With two gunshots, the originally peaceful scene was instantly broken.

But to everyone's surprise, the two shots did not cause any casualties!

He Chuan pulled the trigger on the strong man, and the steel ball shot out with flames, but it didn't land on the strong man, but smashed a palm-sized rock beside him!

As for John, he fired in a hurry and didn't even have time to aim. In addition, the accuracy of the revolver itself is not as high as that of the rifle, so when one shot is fired, there is at least an 80-centimeter gap with He Chuan's body. deviation.

Many people are influenced by the plots in film and television dramas and movies, and think that once everyone has a gun, they can easily pass through Yang with a hundred steps. In fact, it is very difficult to use a gun.

Using a pistol, someone who can accurately hit a target within 50 meters is already considered a very skilled shooter; and someone who can hit a target within 100 meters is already considered a sharpshooter!

In fact, according to statistics, in the past 40 years, 90% of pistols have an effective hit distance of only 15 meters, and some of them are 8 meters or even closer. The hit rate of shooting above 15 meters is only about 30%. Those who draw these conclusions are not ordinary people who have just used firearms, but veterans who have been on the battlefield or police who have used life statistics in actual combat.

And this is the data of modern pistols. Those more old-fashioned firearms have worse data and accuracy in actual combat. Some old-fashioned pistols can only guarantee to hit the target within 10 meters. Beyond this distance, the bullets will seriously deflect. fly!

Obviously, the old-fashioned revolver in John's hand is an old-fashioned type. Although he was born in the White Eagle Country where firearms are not restricted, the pistols he has played before are all other new types, and the pistols in his hands now The old antiques, but they have never been touched.

Although he had used it a few times before, he hadn't developed any hand feeling, so the accuracy was extremely poor!

Neither of the two shots had any substantial effect, but He Chuan's shot at least hit a rock next to the strong man, and the flying stone fragments scratched his skin, and a sense of tingling and fear surged up instantly.

You must know that his current position is on top of a cliff, and he cannot dodge quickly. In He Chuan's eyes, he is a living target.

Although He Chuan missed himself with one shot, he has three guns!

The strong man was trembling all over~www.readwn.com~ turned his head and glanced at He Chuan's position, sure enough, as he expected, He Chuan raised the second gun again, but he didn't aim the gun again The strong man pointed to the end of the narrow passage.

Because at the end of the narrow passage, after the two gunshots, some players had rushed up!

Especially the members of the Roaring Legion, they knew very well that if they didn't rush forward at this time, then their teammates would be slaughtered by He Chuan as easily as cattle and sheep.

Although their team has just been formed, their cohesion is much stronger than the average team. They know very well that if they want to survive in this wilderness, they must rely on the strength of their companions!

Facing the swarming players, He Chuan did not panic. In fact, he had already been mentally prepared for this kind of scene. After he raised his flintlock gun and fired two shots, he threw a spear Holding it in his hand, he roared and rushed towards the rushing enemies!

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