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Lu Yan closed his eyes tightly, holding a flintlock gun tightly in his hand. He shot down Kadylov and a strong man with two shots just now, but neither did much damage to the opponent. Everyone on the opponent Wearing self-made armor, although the performance cannot be compared with the bulletproof vests of civilized society, it is still no problem to defend against basic firearms tens of meters away.

The opponent's legs and head had no protection, but due to the lack of precision of the flintlock, Lu Yan's marksmanship could only be regarded as reluctant. In order to prevent missing the target, his first two shots could only be aimed at the larger chest, abdomen and other positions of the target. !

Although these two shots failed to cause any kills, they were not useless. The armor on the strong man was pierced, and he himself was severely injured by the impact force carried by the steel ball. .

"Blindness is not so terrible..." Lu Yan breathed a sigh of relief. With the blessing of his talent, he could determine the location of Kadylov and others even without using his eyes.

In the 3D image, Kadylov and others retreat quickly, out of the range of the flintlock.

"Boss! Do you have any new tactics?" The brown-bearded man stood in the shade, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and asked softly.

Kadylov didn't say a word, he took off his coat, and then he took off the steel plate armor on his body, threw away the steel ax in his hand, and finally left only a pair of shorts around his waist!

Other than that, he doesn't have any equipment on him anymore.

Several big men were stunned, they didn't know what kind of medicine was being sold in their boss's gourd.

At the same time, in the 3D image of Lu Yan seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages, the blood-red light spot that originally represented Kadylov is clearly fading slowly.

In the end, the originally very rich blood-colored spot representing Kadylov turned into a faint orange-red!

Compared with the dazzling blood of the other three big men, the faint orange in the 3D image is so inconspicuous!

"This guy..." Lu Yan thumped in his heart. He had a premonition that Kadilov might have found the loophole of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages. This talent itself shows different colors of blood according to the degree of [threat/benefit] .

The higher the level of threat, the more dazzling and intense the blood will be!

And the lower the threat level, the dimmer the blood spots!

Kadilov, who was fully armed before, was extremely threatening to Lu Yan, but after removing the equipment, his threat level has dropped to an extremely low level.

But even so, Lu Yan could still see his presence in the image.

Kadylov stood in the shade wearing only a pair of shorts, silent for a long time, he also took out several weapons in the inventory and threw them on the ground. At the same time, in the 3D image, the color of his punctuation changed again. light.

At this time, the big men standing beside had understood Kadilov's thoughts, the brown-bearded man was silent for a moment, and said softly: "Boss, is this too risky?"

"That's interesting!" Kadilov laughed, and he said in a deep voice, "If you want to fight against an opponent like Lu Yan, how can you win without taking risks?"

Kadylov threw away all his equipment, picked up an arm-length machete from the ground, and threw it far ahead.

The flying trajectory of the machete formed a straight line, firmly nailed to the left side of the safe house door one meter away!

At the same time, Kadilov took out the evil spirit scepter that blinded Lu Yan, waved it in the air again, aimed at himself, and said sharply: "Blind!"


A dazzling white light flickered, and Kadylov's eyes instantly turned white. The scene in front of him became chaotic, and he completely lost his vision.

Kadylov actually blinded himself!

At the same time when his vision became chaotic, in the three-dimensional image in Lu Yan's mind, the spot of light representing Kadylov completely disappeared.

"Crack!" Kadilov threw the evil spirit scepter to the brown-bearded man, and said in a deep voice, "Report me in the private message in a while, and guide me to approach the knife. , remove the blinding effect for me!"

A blind man, a blind man without a weapon, can't pose any threat to Lu Yan who has a flintlock gun, a shotgun and a fish scale armor!

And that machete can only be regarded as a scrap iron when it is not driven by people, it can't hurt people, and naturally it can't be shown in the talent!

This is the characteristic of the talent of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages.

Two things that combined to pose a threat are not shown in the image when separated.

Lu Yan couldn't help sighing.

Unexpectedly, Kadilov, who looks big and three rough, violent and powerful, can turn his mind so fast and find the blind spot in his talent in such a short period of time!

It seems that the other party's ability to become the No. 1 boss on the power list is definitely not due to pure force!

Kadylov stepped forward, and at the same time, the brown-bearded man kept reporting points for him in the private chat interface.

[Three from the front, two from the left, a 30-centimeter Lingshi, pay attention to dodge! 】

[First five from right, thorny branches...]

[First five right five...]

The brown-bearded man looked at Kadilov's back with complicated eyes.

He held the evil staff in his hand, and there were weapons and supplies piled up under his feet. At this moment, he only needed to pick up a steel knife and run two quick steps, and he could kill the strongest man in front of him with one knife!

As long as he can kill, then he can instantly become famous in the wilderness, and he can also logically take over everything left by the other party.

Resources, status!

Just one knife!

A trace of struggle flashed in the eyes of the brown-bearded man, but in the end, that trace of struggle and madness disappeared and became a kind of sincere admiration.

He looked at Kadylov's back and took a deep breath.

Although their team was formed temporarily, they have been completely convinced by Kadilov's personality charm during the eight days of running-in. Among other things, just facing Lu Yan at this time, Kadilov The courage of daring to take risks with one's own body is enough to make this group of Chechin men who admire the strong admire them!

As the boss with the number one power list, when he needed to take risks, Kadilov did not use his subordinates and team members as cannon fodder, but took the lead by himself. This courage and responsibility is worthy of his leader identity of!

People admire the strong, but they are more willing to follow those who are brave, responsible, and responsible. During these eight days, the impression Kadylov left on his subordinates is undoubtedly the combination of these two precious qualities. combined.

Who wouldn't want to follow such a boss?

The brown-bearded man smiled, and he continued to report points, while Kadilov was also slowly and accurately approaching the safe house, and the distance between them was less than 50 meters.


There was a gunshot from the safe house, and flames shot out, but no one was hit.

A layer of cold sweat overflowed Lu Yan's forehead.

This was the first time he had felt uneasy since he started the war. He gripped the flintlock tightly, and his mood had already begun to become a little anxious.

At this point, there are still 1 minute and 20 seconds until the blinding effect ends!


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