After a night of cold wind, He Chuan's body and mind were a little stiff at this time, and his observation ability was also a little weakened. He didn't see the dozen or so people around John when he just appeared, but now there were only seven or eight left.

In fact, this is not to blame for He Chuan. There are a large number of players gathered at the end of the narrow passage. Except for those black people, it is difficult for He Chuan to distinguish the difference between the other members of John's team and ordinary players. Attracted by John's words, the five Roaring Legion players approached He Chuan around the shelter on the mountain from left, right, and back.

Their positions were exquisite, He Chuan couldn't see them, and their movements were extremely gentle and careful, without making any movement at all.

At this time, a strong man closest to He Chuan had touched the position of 20 meters. The long knife in his hand reflected a bright cold light, which looked terrifying!

When John saw this scene, he was ecstatic in his heart, but on the surface he was still persuading John earnestly, showing his sincerity.

As the strong man got closer and closer to He Chuan, John's heart couldn't stop beating wildly, and an excited expression appeared on his face involuntarily.

But at this moment, among the players at the end of the narrow passage, someone suddenly shouted: "He Chuan, there are people to the east of you! They will be by your side soon!"

The original calm was suddenly broken by this thunderous cry.

John's pupils constricted, and he suddenly turned his head to look behind him. He followed the direction of the voice, but only saw a bunch of heads, and he couldn't find out who was calling.

His plan was indeed very subtle, and his teammates chose good positions, all of which were in He Chuan's blind spot, but John forgot one thing, that is, what He Chuan couldn't see, these players could completely see It's so clear!

As competitors, these players may not dare to confront him head-on due to the guns in John's hands, but they still dare to stab such a black knife in secret!

After all, they have been guarding from last night until now, and they have been exposed to the cold wind all night, but now they want to watch He Chuan be killed by John and his group. How could they have a balance in their hearts?

What I can't get, I will definitely not let others get it!

This is the mental state of most players at this time.

Although they dare not start a war with the Roaring Legion, they are definitely willing to create a little trouble for them...

Harming others and benefiting oneself is what they are thinking at this time. UU reading

And He Chuan was taken aback when he heard these words, and then his scalp felt like it exploded, and a layer of cold sweat broke out all over his body. He quickly crawled out from under the boulder and looked at his right hand. glance.

On the mountain on the right, there was a strong man climbing on the rock and slowly moving in his direction. The machete in his hand and the fierce eyes of the other party all proved his intention to come!

"Damn it!" He Chuan's brows instantly stood up, his brain came to his senses, and he realized that what John said before was just to let himself relax his vigilance.

Before he had time to think about it, he directly picked up the flintlock gun and pulled the trigger at the strong man!



The two gunshots almost went together.

The first sound was He Chuan's flintlock, and the second sound was John's revolver!

After seeing his plan fail, John aimed at He Chuan decisively and shot!

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