The latest website: In the darkness, the little white dragon, which was almost integrated with the surrounding environment, kept making sharp and majestic cries, and its golden pupils revealed an extremely humane appearance. The taunt, the sharp claws like steel knives are still dripping blood at this moment.

Yes, the black man's guess was right.

This wild bull riot was indeed created by Lu Yan, no, to be precise, Lu Yan just provided an idea, and the implementation of the specific plan was entirely done by Xiao Bailong.

In fact, from the very beginning, Lu Yan did not plan to have a direct confrontation with many players, because as many people think, although his camp has strong defenses and fierce firepower, he is only one person after all. Even if He Chuan was added, it would be difficult to fight against the invasion of hundreds of players at the same time.

Moreover, the camp is not like the previous underground refuge. As long as you curl up inside and close the door, you can avoid being invaded by other people. The camp is open. As long as a player climbs over the city wall, the invasion is successful, and Lu Yan can be trapped state.

Therefore, Lu Yan's plan is to keep most of the invaders a few kilometers away from the camp, and to reduce the number of enemies as much as possible.

It's just that in a short period of time, it is impossible for him to set a large number of traps in the forest, so he can only focus on the beasts in the forest...

After he settled in the mountain forest, he had already figured out the habitats of most of the wild animals, and this time, he drove the little white dragon to attack the huge herds of cattle, driving them out of their habitats, and the herds ran wild The impact of getting up is definitely no less than that of a heavy cavalry team!

Although the bison is huge in size, herbivores are docile and timid, and the little white dragon itself is a mutant beast, and its combat power is far superior to that of ordinary beasts. In addition, it got a second boost after swallowing the flesh and blood of the demon black ape, so The buffalo's thick-skinned and thick-skinned defensive power was completely useless in front of the little white dragon.

After killing two or three strong bulls in a row, the herd of cattle began to fall into panic and confusion. Under the intentional driving of Xiao Bailong, the herd of cattle was driven to the route planned before Luyan, which is the route in and out of the mountain forest. On that animal path, the most intense collisions occurred with those players.

Facts have proved that Lu Yan's strategy is indeed very effective. Under the impact of the buffalo herd, at least one-third of the nearly 300 players were lost, and the beast path was full of crushed flesh and corpses.

Some timid players saw this scene, trembling and crying loudly.

"No more fights, no more fights...We, we are not Lu Yan's opponents!"

"I want to go!"

"Lu Yan is a demon, we can't defeat him, so many people died before we saw his face... Ugh!"

"I want to go home!"

The buffalo herd went away, the dead players could no longer speak, and many of the players who survived were scared out of their wits and expressed their intention to quit on the spot.

Those shattered corpses that were trampled into the mud reminded them all the time, if they continued to go deep into this dark mountain forest, what a tragic end would be waiting for them!

The black man saw that the situation was getting out of control, and his brain was spinning rapidly.

Since his team did not walk with the large army before, it was not impacted by the buffalo herd. Although there were no casualties, if the remaining ordinary players were to retreat now, they would be the only team left. What threat might it pose to Lu Yan's camp.

If they retreat, the rhythm they have spent on the world channel for a long time will be in vain, and the efforts they have put in will be in vain, and the ID "Wang Dongdong" will definitely be retaliated by Lu Yan in the future.

As Wang Dongdong is a team member of the black man, Lu Yan only needs to investigate a little bit to find out who is the real mastermind behind the scenes. At that time, the black man will not be able to escape the responsibility.

He has no way out now.

Go ahead and encourage these players to fight towards Lu Yan's camp. If he can successfully kill Lu Yan, then there is still a chance of survival; but if he retreats with these players now, then he will definitely bear Lu Yan's revenge in the future Sorry.

Facts in the past have proved that Lu Yan is very ruthless and has a strong desire for revenge. If he offends him, he will definitely not retaliate with kindness and let him go easily!

The black man's eyes flashed fiercely, he gritted his teeth, first let his team members continue to spread some encouraging words in the world channel, and then walked towards the panicked ordinary players.

At this moment, he can no longer hide behind and continue to play the role of "behind the scenes". At the moment when the psychological defense of many ordinary players is about to collapse, he must stand up as a "senior player" to stabilize the situation !

"Listen to me, everyone! I am Magellan, the captain of the Wild Hunt and the team leader ranked sixth in the power list!" The black man walked out, held a torch high, and stood in front of many ordinary players. I showed my identity when I came up, because the current situation may get out of control at any time. After the terrifying herd of bison passed by, every player was extremely panicked. They urgently needed a powerful person to appear to act as their spirit. pillar.

And the black man is also seeing this point. He first shows his identity, so that these players have a sense of trust and dependence on him, which will help him in his future plans.

"Yes... an advanced player!"

"The sixth-ranked team leader..."

"Mr. Magellan, what should we do? Is Lu Yan really something we can defeat?"

"We have already suffered heavy casualties before we saw his face. If we continue to move forward, will the entire army be wiped out before we reach his camp?"

After seeing Magellan, many ordinary players gathered around one after another, asking with mournful faces and trembling voices.

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