He Chuan was already determined to die at this time. Although he was brave, his physical strength was not unlimited after all. Facing the enemies swarming up, he knew that it was impossible for him to hold the mountain gorge, and at most he could only delay for some time.

And for something like death, what is the difference between a few hours earlier and a few hours later?

He Chuan has a hideous face. He doesn't think he can survive today. Before death comes, he wants to fulfill his last wish!

That is to kill the last high-level player!

His previous agreement with Lu Yan was to kill three high-level players. Before that, he had already killed two, and now only the last one remained. But at least before he died, he could give himself an explanation so that his life could be fulfilled!

It can be regarded as a feat in a sense.

In view of this situation, after He Chuan heard the gunshot and locked John's position, he threw the spear in his hand without hesitation.

He no longer cares whether he will be chopped to pieces by the rushing players after throwing this spear, as long as this spear can pierce John's body, cut off all vitality of John, and allow him to complete his goal, he will be fine. Enough already!

He Chuan's physical strength at this time is undoubtedly extremely strong. After being strengthened by two **** fruits, his physical fitness is two or three times higher than that of ordinary adults, reaching the level of a top athlete. It bulged like a small snake, full of explosive power.


In the next second, the spear pierced through the air like a sharp arrow, with a sharp sound of breaking the wind.

Many players felt a gust of cold wind passing over their heads!

When John saw He Chuan's eyes staring at him, he already felt something bad, his heart was beating, he subconsciously wanted to avoid it, but in the narrow narrow passage, surrounded by crowded players, he didn't even I can't even turn around, let alone avoid it.

The speed of the spear was extremely fast, but in John's eyes, the flight path of the spear was very clear and slow. He could only watch the spear fly towards him, but his body seemed to be frozen , can't make any valid response at all.

The spear arrived in no time, and under John's terrified eyes, the spear easily tore through his clothes and pierced into his chest.

He only felt a burst of icy cold running through his body~www.readwn.com~ Immediately afterwards, this icy feeling quickly spread from his chest to his whole body!

"Ah!" Severe pain and fear surged up, and John screamed crazily like a wounded beast. The spear was so powerful that it pierced through his chest, and its momentum continued unabated. After piercing the bodies of the four players including John, the power on the spear completely disappeared.

John and the three players were nailed together, as pitiful and funny as a grasshopper on a grass branch. His eyes were fixed on He Chuan not far away. He wanted to yell, but found that the sound of his shouting Hoarse like a broken bellows, he knew that his lungs had been punctured. In this case, it was almost impossible to survive the punctured lungs.

"..." John raised the revolver in his hand with difficulty, wanting to drag He Chuan along with him at the last moment of his life.

But the next moment, his revolver was brutally snatched away by a player next to him!

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