time, it can also rely on Dayan's intelligence system to send information to Rhode Island.

Rather than saying that this is Chen's growth, it is better to say that the Emperor of Dayan may also have given his tacit approval to this.

After all, he is the legendary divine general of Great Yan, and he must be given face by the immortal.

Moreover, not long after the undead left Dayan, the Ten Thousand Demons Cave suppressed by Dayan's border troops would also experience some changes due to the reconstruction of the world barrier.

At this time, release your goodwill towards Rhode Island and support the undead at the same time. From all aspects, it is a matter of emotion and reason.

Maybe it can leave an impression in the mind of the undead, attracting him to return to Dayan sometime.

After sorting out the stakes, the doctor happily received the information from the messenger. A few hours later, many Longmen operators who came with the messenger also passed the security check and came to the deck.

The doctor arranged for many Longmen operators who came with the messenger to stay in Rhode Island again.

However, the lineup coming this time is indeed a little strange.

"Hello, doctor. I am the captain of the Longmen support team sent by Commander Wei this time."

The tall ghost beauty saluted the doctor heroically. The huge shield on her side attracted many Rhode Island operators who were seeing her off around the deck.

"Star Bear...sir, is that right? I hope I remember correctly."

The doctor recalled Star Bear's name for a moment, and then stretched out his hand.

"You look very energetic. There is an old saying in Dayan that people are in high spirits when happy events happen. Is there any good news?"

Star Bear also gave the doctor a firm handshake, and then put it down.

"There's not much good news related to Rhode Island."

Xingxiong paused.

"It's just that after Lao Chen left, I temporarily took her place and became the chief superintendent. The current situation of Longmen is also in a period of rapid development."

Speaking of this, Xingxiong's eyes suddenly became a little erratic.

"Thanks to that...general god."

The doctor raised his eyebrows, seeming to realize something.

No wonder that after returning from Great Yan, the undead hardly mentioned anything about Great Yan.

Even every time Greyhound said this, he always showed a meaningful smile, and then shook his head at the doctor, saying that he couldn't say it.

It turns out that all the Great Yan people have longing and yearning for divine generals buried deep in their bones.

However, according to Xingxiong, the internal affairs of Dayan should have been spread to Longmen.

After all, Longmen is also an integral part of Dayan. Even if the people of Longmen stay away from Dayan for a long time, the plot in their bones cannot be erased.

As a person from Longmen, Xingxiong will be affected to some extent even if he is not a traditional Great Yan person.

Not to mention, there are good things like promotion and salary increase.

"Well, if Mr. Immortal..."

The doctor looked back and found no undead figure in the crowd.

"He should still be in his room, or getting information from individual operators. If you want to meet him..."

"Ah! No, I don't want to meet the Lord General."

When Xingxiong saw the doctor's reaction, he knew that the doctor must have misunderstood something.

She smiled bitterly and whispered.

"There are some friends from the capital. It is not convenient for them to show up here, but they are all children who are not very old."

"You know, the Great Yan people always have a kind of... hmm when it comes to divine generals."

The doctor thought for a while, and he suddenly realized.

But despite understanding, there is still some uncontrollable surprise.

"The emperor allowed it?"

"It would be better to say that no one from Great Yan thinks that it is normal for their god general to be away all year round and not have any bodyguards around him."

Star Bear sighed.

"The same goes for Lao Chen. She has only been in the capital for a short time, and she is already like these children. If it weren't for the fact that Chief Wei and the Holy One did not allow it, I am afraid that she would have applied to participate in this operation from the border army."

A meaningful smile appeared on the doctor's face hidden under the mask.

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