Latest URL: When he first stepped into this jungle, He Chuan was full of uneasiness, but now, as he got closer to the target location, his mood became calmer.

Looking at the increasingly dark depths of the jungle ahead, He Chuan took a deep breath.

Since ancient times, wealth and wealth have been sought in danger!

People like myself who have no background and no special abilities want to gain a foothold in an unfamiliar environment, so they can only take a risky approach.

If you fail, you will be lost forever!

If successful, the future is bright!

He Chuan took out a piece of cloth, wet it, covered his mouth and nose, and then walked forward slowly. Due to the humidity in the depths of the dense forest, and the tall and airtight trees, the fallen leaves piled up below will rot after a long time. During the process of decay, The remains of fallen leaves will release a slightly poisonous gas, which slowly mixes into a miasma. Although it is not fatal, if it is inhaled for a long time, it will also cause some damage to the body and even the mind.

"This guy actually set up the safe house in such a place... Although the dense forest is rich in resources, it is not a place suitable for long-term living." He Chuan whispered in his heart, his brain was spinning rapidly, and the other party was able to board the safe house. The shelter list shows that the other party is a very capable person in terms of construction.

A suitable builder needs to consider several factors when building his own habitat, one is whether the surrounding resources are rich, the other is whether it is safe, and the third is whether it is suitable for long-term living...

Obviously, the player who set up the safe house deep in the jungle only satisfied the first factor.

The dense forest is indeed rich in resources, but at the same time, there are also many wild beasts running amok, and this humid and stuffy environment is not suitable for human beings to live in for a long time.

Even a layman like He Chuan can see the problem. He doesn't believe that this senior player who can be on the refuge ranking list didn't expect...

Unless...the other party has a reason to camp in the dense forest!

In other words, this player needs the dense forest to maximize one of his advantages!

"Dense forest..." He Chuan frowned and thought for a long time. He used to be a salesman of a small company, so his knowledge of this kind of knowledge was very limited. He thought for a long time, but he couldn't figure out what exactly Dense Forest could do for the other party. Advantage.

The smell of decay leaked in through the gaps in the veil, and He Chuan slowly moved forward with the inexhaustible rays of light shining in from the gaps in the leaves of the canopy above his head.

He was getting closer and closer to the target point, and the surroundings gradually became quieter, even the sound of birds chirping disappeared.

It seems that something terrible is hiding ahead...

800 meters...

seven hundred meters...

600 meters...

As He Chuan advanced, he got closer and closer to the target point, and finally, he entered within the range of 500 meters!

Just when He Chuan stepped into this range, he suddenly felt something trembling under the soft fallen leaves under his feet, as if he had stepped on a snake lurking under the fallen leaves, He Chuan thumped in his heart and screamed inwardly. Alright, his body backed up quickly in an instant, and his feet jumped up suddenly, trying to avoid this area.

But his reaction was still a step slow after all.

In an instant, the fallen leaves under his feet were instantly bounced and flew in the air. A rope soaked in grease was pulled out from the pile of fallen leaves, and it caught his right ankle precisely. The rope was completed within 0.1 seconds. With the tightening and bouncing movements, He Chuan only felt his body tilted suddenly, the scene in front of him spun, and his whole body was instantly lifted upside down by the rope.


He Chuan's body slammed into a big tree, and the huge impact knocked him out of shape. Stars of gold appeared in front of his eyes, and the flintlock gun that had been slung on his shoulder fell to the ground.

At this moment, he finally understood why the player he regarded as the target insisted on building a shelter in the dense forest, because the dense forest can help him perfectly cover up the trap!

In a special environment like a dense forest, people themselves need to avoid threats such as poisonous insects and wild animals, and their spirits are already in a state of high tension. Coupled with some traps that are difficult to detect with the naked eye... This dense forest has almost become a natural barrier. Make it hard for the invaders to walk!

And just when He Chuan was feeling dizzy, his ears suddenly heard a very crisp sound like a spring bursting. This sound instantly made his hair stand on end. The sound of the spring cracking was exactly the same as the sound of the crossbow he bought once when it was fired!

This is a serial trap!

He Chuan instantly realized that the danger was coming, and at the same time, he heard the sharp sound of arrows piercing the wind.

He was hanging in the air at this time, like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, and he couldn't escape at all, and he couldn't complete "pulling out the machete inserted in the boot and cutting off the rope soaked in grease" in a short time. Actions.

So in this situation, He Chuan could only rely on his instinctive waist and abdomen to roll up his upper body suddenly, trying to make his body target as small as possible.

Whoosh whoosh!

Three sharp arrows flew out.

Immediately, there were two extremely dull "duk tuk" sounds!

That was the sound of an arrow piercing a tree trunk.

But there were only two voices, and a sharp arrow landed on He Chuan's **** impartially!

"Damn it..." He Chuan felt a chill for a moment, and then an extremely sharp burning pain rushed This pain was so intense that he had the urge to faint on the spot .

He used to be just an ordinary person, basically had no experience of injury, and after entering the wilderness, his luck was pretty good, except for being hungry, he had never been seriously injured at all, so after being shot by an arrow at this time, His reaction is so strong.

Enduring the pain, He Chuan pulled out the machete stuck in his boot and slashed at the rope, once, twice, three times...


The rope snapped, and He Chuan fell heavily to the ground from a height of three meters. He lay on the ground for a full thirty seconds before struggling to stand up.

"Damn it, it's a bad start..." He Chuan cursed in a low voice. He took a deep breath, stretched out his hand and grabbed the shaft of the arrow and tried to pull it out from his wound with light force, but following its movement, The arrow didn't intend to be pulled out, but tore the wound even wider.

"There are barbs!" He Chuan immediately realized that this is a special kind of arrow. Once it is hit, there is no way to do it except cut the wound. If you use brute force to pull it, it may tear it abruptly Drop a big piece of meat! Mobile phone users please browse and read, palm reading is more convenient.

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