Armor Frenzy

Chapter 789: escape

Ouyang Ping called a soldier in, and it didn't take long for the thing to be taken out. It looked pretty intact and showed no signs of damage at all.

Everyone immediately gave birth to some hope, but after taking out the storage device, they found that the interface of that thing is different from that of Fang, and there is no way to extract the data inside!

This helpless result made Ye Han depressed and disappointed everyone to the extreme.

The soldier in charge of dismantling said angrily: "If it's on the ground, I'll definitely have a way!"

Ouyang Ping sighed: "Don't talk about it, we are in the water."

Ye Han sighed in disappointment and led the team to move forward, but the water pressure continued to increase, and after half an hour the water depth had reached 18 meters.

Fortunately, the downward **** continued to slow down, and the water depth finally stabilized at 18 meters. After more than 40 minutes, the pressure decreased slightly, and finally the fire of hope was rekindled for everyone. It seemed that even the steps under their feet were much lighter.

The water pressure gradually decreased as it advanced, but the magnitude was very small, and the feeling of sinking was gradually increasing. When the needle pointed to 3 o'clock in the afternoon, the water depth had dropped to a record-breaking four meters. Pretty much in a quagmire.

At this time, it has been seven hours since the flood poured in, and the quality of the alien's engineering is hard enough that the mud wall can last so long under the flood.

A voice suddenly broke the silence: "The water is getting muddy."

It was Liu Bin who was speaking. The visibility that was originally more than two meters had dropped to less than one meter.

"Go out!" Ye Han said, "The last four meters are left. Perseverance is a victory... Also, the mud has been soaked. If it really doesn't work, let's find a place to dig!"

Everyone's eyes suddenly lit up, and Liu Bin immediately agreed: "It's good to dig a hole, otherwise we don't leave, let's do it now!"

It’s hard to dig if you’re trapped at a depth of 10 meters and 20 meters, but this place is only four meters deep. As long as you dig four meters, you can get out of the water, and then you can find a way to get back to the ground.

Ye Han poked hard into the mud with his toes, probably as deep as he poked into the mud and touched a solid layer of mud: "Go on. There's not that much ooze, so I can't dig it out."

"The aliens of the dog days, what do you do with such a solid film?" Liu Bin cursed in dissatisfaction.

"Okay, save some air, if you don't make it so strong, the hole will collapse." Ye Han continued to walk forward, but stopped after a few steps, "Ouyang came to lead the team, I only have 100% left. Thirty times."

While speaking, Ye Han turned off his headlights.

In order to save electricity, only Ye Han, the leader, kept his headlight on, and the others followed by feeling.

"Yes!" Ouyang Ping agreed, and was about to change the position of the headlights when a short light suddenly flashed in front of him.

"Captain, there is light!" Ouyang Ping was overjoyed.

"Where?" Ye Han quickly turned around, but saw nothing.

The others also came to the spirit, and one by one stretched their necks and looked forward.

"The front, the front!" Ouyang Ping said.

Ye Han looked back for a while, but there was still only darkness: "Aren't you dazzled?"

"Definitely not!" Ouyang Ping said in a very firm tone.

"You can still see that the water is so muddy?" Liu Bin's tone was full of suspicion.

Not only Liu Bin, but other people also felt that this was unreliable. After all, it was not a strange thing to have some hallucinations after walking for more than seven hours.

"I clearly saw it!" Ouyang Ping was extremely aggrieved.

Ye Han sighed: "Who is that, Xiangzi, come here... I rely on me!"

Before he finished speaking, a blue-white light flashed again not far in front of him. It lasted for a very short time, but it was very clear.

This time, not only Ouyang Ping, but Ye Han also saw it, and he immediately shouted, "Turn on the lights!"

Everyone turned on their headlights, the underwater brightness was unprecedented, and the visibility finally increased to more than two meters again. Ye Han was shocked to find that the water full of impurities was flowing slowly and slowly!

After soaking in water for more than seven hours, this is the first time he has discovered the flow of water!

Ye Han was overjoyed and jumped up two meters high by pedaling hard. He was pleasantly surprised to see a hole in the top of the cave.

Before landing, he raised his voice and shouted: "There is a hole here, a hole to go!"

The soldiers bombed the pot, everyone's electro-optical bag can last for another hour, and if they can't get out, they will be trapped here alive.

"What are you waiting for, let's go!"

"Go, go, go!"

The light in the hole above the head flashed once again, and everyone's confidence was even greater. Ye Han aimed at the direction of the flash and jumped sharply, and finally jumped into the hole.

This hole is very narrow, with a diameter of just over a meter. Ye Han's arm was against the wall of the cave, and it felt very hard. It must be a stone wall.

Ye Han tried to move forward, and found that the hole was a bit narrow, and it was difficult to squeeze the power armor in. He shouted: "Everyone pay attention, except for weapons, throw away all the extra equipment!"

The soldiers complied immediately, and he himself removed all the additional preparations such as propellers, leaving only the rifle, ammunition and battery packs in the armor, not even the backpack for supplies.

This time, it is much easier to drill into that hole. Ye Han used both hands and feet to climb up the sloping stone cave. The soldiers followed one by one. Appearing can still hear a muffled sound.

The value of the pressure gauge plummeted, and Ye Han had a strong feeling that he would be able to escape this time... He suddenly realized that he was no longer surrounded by darkness, but was filled with misty shimmer, and the brightness was not as good as that in the dark night. Candlelight, but he was certain that these lights had nothing to do with headlights!

In order to prove this, Ye Han decisively turned off the headlight. When he looked up again, the light just flashed again, so he saw a layer of dead branches and fallen leaves floating above his head.

The water, that is the water!

The huge surprise hit his heart in an instant, he couldn't hear or feel it, all his senses were concentrated in his eyes, and he could only see those dead branches and leaves.

Ye Han was almost unable to control himself, and crawled with all his strength, like a dying desert traveler seeing a life-saving oasis.

He was getting closer, getting closer, only to hear a clatter, Ye Han suddenly rushed out of the water, the pouring rain fell on his body, washed the muddy water all over his body, a lightning flashed across the sky, and the electric light illuminated the sky and the earth.

Ye Han climbed to the shore with both hands and feet, looked up at the hazy sky and roared, as if to vent all the anguish in his heart.

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