As expected of that man.

"If those soldiers don't come to Rhode Island, where are they?"

"As Dayan's most elite combat force, they naturally have the ability to survive in the wild. There is no need to worry about their safety."

Xingxiong lowered his voice a little lower and leaned closer to the doctor.

"They want to give Lord General God a surprise."

"Is this allowed?"

The doctor's expression was a little strange.

"There is no clear regulation that states that they must report to the God General as soon as possible."

Star Bear blinked.

"I also hope that the doctor can cooperate. If possible, just send me some daily necessities every few days."

"I see."

The doctor nodded, of course he would participate in such interesting things.

The two secretly communicated for a while about a mysterious gift, and finally reached a consensus.

Then, Xingxiong took two steps back and spoke to the doctor in a normal voice.

"In that case, please ask the doctor to make arrangements so that we can conduct the onboarding test... Ah, by the way."

Xingxiong looked back at the team.

A young man with white hair, huge black circles around his eyes, looked like he hadn't woken up.

Only acquaintances know that he has been in this state all year round.

"Is the guy at the Rhode Island cafeteria... still working on it?"

The doctor was a little confused at first, but it wasn't until he saw Xing Xiong's expression that he instantly realized that Xing Xiong must have eaten in the Rhode Island cafeteria.

And it left painful memories.

The doctor looked at Star Bear with some sympathy.

"I'm sorry to inform you that she is on duty today. With all due respect, have you brought your own dry food today?"

Star Bear's face turned pale instantly, and then returned to normal after a moment.

"Then why don't we let Jie help!"

The doctor stuck out his head and saw the worm in the crowd.

Zie had a very good impression of the Doctor. When he served briefly on Rhode Island, the Doctor usually only asked him to do things he could understand.

For example, killing fish.

Zie waved to the doctor and smiled.

It was great to see the Doctor again.

Of course the doctor also knows that the fish ball soup with larvae is delicious.

However, speaking of fish balls.

The doctor's breath hitched.

He thought again of the pain of wandering on the Iberian sea for half a month.

It’s not just the operators from Longmen who are a surprise.

Even the Minoan priests cast a kind eye on Rhodes.

Minos was rich in warriors, heroes, and craftsmen.

Although Minos' current border war is still maintained, if it only supports Rhode Island, those soldiers will not be needed.

Many craftsmen moved into Rhode Island under the welcome of Vulcan operators.

At this point, preparations for Rhode Island have been almost completed.

The next step is to keep it as planned.

Head to the Victorian capital, Londinium.

That's why Scout's mission is so important.

After leaving Rhode Island, we relied on the contribution of local Victoria operators to their understanding of the terrain.

Scout and others landed in the wilderness hundreds of kilometers away from Londinium.

From here, they want to go to the location described in Officer Chen's letter.

The member of the army whom Chief Chen knew seemed to already have a certain say in the Victoria army.

Even if it doesn't work, he can still introduce them to a higher-up leader.

The doctor attaches great importance to this mission, and therefore, he will send Scout to complete it.

The Scout team, on the other hand, moved forward quickly and trudged through the jungle and wilderness while staying hidden along the way.

According to information, this Victorian army is stationed in a village within the network of the capital of Londinium.

Now, as Traces takes control of Londinium, countless monsters breed in the capital, and the violent Origin Stone monsters in the wilderness are also stimulated a little.

According to operators who have returned from Victoria, the dangers in the wilds of Victoria are now several times greater than in the past.

There are even monsters that roam the capital and attack passers-by across Victoria.

And Scout and the others will naturally not be an exception.

As they approached within a few miles of the village, they were ambushed.

The number of enemies was not large, and Scout had caught a glimpse of the shapes of these monsters when Iberia went to contact Kelsey.

They are unconscious creatures born from the Nest of the Abyss.

Their appearance is somewhat similar to Haiji. However, the physical expression is dominated by carapace and sharp blades, and the limbs are replaced by sharp blades or sharp spear heads.

It has the appearance of a human face, but cannot speak human words.

However, Haiji has a collective consciousness. But these abyssal creatures can at best be regarded as the most initial forms born during the production and development of the Abyss Nest.

It belongs to the lowest level of abyss creation.

According to the descriptions of those operators, these monsters should be abyssal creatures roaming out of the capital.

Several scouts from the Scout team were the first to spot the enemy. Then, he was attacked by the creatures of the abyss hiding in the trees.


One of the scouts was unprepared when a low-level abyss insect jumped on his back. Fortunately, his reaction was quick enough and he had enough room to dodge when he turned around.

The sharp blade in Chongzhi's hand did not leave any wounds on his body, and the scout had already drawn the short knife behind him.

Light and shadow intersected, and the short knife was held in front of him, confronting Kankan's fallen limbs. The sharp saw teeth were almost close to his neck.

Then, he took out his crossbow from his side.


The fierce kinetic energy of the arrow inserted close to the brain even penetrated the brain. Dark black juice spurted backwards along the hole, and the limbs held by the short knife gradually lost their strength.

The detective team quickly scanned the surrounding environment with lingering fear.

He was originally the leading scout, but he was attacked by the enemy. This has to be said to be an insult to his profession.

But after the monster died, the scouts realized that the yellowish carapace on his body was the best concealment among the dry trees.

Even the most common abyss creations can pose a threat to operators.

Only then did the scout understand how shocking the terrifying number of enemy kills in Mr. Undead's battle record in Iberia, which was passed down by all the elite operators, was.

"Encountered an enemy."

The scout team member did not shout loudly, but calmly turned on the walkie-talkie on his shoulder and spoke on the team channel.

"There are six obvious targets, two of which seem to be leaders and are located directly north of the direction we are heading. They have...wait a minute!"

Before he could finish what he said, another creature of the abyss hidden on the tree trunk stretched its body from the towering branches and pointed the spikes in its hands at the scouts.

From the corner of his eye, he jumped up and aimed the spike at the torso of the scout team member.

The results of daily training were displayed at this moment.

Without thinking, the scout turned over and dropped the branch. The spikes only penetrated the side of his backpack, but did not pierce his body.

The scout team member quickly loaded the crossbow in his hand again, clung to the thick branch with his left hand, aimed at the abyss creation stuck on his backpack with his right hand, and pulled the trigger.

It wasn't until the insects under him stopped struggling that he let go of his left hand and gently fell to the ground.

"Changyin, what happened to you over there? Do you need support?"

Scout's voice came from the walkie-talkie, and the scout team member known as Long Yin turned on his walkie-talkie again.

"It's not over yet, boss. The problem is a bit serious. There are many monsters lurking around here. Be careful when you move forward."

"Copy that, stay where you are and don't act rashly. We will come to meet you right away."


However, just when Changyin turned off the intercom, there was a violent explosion in front of him.

Just as Changyin was about to look up, his ears suddenly twitched.

It is different from the hidden and small voice of the creatures of the abyss.

This is the clicking sound made by machinery in rapid operation, which can make everyone who loves machinery feel excited.

However, for long notes, this is an outright red flag.


Just like the sound of a cannonball being fired, the thick long gun burst out a huge amount of smoke and sparks in an instant, driven by the firing pin and various complex but reliable mechanical structures.

The front section of the gun blade pierced the ground with a huge amount of propulsion, penetrating the shadow left by the long high-pitched sound.

And Changyin has never been like this at that moment, jumping back and forth in front of the line of death.

His body rested lightly on the branches above. At this time, he had the opportunity to look at the figure that suddenly came from the side.

There is no doubt that this is a Victorian soldier. His military uniform and distinctive Victorian mechanical craft weapons can confirm his identity.

He raised his head and slapped his left hand hard on the ejection window of the city-breaking spear. The thick shell popped out and made a crisp steel sound on the ground.

Along with the steam generated by the rapid cooling, Changyin finally saw his face clearly.

What surprised him was that the person who raised her head from behind the huge macho weapon was a woman with long orange hair.

476.Pure Source Stone

It's hard to imagine how strong a body it takes to wield such a huge weapon.

Changyin recognized part of the prototype of this weapon. It was clearly an engineering city-breaking spear used when attacking a city.

Even now that it has been transformed into a personal weapon, the rear power source has been deliberately reduced, and the weight of part of the external armor has also been reduced.

However, the impact generated when the gun head is unfolded is undoubtedly a force that is unbearable for the human body.

Not to mention the force that explodes when propulsion is provided through specially-made energy bombs. If he were a thinner warrior, half of his body could be crushed in an instant.

And the lady right in front of Changyin was able to withstand such a strong impact, and even had enough energy left to load the next energy bomb.

The tip of the city-breaking spear was aimed at Changyin. She did not intend to continue the pursuit, but used this method to warn Changyin not to act rashly.

The explosions in the distance continued, and Changyin was in a dilemma.

It was obvious that the woman did not mean to kill him. But the sounds of fighting with those abyssal creatures in the distance undoubtedly told Changyin that the battle would end soon.

He had to do something.

"I am Chang Yin, a field operator from Rhode Island. This is my shoulder patch."

Changyin chose to take the initiative to identify himself, and he also saw the epaulettes belonging to the Victoria Army on this woman.

"Although we are in a special period, I cannot tell you the details of my mission. But please believe that I am not here to covet Victoria's situation. I am here to provide help."

The orange-haired lady ignored Chang Yin. Her mission was not to negotiate with Chang Yin. Instead, find a way to catch this intruder who doesn't know where he came from.

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