Armor Frenzy

Chapter 788: walk in silence (3)


Liu Bin muttered dissatisfiedly while tying the corpse to the rope, and the team quickly returned to silence, except for the addition of a floating tail.

Liu Bin is a more sensitive person. Although he is well-informed and has never been afraid of a corpse, with such a thing hanging behind him, he can't help but feel agitated, and he always feels like there is something behind him.

Instead, he would never scare himself like this in normal times. Today, he has stayed in this dark and depressing environment for a long time, and his mind is a bit abnormal.

However, Liu Bin had no idea. This was just the beginning. The team advanced less than 100 meters and encountered a second body, which was still an American soldier. The cause of death was suffocation.

Ye Han, who found the second corpse, sank in his heart, and couldn't help praying secretly in his heart, hoping that there would not be a third one in front of him.

It's not that he is afraid of corpses, but the corpse itself also contains some important information!

A corpse can be explained by straying and breaking up. Two or more corpses indicate that this is a group of US troops who left the armored vehicle to find a way out. They are all trapped here, indicating that there is no exit to return to the ground nearby.

Of course, it is also possible that this team of American soldiers went in the wrong direction, but Ye Han did not think that the American soldiers would be stupid enough to go deep.

Afraid of what was coming, after walking out a few dozen meters, he encountered two entangled corpses, which looked like something had happened before he died.

Ye Han hesitated for a while, but still decided to take them. Every time he walked a distance, the corpses tied behind Liu Bin quickly broke through double digits. Fortunately, they did not continue to increase.

The team continued to move forward, but they didn't go far, and the pressure began to increase. This result made Ye Han's heart skip a beat.

I have tried all the fork roads in front, and none of them are slopes. In the best case, the water depth is ten meters. Only this road can reach more than seven meters.

What a mess!

Ye Han felt that his heart was already twisted into a ball, and he was unsure of his decision after thinking about it, but he only hesitated for a while and made up his mind: "Brothers, let me say a few words, you can listen... Downhill, you have seen those people just now, and you know what happened later, I think these people are going in the wrong direction, so even if the front is downhill, there is still hope to continue walking, what do you think?"

Liu Bin was the first to respond: "What else to say, let's go, go out, it's your life, if you can't go out, it's good to be here, there's nothing you can't think of."

"Yes, captain." Ouyang Ping agreed, "Wherever you go, it counts."

"You can understand." Ye Han said, "then keep going."

He was afraid that the soldiers would have different opinions, so he didn't give the soldiers a chance to speak at all.

However, no one had any other ideas. The team continued to move forward, and the water depth also dropped rapidly, quickly breaking the ten-meter mark.

At this time, Ye Han found a U.S. armored vehicle that rolled over. The hatch on the roof was open, and there was no one in the vehicle... He felt that the vehicle belonged to those corpses.

What surprised Ye Han was that there was still some space in the armored vehicle that was not submerged by water!

This was a remarkable discovery. He greeted him and asked Ouyang Ping to get into the armored vehicle together.

The moment it came out of the water, it was like entering another world. Although that small space can only hold the heads of two people.

"Too small, not enough." Ouyang Ping said.

"Where's the used gas tank?" Ye Han took out a gas tank and smashed the valve. With a muffled sound, the air in the tank suddenly rushed out, and many air bubbles poured out of the bottle mouth, causing the water in the car to be pressurized. Go out a bit and expand the waterless space a bit.

It has to be said here that when astronauts walk in space, they breathe low-pressure pure oxygen in the spacesuit. The advantage of this is that the pressure in the spacesuit is lower, which is convenient for astronauts to move.

The space version of the armor is equivalent to a hardened armed space suit. If it is a space mission, the team members have two choices. If there is enough time, they should breathe pure oxygen for a period of time, remove nitrogen from the blood, and then bring a pure oxygen The gas tank is out of the cabin... The power armor spacesuit is solid, but the pressure inside is not a good thing.

Another situation is that the task is urgent and there is no time to inhale oxygen. In this case, only nitrogen-oxygen mixture can be brought, but the air pressure in the armor must be increased.

The advantage of the former is that the activity time is long, while the advantage of the latter is that the attack time is short.

Naturally, it is not that complicated on the ground. The gas tank is only filled with ordinary compressed air. Even if the oxygen is used up, there is still a large amount of nitrogen in the tank, which is just used to remove the accumulated water.

Ouyang Ping did as he did, and took two gas tanks from the other soldiers, finally draining the water level to his waist.

The armored vehicle is not a sealed submarine. The ticking water constantly erodes this small space. Ouyang Ping found a rubber sheet the size of a drilled outside and photographed the torn rubber sheet on the leaking water. In some places, the rubber sheet horse was pressed by the water, and the water flow that leaked into the armored vehicle immediately weakened a lot.

He didn't want to seal the armored car, he just wanted the air not to run so fast.

After the blockage was over, Ouyang Ping opened the backpack, took out the spare battery, tore the waterproof package, and replaced Ye Han with a new battery pack.

After four hours of consumption, Ye Han has only 30% of the electricity left, but it doesn't matter, if you haven't encountered this armored vehicle, you can also find a **** top in the passage, use the gas tank to create a water-free space and replace the battery Bag.

The battery is not afraid of water before it is unpacked and after it is installed in the armor. It is not a problem to soak the battery in water, but once the interface of the armor gets into the water, it is very troublesome, so the battery must be replaced in a water-free space.

The soldiers took turns entering the armored vehicle to change the batteries, and a tank of gas was replenished. After a few minutes, Liu Bin couldn't help but sigh: "There are only four hours left." He said this because each person only had one spare battery. Bag.

Ye Han said firmly: "I walked 40 meters in the first four hours, I don't believe I can't get out for another four hours!"

The words of the soldiers are very reasonable.

Liu Bin said: "Then what are you waiting for? Let's go!"

"Don't worry." Ye Han stopped, "Are you hungry? Hurry up and have a meal! Ouyang brought someone into the car to see if he could get the map out." It was about half past eight when he left car No. 1, and it was now ten More than two o'clock.

"I've been soaking for so long, can I do it?" Liu Bin expressed doubts.

"Try it." Ye Han said.

On a whim yesterday, he asked for a map of the American cave from the major. If he could find the map drawn by the car, he might be able to determine the current location through the pairing.

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