Latest URL: Magellan took a deep breath. He knew that this was a critical moment, and his every word and deed might affect everyone's mentality.

He glanced into the depths of the dark jungle, then glanced at the many players whose faces were full of fear and anxiety, and suddenly shouted: "Gentlemen! Comrades! We are now facing the most severe test! "

"The enemy is very strong! This war is very difficult for us to win, and many people may die because of it!"

"But we can't back down from that!"

"Because history has taught us that if we want to strive for happiness and freedom, we must pay the price of blood and fire!"

"Before we arrived in the wilderness, we used to come from various countries. I believe you all know something about the history of your own country. Each of our countries has suffered or is suffering invasions from other countries! But our ancestors, our compatriots You will not give up defending your homeland and dignity because of the strength of the enemy!"

"When our ancestors faced the enemy, they chose to hold out their chests and went forward resolutely. Even if the comrades beside them died, even if they were seriously injured, they still would not retreat because of this!"

"It is precisely because of this unyielding spirit and perseverance that our race can survive war after war without being enslaved by others!"

"As a black man, I know very well what it feels like to be enslaved. Our ancestors were once sold as goods, enslaved as cattle and horses. Our ancestors were not even as good as a dog! The people who enslaved us were powerful at that time Is it? They are very powerful!"

"But if my ancestors were once cowardly because of the strength of their enemies, would I still be free?"

"Everyone, you have to think clearly, if you don't kill Lu Yan, not only you and I will be enslaved, but even your friends, relatives, and lovers who will arrive in the wilderness in the future will become inferior people!"

"Don't you just have the heart to watch your beloved family members be enslaved by Lu Yan and become the object of his oppression because of your cowardice?"

Magellan's voice is very penetrating, and his words are indeed deafening in a sense. After these words, the expressions on the faces of the players who were originally full of fear and anxiety gradually changed. replaced by resentment and anger.

The breathing of the players became more and more heavy, and the hands that were originally powerless and desperate clenched their fists tightly again.

Seeing this scene, an imperceptible smile appeared on the corner of Magellan's mouth. Although he is a black man, he has a high level of education and once majored in psychology in college.

He knows that for most human beings, they may not risk their lives because of their own desires and desires, but most of them will do so because of family members, lovers, and children.

It's a ray of humanity.

In many people's minds, family members are much more precious than their own lives.

As long as you can grasp the weakness in human nature, you can achieve all the effects you want!

"Magellan is right! We can accept being enslaved by Lu Yan, but our family members and future generations cannot!" Suddenly someone roared in the crowd.

"Lu Yan, you bastard! For the sake of my family, even if I risk my life today, I will kill him!"

"Kill him! Kill him!"

Among the crowd, the original fear has been swept away, replaced by soaring anger.

And some players who originally wanted to leave turned back at this time, just like what Magellan said, they may be greedy for life, and they can endure being bullied by Lu Yan, but it is difficult to accept that their family members have the same fate as themselves.

For the family, what is a life?

Magellan was very satisfied with the reactions of these players. He laughed wildly in his heart, but he remained calm on the surface. He spread his palms, pretended to be extremely serious and admired, looked at the many players, and said every word. Said: "Tonight's battle, regardless of the outcome, we will be remembered in the history of the wilderness! Because we are heroes fighting for freedom and pioneers against tyranny!"

"Even if we perish here tonight, our spirit will last forever, and there will always be descendants who will inherit this spirit and eradicate tyranny!"

Hearing these two words from Magellan, the emotions in the hearts of the players were completely ignited.

Fight for your family, fight for honor!

This is a reason that almost all men cannot refuse!

"Let's go! Let's continue to go!" In the crowd, some players were excited and shouted loudly: "We want to replace the will of the dead comrades, let's kill Lu Yan!"

"We can't let our dead companions die meaninglessly!"

"We would be irresponsible cowards if we retreated now!"

The mood of the crowd became more and more high. Under the roar of many players, there were a few players who wanted to leave, but they had to stay, because at this time, those who had become excited because of Magellan's words The guys at this time are looking at them with angry eyes, as if as soon as they say "I want to leave", they will immediately rush up and beat these "irresponsible cowards" to death.

Group mood changes are very dangerous. In this case, even if someone wants to leave, it is difficult to leave.

Magellan looked at the crowd, he knew very well that he had successfully stabilized the situation, and as long as he proceeded according to the original plan, everything would be back on track.

"Mr. Magellan, we are all a group of ordinary players, and we don't have any special skills. How about it... Is it up to you to direct the next action?" Someone in the crowd suddenly spoke, watching Magellan send out a sincere invitation: "With you as our backbone, we can feel a lot more at ease!"

"Yes, Mr. Magellan is an advanced player, he must be much better than us!"

"With the help of his team, our chances of success can be increased a lot!"

"If we succeed this time, we can form a big team and let Mr. Magellan be the leader of our big team! At that time, any wild hunter team or any major league shelter will have to stand aside!"

"Mr. Magellan, please be our commander!"

Magellan almost burst into laughter when he heard these words.

He was still worrying about how to get the commanding power in his hands, but now someone proposed it, so he simply agreed.

"I can serve as your commander temporarily, but you must ensure that you strictly follow every instruction I issue!" Magellan puffed up his chest, glanced at the many eager players, and said in a deep voice: "Now, we Immediately count the existing number of people and weapons!"

After Magellan's brainwashing speech, the players were completely convinced by him, and his requirements were also very strictly implemented.

After a few minutes of statistics, Magellan came up with a set of data.

Now there are one hundred and seventy-five people left in their team, seventeen of them were slightly injured and three were seriously injured. They had a total of sixty-two long and short knives, sixty-seven homemade spears, and Twelve handles, six stone hammers, two self-made slingshots, three flintlock guns (but no gunpowder), and seventeen javelins.

Looking at these tattered weapons, Magellan was speechless for a while.

Although these low-level players have been in the wilderness for more than ten days, their development has been very slow. The weapons in their hands may be enough to hunt small creatures such as sheep and deer, but if they attack the city... it is not enough at all!

Compared with the weapons in Lu Yan's hands, these things are completely worthless!

But...Magellan can't ask for more. After all, these people are low-level players. It is not bad to be able to get a weapon in their hands. It is completely impossible to compare with Lu Yan.

Lu Yan is the biggest weapon seller in the entire wilderness, and if he wants to compete with him in weapons, he is asking for trouble.

"The weapons are not dominant, but our numbers are very superior!" Magellan gritted his teeth: "And we are not attacking the city head-on, we just need to sneak in and give Lu Yan a knife quietly, or put a knife in his camp." Put the fire on and you're done!"

Although Lu Yan has excellent weapons, he is only one person after all.

Siege warfare is difficult to fight, but if there is only one person defending the city, it will not be too difficult!

Magellan stood up, and he quickly pulled everyone in this place into a chat group, and said: "From now on, in a group of ten, try to spread out and approach Lu Yan's camp, I will chat in the chat group Issue the latest instructions here!"

"In addition, the captains of each group have to announce their positions and team members in the chat group every five minutes. Have they been attacked and downsized?"

"Now I'm going to group..."

After some operations, Magellan divided these players, including himself, into seventeen teams, and headed towards Lu Yan's camp in different directions.

The advantage of this is that even if the little white dragon drives the herd away again, it will not cause great danger to them, and there will be fewer people, and it will be easier to disperse. Like the stampede just now, it will never happen again the second time!

After all this last night, under the command of Magellan, seventeen groups set off one by one, and soon disappeared into the darkness.

"That **** is really smart..." Lu Yan sat cross-legged on the city wall, he accepted the message from Xiao Bailong and nodded repeatedly.

Magellan's performance was beyond Lu Yan's expectations. If it wasn't for the black man's inflammatory remarks, then according to Lu Yan's thinking, after a cow stampede, this massive player attack should have ended up.

Unexpectedly, in just a few words from Magellan, instead of fear, those low-level players became more angry and more imposing.

At this moment, it was no longer possible to scare off those players by relying on fear.

Looking at it now, the only way to repel those players is to kill them all!

"Go! Find Magellan again, and kill him if you have the chance!" Lu Yan waved to the little white dragon and gave it another command.

The ordinary players who committed crimes tonight are all in a state of disunity, except for Magellan, the nigger, who is the only change in the disunity. If he is not eliminated quickly, then the situation tonight may slowly become correct. Lu Yan is at a disadvantage!

In fact, when Xiao Bailong was driving the cattle before, he already wanted to kill Magellan secretly, but the scene at that time was too chaotic, and there were always several guards around Magellan, and he wanted to get out after killing him. Even Xiaobailong couldn't do it.

After thinking about it, Xiao Bailong still didn't take the risk.

Not because it is cowardly, not because it is not loyal to Lu Yan, but because it knows that to Lu Yan, its importance is much higher than that of Magellan!

If the camp was really breached tonight, Lu Yan would at most take the little white dragon to run away and build another camp.

But if Xiao Bailong dies here, then Lu Yan will no longer be able to obtain a loyal and powerful guard like him. In Lu Yan's eyes, the lives of family members and friends are always more important than resources and interests. There are many, many!

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