The latest website: In the mountains and forests, the mentality of these players is very optimistic. They think that with the number of people on their side, even a single mouthful of saliva can drown Lu Yan alive.

In the wilderness where hot weapons have not yet been popularized, crowd tactics are undoubtedly one of the most effective tactics.

These players have even begun to fantasize about the scene of attacking the Luyan camp, plundering the opponent's resources, and having a feast in the camp.

"Lu Yan must have a lot of meat in his hand. I haven't tasted meat for several days. If I kill him this time, I will have a big meal!"

"Idiot, do you just want to eat? Of course we should **** the weapon from Walking Rock. With the gun, we can eat whatever we want in the future!"

"If he can tame his falcon to be our pet, then we don't need to go hunting by ourselves..."

"I like his shotgun..."

The players talked a lot, and they had already started planning to divide the resources in Lu Yan's hands.

And the black man who planned the whole incident took a detour with his team members to another road, keeping a short distance from the big team. They could see the direction of these players through the firelight, but they couldn't It will not be annihilated together with those players when they are ambushed.

"Lu Yan has only occupied this place for a short time, so he probably doesn't have the ability to set a large number of traps in the forest..." The black man frowned as he stepped forward cautiously: "But Lu Yan hasn't made any movement now, could it be that he camped? Is the firepower inside really strong enough that one person can resist the attack of hundreds of people?"

Judging from Lu Yan's performance in the wilderness for so long, he is definitely not the kind of character who sits and waits to die. When he knew that hundreds of people would attack the camp, he posted a provocative sentence on the world channel Other than that, there was no more movement, which was very abnormal!

Even if Lu Yan temporarily recruited members, the black man would not be surprised, but Lu Yan was always like a stone, without any reaction, which made people feel inexplicably uneasy.

This kind of reaction always makes people feel that Lu Yan is planning a bigger counterattack.

"Be careful..." The black man glanced at the dark forest in front of him, couldn't help swallowing, he always felt that Lu Yan was hiding in some dark shadow, staring at them with cold eyes , Once they set foot in that area, there will be intensive firepower pouring in!

The deeper you go into the, the colder and more fearful you feel. At first, these players were talking and laughing, but as their footsteps deepened, they also became silent.



In the darkness, there was the sound of leaves and branches being rubbed and squeezed. A player at the front of the team stopped. He raised his head and pricked up his ears, trying to identify where these sounds came from and what they were coming from. of.

"It looks like... a wild beast is running. It should be some ferocious beast hunting." He breathed a sigh of relief and said, "We don't have to worry. The wild beast dare not approach us when it sees so many of us and the torches!"

In the mountains and forests, it is very normal for wild animals to appear in the middle of the night.

Just when everyone was about to start again, an accident happened.

Not only did the rustling sound not move away, but it got closer and louder!

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