Latest website: Looking at the dense forest in front of him, He Chuan pondered for a long time before he walked in.

Although there are many dangers ahead, he has no other choice now. The time agreed with Lu Yan is getting closer and closer. If he doesn't hurry up, he may not be able to complete the task of killing the three senior players.

Through the experience of the past few days in the wilderness, He Chuan has a very clear understanding. He knows that although he has some advantages temporarily, most of them are due to luck. If he wants to survive in the wilderness for a long time, he must To join a big force.

And Lu Yan's conditions for recruiting members are very strict...

He Chuan knew that he didn't have any special skills, if he wanted to be spotted by Lu Yan, he had to work hard!

Because he knew this well, He Chuan took great risks to deceive the pig-headed man's flintlock gun, so he dared to hunt and kill a small team alone, because he had no other choice. Only by being more ruthless, braver, and more desperate than others can he cover up his ordinaryness in other fields!

He realized that it might be dangerous to step into this dense forest, but he went in anyway.

If he had some special skills, he wouldn't take any risks today, but he didn't, just like a person without an umbrella in the rain, who has no other way but to run forward desperately!


Walking into the shade of the dense forest, a sweltering heat and humidity rushed over his face instantly, and there was the sound of dead branches being trampled under He Chuan's feet. He looked around cautiously, guarding against possible dangers at any time.

A gray-brown poisonous snake crawled past He Chuan's feet without a sound. The patterns on its back were almost indistinguishable from the fallen leaves around it. If you didn't look carefully, you wouldn't be able to find the existence of this deadly poison...

He Chuan ignored it, walked around the place where the poisonous snake was, and walked forward cautiously.

Generally speaking, most venomous snakes will not easily attack humans. Unless you step on it first or make it feel threatened, it will not inject precious venom into the "big creature" that cannot be eaten by humans.

He Chuan continued to move forward, and as he went deeper, there were more and more beasts in the forest.

Wolves, boars, baboons...

These medium-sized ferocious beasts all have their own territory, and they stare at He Chuan who broke into their own territory, showing their sharp fangs.

He Chuan felt that the palms of his hands holding the gun stock were starting to he had weapons, he couldn't stop beating drums in his heart in the face of these numerous beasts. The three flintlock guns were the most I can only kill three wild beasts at the same time, and I still have a machete. If I encounter a pack of wolves and they swarm up, I can't deal with them at all...

But fortunately, the beasts also seemed to be able to sense that He Chuan was not easy to mess with. They had a natural sensitivity to danger, so they just stared at him with faint eyes to issue a warning, and did not pounce on him to attack.

He Chuan continued to move forward with trepidation.

As he walked, he noticed something was wrong.

At this time, his position was getting closer and closer to the inside of the jungle, but there had been no wild beasts around for a long time, which was not a good thing.

This shows that this area may belong to a particularly powerful creature, which makes other beasts treat this area as if it is forbidden, and dare not set foot on it easily!

"There are only 800 meters left to the target..." He Chuan glanced at the coordinates in the message and whispered to himself. Mobile phone users please browse and read, palm reading is more convenient.

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