Armor Frenzy

Chapter 798: get away


However, the aliens who had stopped during the day obviously didn't want to let the fleet go like this. After nightfall, a group of giant ants on the shore suddenly gathered together to climb each other, and it didn't take long for them to become several huge ant balls!

The vegetation on the shore is not bad, but no matter how dense the vegetation is, it can't cover the conspicuous ant ball. The ship's sentinel horse found something wrong and immediately reported the abnormal situation. Please search () to see the most complete! fastest updated novel

Ye Han took a look at the porthole, and immediately wanted to communicate with the fleet and requested air support.

A few seconds later, the space fleet in low-Earth orbit opened fire, and dozens of shells fell from the sky, smashing the ant **** that were about to gather.

The shelling lasted for half a minute, not a long time, but the artillery fire was very dense, sweeping the entire river bank, countless giant ant wolves rushing, and after the shelling was over, there was no more complete giant ant in sight.

The giant ant's raid ended so anticlimactically, and the fleet continued along Hebei.

The visibility at night is not very good, but each soldier has night vision goggles, the speed of the fleet has not decreased, and it is still moving at a high speed of more than 100 kilometers per hour.

I don’t know if the aliens were too late to mobilize their troops, or if they realized that the ant colony couldn’t do anything under the nose of the space fleet. The night’s journey was extraordinarily smooth. By the next morning, the fleet had entered the semi-desert area in Sudan. The banks of the river are no longer endless tropical vegetation, but replaced by a piece of withered yellow.

The vegetation is not absent, but it is very little, and it is concentrated on both sides of the White Nile River, and the place a little further away is desolate.

Ye Han lay on the porthole and watched for a while, but he didn't look at a single ant. He contacted the Space Fleet to obtain real-time satellite images, and did not see any giant ants near the fleet.

He relentlessly searched along the river, and finally found that the giant ant closest to the fleet was actually more than 300 kilometers away from the fleet!

Ye Han blinked and suddenly raised his head: "Didn't we come out?"

These words were thoughtless, everyone was a little stunned, Ye Han quickly explained a few words, and everyone understood the meaning of the words, and the originally quiet cabin became lively.

Holding his helmet, Liu Bin grinned and smiled brightly: "I thought about it when I was on the boat yesterday, I won't be able to escape without fighting a few bugs along the way. I didn't expect it to come out so easily."

"Who said it wasn't!" Ouyang Ping repeatedly agreed, "There was an accident last night, and we didn't need to do it yet."

Luo Qi looked at Ye Han: "Captain, can we call a plane without bugs?"

"I think so too." Ye Han smiled and wanted to get through the communication of the Djibouti base: "Call the base, please answer when you receive it!"

"The base received, please speak."

"Base, our department has entered the semi-desert area, no bugs were found here, repeat, no bugs were found here, ask for air support!"

"The base received, the plane is ready to take off, but you are still within the threat range of the flying ants, you must continue north!" Said the base sent a coordinate to Ye Han, "This is the convergence coordinate, the plane takes two hours After arriving, you must hurry up!"

"Understood, what's up with the Americans?"

"Which aspect?"


"This is a joint operation."


At the end of the communication, Ye Han clapped his hands and said, "All attention!"

The soldiers turned their attention to Ye Han.

Ye Han said: "There is good news. The base horse sent a plane to come over. The converging coordinates are about 160 kilometers north. Our plane and the American plane come together. If we hold on for a while, we can go back."

The soldiers were obviously relieved, but no one cheered... Now is not the time, and it is not too late to vent when we return to the base.

After a while, the United States received an order from Djibouti, and the fleet increased its speed to the highest speed. Eighty minutes later, the fleet rushed to a desolate river beach, which was less than five kilometers away from the meeting point.

The hovercraft is extremely adaptable. Anyway, these ships cannot be recovered. They simply drove the hovercraft directly on the shore and rushed to the ground in a short time.

There is a well-preserved desert road at the meeting point, which is the basis for the landing of planes.

Some soldiers talked a lot after seeing the road, and they all felt that it was a surprise that the road was so well preserved.

In fact, it is not surprising at all. The reason why the road in the tropical rain forest is broken is the result of the combined effect of wind and rain erosion and vegetation growth. In the desert, it is dry and rainy all the year round. Unless it is buried by sandstorms, this desert road will be lost in ten or eight years. Almost anywhere.

What followed was a long and agonizing wait. At 8:28, the familiar roar of engines appeared in the sky, and several transport planes appeared within sight, and soon landed on the road.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief in unison. The soldiers boarded the plane at the fastest speed, and then the group took off and returned home.

The moment the plane took Ye Han raised his eyes and looked to the south. Although he could not see Moroda, thousands of miles away, many thoughts still lingered in his heart.

However, in just a few days, the four combat groups participating in the war lost more than half. Although the losses were not as great as those of Siberia, they were not much stronger.

There is also the situation in Africa. A few days ago, it seemed to be very good, but after a few days, Fei has become a giant ant... No, it has become a world of aliens, nearly 2,000 troops from more than 2,000 countries. The loss of life is enormous.

These are nearly 2,000 motorized infantry, not 2,000 ordinary soldiers!

The key is not the past, but how the countries participating in the war should act next!

Regardless of whether Fang is the base group, he will not sit idly by and watch the aliens occupy Africa, let alone ignore the aliens sitting on the ground, and he does not know how the countries will plan next.

While Ye Han and others withdrew to Djibouti, countries were also conducting a new round of consultations.

The space fleet is already in place, but countries have different views on how to act next. The focus of the debate is whether to use nuclear weapons, the scope and consequences of using nuclear weapons, and so on.

In short, the aliens must be eliminated, but the use of nuclear weapons is not necessary.

Many countries are very optimistic about infrasonic cannons, and believe that it is best to continue the previous African action plan, use infrasonic cannons to destroy a large number of giant ants, and then pull out the aliens and kill them.

I have to say that this plan is really a bit two. Although the tropical rain forest is protected to the maximum extent, the implementation of this plan requires sufficient ground forces, and the tropical rain forest environment is special, and the human and material resources invested are worth a world war.

Bombing Africa with a nuclear bomb is simple, but the problem goes back again. Without tropical rain forests, the climate of the entire earth will undergo unpredictable changes!

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