He Chuan's breathing became heavy, and John's words were full of temptation. For him, if he can have a strong team as his companion to help him resist the enemy together, then his chances of survival will be reversed. times, the stress will be reduced a lot!

If the [Roaring Legion] is really willing to help him garrison the mountain gorge, then with the help of natural dangers, He Chuan is even confident that he can block the Wilderness Hunter team. Without artillery, no one can break through his fire blockade! No one wants to kill him!


Can John's words be trusted?

He Chuan narrowed his eyes. He was thinking about how credible the other party's words were. Perhaps in the wilderness at this time, some teams would want to recruit him, but is the foreign devil in front of him sincere?

Did he really want to take himself under his command, or did he want to use this attitude to let his guard down?

"He Chuan, time is running out! More and more players are rushing here! If you agree with my suggestion and accept my invitation, then you must quickly let us enter the narrow passage..." John's voice was full Sincerely: "If we wait until other stronger teams arrive, even if we want to protect you, they will not be able to let us safely enter the narrow passage and form a joint alliance with you!"

"Brother, you only have this one chance!"

John's address became more and more intimate, but the urging and coercion in his voice became more and more intense.

He Chuan frowned, staring at John's face, but couldn't see any real thoughts from his face.

While communicating with He Chuan, John kept urging his other team members to speed up using the private chat function. When He Chuan's attention was attracted by him, he quickly walked around from the side and said " Divine soldiers descend from the sky"!

That's right, from the very beginning, John never thought of recruiting Asylum He Chuan, because the cost was too great and the return was too small!

Choosing to protect He Chuan at this time means making enemies with most of the players in the entire wilderness, not to mention the more powerful player team that will come later, the more than 200 ordinary players at this time alone are already Enough for John and the others to drink a pot.

He only had one gun, six bullets, and killed at most six people. Once these players rioted, they might be trampled into a pulp.

And even if he survives in the end, what John gets is just a companion who is not a top player in the wilderness!

John is not optimistic about He Chuan's value.

In fact, in the wilderness at this time, Lu Yan may be the only one who values ​​He Chuan more, because he has seen He Chuan's most desolate and incompetent period, so he knows very well that He Chuan has made it to where he is today. What a great effort, how fast his progress is, and how much potential he has in the future!

The other players, however, only saw his appearance at this time, and would not think of other aspects at all, nor would they be willing to pay such a huge price in exchange for a companion whose future is unknown like He Chuan.

"Brother He Chuan, I know you are full of guard against anyone now, but I dare to swear in the name of the heavenly father, if I deceive you, I will fall into hell..." John kept urging while vowing Let your companion speed up.

He Chuan's attention was completely attracted by him, and he didn't notice that several of John's companions had disappeared at this time.

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