[You have killed the senior player John Smith, and you have gained kill points...]

[You have killed the ordinary player Jin Puyuan, and you have obtained kill points...]

The melodious prompt sounded, and a miserable smile appeared on He Chuan's face. He panted heavily, and laughed wantonly.

He has accomplished his goal, he has fulfilled the conditions set out by Lu Yan, he has proved that he has the qualifications to join Lu Yan's team, he has proved that he is no longer an unknown person, but an extremely powerful existence .

Even if there are new players joining in the wilderness in the future, his name will always be remembered in the past few decades!

"That's enough." He Chuan was drenched in blood. Although he still had the strength to fight, there was no point in continuing to fight.

Facing enemies hundreds of times larger than himself, he had absolutely no hope of winning, and his last obsession had been completed, as if something in his body that had been supporting him had suddenly disappeared at this moment.

He stood calmly on the spot. Although there was a machete pinned to his waist, he had no intention of pulling it out to fend off the enemy. Instead, he opened his arms and closed his eyes expressionlessly, quietly waiting for the arrival of death.

But at this moment, a private chat message suddenly sounded.

He Chuan suddenly opened his eyes, a virtual chat interface appeared in front of him, and the player ID who sent him the private chat message was... Lu Yan!

【Lu Yan: Are you still alive? I'm on my way to where you are, if you still have the strength, hold on for another three minutes! 】

Seeing this message, He Chuan's already dead heart suddenly felt a strong fluctuation, and the numb eyes once again gathered divine light.

【Lu Yan: It took me a long time to make up my mind to save you. Don't let me see a dead body when I arrive. 】

He Chuan swallowed with difficulty. At this moment, he suddenly had the urge to cry. When the entire wilderness was against him, someone suddenly expressed a little kindness to him, even if the kindness was not real. , is enough to move him to tears at this moment.

three minutes!

He Chuan's eyes became sharp, he wanted to give this chance one last chance, even if Lu Yan came here to kill him, but dying in the hands of Lu Yan was much better than dying in the hands of these people in front of him!

"Swipe!" He Chuan pulled out the arm-length machete from his waist, and slashed at the player who had already rushed in front of him.

His stature was tall, and his strength was even more astonishing. With one strike, he cut off the player's neck and threw a head flying high!

Blood spurt~www.readwn.com~ He Chuan roared furiously, the narrow path had been completely lost, and a large number of players surrounded him.

He was like a tiger surrounded by wolves, roaring and snarling, sending the enemies flying again and again, but immediately more enemies surrounded him.

The sand bike was speeding on the ground, and Lu Yan turned the accelerator to the maximum with a blank face. Hearing the roar of the engine, his emotions became more and more high.

After a night of thinking and difficult choices, Lu Yan finally chose to make a move.

For him, a He Chuan may not be that important, but he must show an attitude, that is, he must keep the person he fancy, no matter what the price is.

Only in this way can his name become bigger and bigger in the wilderness and attract more talented people to join him!

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