However, Changyin's agility was beyond her expectation, so she could only find a way to hold Changyin to death here to prevent him from escaping.

This was the order given to her by the captain, and she didn't want to be punished again.

Seeing that the other party did not respond, but did not have any intention of attacking, Changyin was also troubled for a moment.

His eyes glanced down and saw the time on the watch on his wrist.

It had only been a minute since he ended the call with Scout.

According to the traveling speed of Scout and others, they can reach here within five minutes.

All he has to do is stay awake within these five minutes.

"Ma'am, are we going to remain in this stalemate?"

Changyin tried to use words to expose the soldier in front of him. He needed to delay time and distract her attention.

"Don't you think that at this time, it is the best choice for us to exchange information? You know, a large number of people in Londinium City are still waiting for rescue..."

At this moment, the words Chang Yin had planned to continue speaking stopped.

He tilted his head slightly to the side, and a grenade as big as Chang Yin's wrist flew past Chang Yin's head.

"The people in Londinium City naturally have Victoria's sergeants to worry about. In comparison, people like you approaching Londinium alone are more suspicious."

The explosion over there ended almost at the same time, that is, after the grenade flew out, it drew a beautiful arc in the air, and finally hit a big tree.

In an instant, the grenade was detonated by the pressure fuse, and the violent explosion confirmed who was responsible for such a huge explosion just now.

The speaker came from the smoke in the distance. She held a shield in each hand. The external armor of one of the shields was artificially covered upwards, covering the hole originally used to fire grenades.

The mechanical giant sword behind her was connected to the load-bearing belt on her waist and hugged her body. It was hard to imagine that a person could hold two huge shields and still use such a giant sword at the same time.

At this time, Changyin finally saw the face of the visitor clearly.

She is a blond-haired woman from the Lupo tribe. She has the unique calmness and confidence of a soldier. She gave her own answer to the long-sounding words.

"Now, put down your weapons. Although it's nice to see normal people, I have to be suspicious of this. If you are willing to cooperate, then I can at least guarantee that you will have enough space to rest until your identity is confirmed. Eat.”

Like the orange-haired woman, she was quite wary of long sounds, and her vigilance was beyond the expectations of normal vigilance.

At the same time, on the right shoulder of the woman holding a giant shield, there was a part wrapped in a bandage. The bandage was stained with some dust. At this moment, the wound collapsed due to the violent exercise, and blood oozed out.

Changyin immediately realized that something must have happened before their arrival.

"I am willing to cooperate, but before that, I need to confirm your identity."

Changyin pretended to hang the hand crossbow back on his waist, and then raised his hands.

"I'm here to find someone, not to die. You can't catch me."

This is a very reasonable request.

The two women looked at each other, and the woman holding the giant shield nodded.


"I am the commander of the second detachment of the Victoria Stormtroopers. You can call me Bugle. This is my code name."

The female sergeant holding a huge shield said in her breathy voice.

"What about you? Unknown intruder."

Changyin is preparing to reveal his identity again.

Just as he opened his mouth, there was an extremely concealed sound breaking through the air from behind him.

Changyin immediately turned around and shouted loudly.

"Boss! Don't do anything!"

And the moment Changyin turned around, someone was already standing beside him, putting his hand on Changyin's shoulder.

The two sergeants standing on the ground were on alert at this time. Their pupils suddenly shrank, and then their whole bodies stiffened.

Who is this? His speed was so fast that he didn't even notice this person's whereabouts before he appeared.

"I heard what they said, don't worry."

Scout patted Changyin's shoulder and asked him to relax.

And the crossbow arrow represented by the sound of breaking through the air before was only pierced on the ground one meter in front of the horn.

"You're lucky, you just helped us find the rightful owner."

As he spoke, Scout fell down like falling paper from the branch where Changyin originally stood.

His legs landed on the dirt ground, but he barely made any sound. Like an elegant feline shaking leaves off its body.

"I'll answer the question for him."

"We are a reconnaissance force affiliated with Rhode Island, and we are tasked with finding the Stormtroopers."

At the same time, a dozen figures appeared from around the two Stormtroopers present.

Either standing on a branch or peeking out from the bushes.

The elusive figure made the nerves of the two surrounded people tense again.

"But don't worry, we don't mean any harm. We just want to make friends."

Scout took off a letter from his shirt.

He turned to look at the orange-haired woman.

"Excuse me, are you Miss Bagpipe? Ms. Chen Huijie, who is far away in Dayan, asked me to bring you a letter."

As he spoke, he threw the letter in his hand towards the soldiers over there.

Using a special technique, the sealed letter spun and flew over the distance of nearly 20 meters between the two people, and landed firmly on the outer armor of the city-breaking spear.

The woman known as Bagpipe blinked her eyes and before she could realize what happened, the name Chen Huijie awakened her past memories and made her slightly lower her guard.

She just subconsciously took the letter and glanced down at the cover.

"Eh? It's really her handwriting."

After confirming that the soldier in front of him was the target in the personnel file given by the doctor, Scout breathed a sigh of relief.

"In that case, can we find a safe place to talk."

Scout put away the crossbow in her hand.

Faced with the pressure from dozens of people around them and the kindness released by Scout, the two sergeants of the Stormtroopers could not ignore their voices.

The horn was silent for a long time.

The blond Victorian soldier finally nodded.

"plz follow me."


At the same time, the lower town of Londinium, a former slum, is now a colony of infected people.

The slums that were originally part of the city have been transformed by the Kazdaele sergeants stationed in Londinium.

Surrounded by barbed wire and various Originium devices, this place became a concentration camp for the infected in Victoria.

Every day, the infected people build city defense facilities that were destroyed by the enemy under the supervision of the Kazdael army and Sarkaz mercenaries.

Not everyone understands the significance. But they could only lower their heads in silence, carry their tools, and walk into the originally indestructible city wall.

The tinkling sound replaced the energetic conversation that was unique to the slums.

The urging sounds of the sergeants were particularly harsh amidst the cold mechanical sounds of steam and gears turning.

"Hurry up! Hurry up! Don't wait any longer."

Sakaz's mercenary carried the big knife on his shoulder and reached out to push the slightly full transport personnel.

He turned slightly, causing all the transportation personnel behind him to stop.

The entire transportation route was stopped for a moment.

"You're fucking lazy on purpose, right?"

The Sakaz mercenary raised his right hand and slapped the transporter who accidentally turned his body.

The car he was pushing couldn't help but vibrate.

The transport staff had no choice but to hunched over and said nothing, then quickly put their hands on the car in front of them.

Limping forward, pushing the transport trolley.

Seeing that the infected person did not rise up to resist, the mercenary just clicked his tongue, not easy to attack.

He had been working in this dark place for two days. He was tired and filled with resentment, just waiting for an outlet to vent his anger.

It's a pity that it seems that these boneless guys don't have the courage to resist him.

With a slight sneer in his heart, the mercenary gave up his intention to entangle again.

Wave your palms to signal those behind you to follow quickly.

Everything is back to how it was just now.

But no one noticed that a transport vehicle had separated from the team.

Moving forward on the road that all the workers deliberately blocked with their bodies, the vehicle was pushed to an elevator in the most hidden place.

The gears of the elevator mixed with the sound of steam outside, completely covering the figures of the two transport vehicles that had left the track.

After a few minutes, the elevator finally stopped operating. Outside the elevator, a dark and lightless passage opened to him.

And in this dark alley, a light suddenly lit up.


"Me, Trish."

"come over."

After a brief exchange and proof of identity, Trish, who was pushing the transport trolley, was allowed to move on.

"Why did you come down so early today?"

"The delivery person came early and left early. The things she delivered are very important. Let us get them to the place as soon as possible."

Trish was naturally the worker who communicated with Morgan and obtained Morgan's goods.

The young man who followed Trish curiously cast his eyes at the transport truck in front of Trish.

"What is so important? Is it the Source Stone?"

"How do I know? It's a good thing anyway. The big thing we built still lacks a core. I guess it's that thing."

Trish didn't explain to the boy, he just pushed forward.

Like Morgan said, he had to be quick.

Along the way, dim lights shone through the pipes and walls into this originally abandoned passage.

The Victoria City Wall is so complex that it is no exaggeration to say it is a maze.

It is precisely because of this that only Victoria's own residents know so many secret paths.

They are a resistance group composed of the local people of Londinium.

Victoria Resistance.

After passing through the dark alley, the two quickly transported the vehicle to the target location.

The huge furnace pot takes up almost all the view here.

And just above the furnace pot, several large pieces of steel were supported and suspended by chains and platforms.

Between steel and steel, there are also several small steel channels for support and energy transmission.

Under the influence of gears and steam, final acceptance checks are being carried out.

Just around the furnace pot, workers were forging other huge steel pieces hammer after hammer.

It is not difficult to see that they are creating some kind of steel behemoth for war.

Accompanying Trish, there were also couriers coming from several other passage entrances.

Pushing the transport trolley, they arrived at the console next to the furnace pot almost simultaneously.

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