Armageddon: Shelters Can Be Upgraded Infinitely

Chapter 139: The Scepter of Evil Spirits and Avoiding Disadvantages

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A dozen or so players who originally planned to watch the excitement and pick up the blunders ran away under the threat of the brown-bearded man.

After they left, only Lu Yan, Kadylov and his party were left outside the entire pig-headed forest.

The war has begun.

There was no roar of anger, no exciting opening remarks, and Kadilov and Lu Yan, who was a hundred meters away, just looked at each other, and the peak battle kicked off.


Kadylov took out a scepter similar to that used by ancient priests from the inventory, waved it in the air, and immediately aimed at the location of Lu Yan in the air, and whispered two words in his mouth.


Bright brilliance suddenly flashed on the scepter, and when Lu Yan heard the word "blinding" from the monitor intercom, he subconsciously closed his eyes.

But it didn't work!

That radiant brilliance seemed to act directly on Lu Yan's brain, like looking directly at the most violent sunlight at noon. For a moment, Lu Yan felt his eyes hurt extremely, and immediately after, his vision fell into darkness.

Lu Yan tried to open his eyes, and found that his eyes seemed to be covered with an invisible curtain, and he couldn't see anything clearly, not even the palm attached to his eyes!

At the same time, a reminder sounded in his ear.

[You are attacked by an evil spirit scepter and enter a blinding state! The state lasts for three minutes! 】

How blind am I?

Lu Yan's head buzzed, needless to say how deadly it is to lose vision in battle, he is not the golden lion king Xie Xun, he does not have the magical ability to distinguish the enemy's position by relying on hearing.

At the very beginning of this battle, Lu Yan was caught with a fatal negative BUFF!

"Snap!" Kadilov snapped his fingers. He took the evil spirit scepter from a void ruins back into the inventory, and then quickly gave an attack command to the three companions behind him.

He pointed to several different directions and issued tactics, all of which were standard military gestures. During the whole process, he didn't say a word, and he didn't make any sound to reveal his position.

Obviously, when dealing with Lu Yan, even Kadilov put all his energy into it and used all his strength.

The blinding time is only three minutes, within three minutes, capture Lu Yan!

Kadylov roared in his heart, and at the same time pulled out a heavy-duty chopping ax from behind. Four strong men weighing more than 90 kilograms were moving lightly like wild cats, jumping lightly on the boulders on the river bed. Make any stomping and landing sounds.

"The talent of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages is activated..."

In the safe house, when he realized that he could only be blind for the time being, Lu Yan reacted very quickly and activated his innate ability in an instant, and a blue 3D stereoscopic image appeared in his brain.

Four crimson blood spots immediately appeared in the blue three-dimensional image!

The information feedback function of the talent of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages does not need to pass through the eyes, but can directly act on the user's mind. This feature also makes it the best way to deal with Kadilov at this time.

Although the talent of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages has two functions, which are used for treasure hunting and enemy defense respectively, after getting the talent, Lu Yan actually used this talent for treasure hunting only two or three times, and most of the others were used to fight against the enemy , it has become a [battle talent]!

Kadilov suppressed his breathing as much as possible, and quickly approached Lu Yan. Although he was the boss of the number one force in the wilderness, if he was really asked to face Lu Yan, he would still feel a little uneasy.

The reason is simple, his weapons are not as good as Lu Yan's!

In the eight days since entering the wilderness, Kadilov did not get any guns. The only long-range weapon in their team was the heavy crossbow they got in the ruins, and today, this heavy crossbow was not brought with him either. body, but was taken away by other team members to hunt herds.

At this time, the four of Kadilov only had a few heavy cold weapons in their hands. Although this kind of weapon could help them crush the enemy in close combat, it was difficult for them to penetrate Lu Yan who had a flintlock gun. Over this long distance!

This is why Kadilov used the evil spirit scepter to blind Luyan.

If you don't do this, I'm afraid that Kadilov and the others will be headshot by Lu Yan one by one before rushing to the door of the safe house.

But luckily that scepter is very useful...

The corner of Kadylov's mouth slowly raised a curve, but before the curve completely turned into a smile, he saw a section of the gun barrel protruding from the shooting hole in the safe house!

The gun barrel was aimed straight at him, and constantly adjusted its position as he moved, as if it was tracking him!

how can that be?

Kadilov was stunned. Could it be that Lu Yan wasn't blinded?

However, the reality did not give Kadilov much time to think. The half-meter-long tongue of flame was ejected from the gun barrel very abruptly. A steel ball broke through a distance of tens of meters and landed on Kadilov with precision. !


Kadylov's strong body fell heavily to the ground and fell on his back.


The big man with the brown beard stared wide-eyed, and the movement of running forward stopped for an instant, and he couldn't help shouting: "Are you injured?"


Under the watchful eyes of several Kadylov jumped up again, looking down at a gunhole with burn marks on the chest of his coat, and then he took off his face with an ugly face He took off his jacket to reveal a simple bulletproof vest made of steel plates and cloth strips.

That steel ball is stuck on the steel plate!

"What's going on? He wasn't blinded?" the brown-bearded man shouted while taking an "S"-shaped route to dodge.

"No, the evil spirit scepter can't make mistakes, he must be blinded, but he must still have the ability to lock our position without using vision!" Kadylov also ran quickly, his brain spinning rapidly , and soon seemed to think of something: "It's a talent! The talent book "Enduring Hunger" that Lu Yan sold in the trading market at the beginning was finally replaced with a talent book called "Advancing Advantages and Avoiding Disadvantages". can show the location of all things that threaten the user!"


While Kadilov was explaining quickly, Lu Yan fired another shot. A strong man who had arrived within 20 meters of the safe house groaned, fell heavily to the ground, quickly rolled on the spot, and hid under a boulder rear.

The strong man tore off his coat, only to see that the two layers of hardwood boards serving as simple body armor in front of his lower abdomen had been completely torn apart!

The hardwood blocks the steel balls, but not the impact!

Although the lower abdomen of the strong man was not pierced by the steel ball, it was already bruised, with blood beads slowly overflowing!

"This kid is a bit tricky! You can't charge hard!" Kadilov frowned, and he immediately made an emergency retreat gesture, and at the same time his brain was spinning rapidly: "Aim for advantages and avoid the threat location..."

"Yes! This method may work!"


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