The latest URL: "No! Something is wrong!" Finally, someone discovered that something was wrong.

In the middle of the night, there are indeed wild beasts in the mountains and forests, but ordinary wild beasts will not take the initiative to attack humans, especially humans who are in groups and have fire sources.

For fire, beasts have a natural fear, even if they only see the fire from a distance, they will quickly avoid or go around.

But this time, the rustling sound heard by this group of players not only did not disappear, but it got closer and closer to them, and its momentum became louder and louder. It was simply not something that one or two wild beasts could produce.

The rustling sound came from the front, and the ground began to vibrate slightly. It must be a large herd of animals that can make such a movement!


In the darkness, came the low growl of the bison.

The players at the front of the team suddenly widened their eyes.

Bison herd?

You must know that the risk factor of encountering a herd of bison head-on in the forest is no lower than that of encountering a beast, because this herbivore is huge in size, and once it runs, the impact force will be enough to break a tree as thick as a thigh. , if a person encounters it, his bones will be crushed almost instantly!

"Get out!"

In the crowd, someone screamed, and the whole team became chaotic in an instant. No one wanted to face a group of rampaging bison.

But because the players were standing too close together, and in the dark mountain forest, the ground was uneven. After the riots started, some people began to fall to the ground, or were pushed and pushed by others and fell to the side.

Everyone was fleeing to the surroundings in a panic, completely ignoring the companions under their feet.

Before the buffalo herd arrived, a serious stampede among the players had already occurred!



In the darkness ahead, the sound of low trees being smashed continuously came. To the players, this sound was undoubtedly a death knell, and the vibration of the ground under their feet became more and more intense. Some players with better eyesight can already see the silhouettes of bison herds in front of them.

"Quick! Climb to the tree!" the players roared, they could already hear the heavy panting of the cows.

The beasts in the wilderness are strong, and the creatures that can survive in such a harsh are all strong and high-quality species. Each of these bison is like a small tank. When they When his four hooves stepped on the ground, no matter whether it was a small stone or a branch as thick as an arm, they were all crushed in an instant!

"Fuck! I can't go up, give me a hand!"

"You bastard, this tree can't support six people, get out of here!"

The yelling and calling for help instantly destroyed the illusion of unity. In fact, this group of players has no cohesion at all. They seem to be cohesive, but as long as there is any danger or interest, this cohesion will disappear. will be destroyed immediately.

In an instant, a herd of bison had appeared in front of everyone. They rushed out of the darkness, like an indestructible torrent of steel. Anything that stood in front of them would be smashed to pieces. Behind them, the originally dense The jungle has been forcibly stepped on a flat animal path!

"help me!"

A player who hadn't had time to climb up the tree saw this scene, and his brain went blank for an instant. He only had time to let out a shrill cry for help, and the next moment he was trampled under by the cows, and instantly turned into a pulp!

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