Armor Frenzy

Chapter 799: stir the world


The parties are still arguing, and military operations against Africa can only be suspended. The only military operation in the whole of Africa is that the US military built the Nile River Defense Line on the Nile River to stop the giant ants north.

At this time, all those in the know believed that the ant colony would quickly go north under the command of aliens. The purpose of this was not only to open up the road to northern Europe, but also to use offense instead of defense, contain human military power, and buy time for development.

However, contrary to everyone's expectations, there was no incident for several days in a row, neither the aliens nor the ant colony made any movement, and even the giant ants on the ground were much less active, as if the aliens were shrinking their forces to recuperate.

The situation is a little strange, there are endless speculations, and there are different opinions. A piece of news suddenly detonated the human world - the spread of giant ants in South America, and the countless giant ants are like a tide!

Satellite monitoring found that spider ants and flying ants also appeared in South American ant colonies!

This news further proves that the aliens have long planned to land on the earth. The purpose of the aliens is to transform the giant insects of the earth, and let the insect swarms act as the vanguard of occupying the earth!

There was a fire in the backyard of the home, and the popularity of the United States was so bad that it did not hesitate to transfer the international fleet from Africa to South America.

However, shortly after the fleet set sail, the African ant colony that had been hidden for several days made an all-out attack. Countless giant spider ants and flying ants swarmed out of the surface, and the rolling insects rushed north.

Insect swarms on two continents attacked at the same time, and there are many signs of occupying Africa and South America, and then spreading around the world.

At this time, the North has no luck with the decision to send troops to Siberia. Otherwise, once the aliens transform the wolves, the northern border will inevitably swarm.

Africa and South America both have favorable terrain for defense. As long as the Nile River and Panama are guarded, blocking the swarm is not a dream.

And there is a thousand-kilometer land border between Fang and Siberia. It is difficult to say whether the northern line of defense can stop the swarm.

In the face of the increasingly bad situation, countries finally made the decision to send troops to Africa, while the South American side was temporarily independently defended by the US military.

This is because countries generally believe that human beings do not have the strength to fight on two fronts, and it is best to take down Africa first and then turn to South America.

Another hidden reason is that Africa is too close to Europe, and it is impossible for European countries to choose distance from each other, first deal with the South American ant colony and then go back to clean up the African ant colony.

It was under this circumstance that Ye Han and his team members received an order to return to China, but there was no task force to return to China. Instead, the Djibouti base received an order from China, asking Zhuang Bo to prepare for receiving troops.

Later, Ye Han learned that two whole regiments of motorized infantry were dispatched from China to go to Africa.

This is just the beginning. It is said that the military is planning to expand the base in Djibouti and establish a group army in Africa. More troops will be dispatched in the future. The total number of mobile infantry troops dispatched by the party in Africa will reach five to six divisions, with a total force of about 50,000 people. , under the jurisdiction of the fleet, aviation and various corresponding arms.

Since the outbreak of the insect plague, Fang has mobilized several times. Today, the total force is the highest in the world. Sending 50,000 to 60,000 people to Africa is a trivial matter.

But the problem is not like this. The troops sent to Africa must be motorized infantry with power armor, otherwise it will be difficult to fight against the ant colony. The equipment of so many people is a huge expense. The army, the military simply cannot draw so many troops.

However, whether it takes time to expand the base or form the African Army, the military's short-term goal is just to set up an air first.

Investing troops in Africa is only part of the military's operations. In China, many troops withdrawn from the northern defense line are sent to the south by the military. There are large tracts of tropical virgin forest inside and outside the southern border, where there are hidden aliens and transformed giant insects. In order to prevent aliens from taking root in southern Xinjiang, Beidu had to plan ahead.

There are not many troops invested in Africa. European countries are the main force in Africa. Many countries have even deployed one-third or even one-half of their national military forces to station in Africa.

In this case, only the Americans withdrew from Africa under the pretext of resisting the South American swarm, and even the Nile line was handed over to European allies.

The Americans' actions are not surprising at all. On the one hand, it is not in the interests of the United States to deal with the aliens in Africa first. On the other hand, the swarms of South America are approaching step by step. It is reasonable and reasonable that the Americans should withdraw their troops from Africa.

They can't do it if they don't want to. Since the outbreak of the ant colony in South America, the emotions of the people in the country have been excited day by day. If a large number of US troops are dispatched to Africa at this time, the American people must react.

Right now, whether in Africa or South America, human beings have not come into contact with the swarm, but rumors are already flying all over the world, and governments of various countries even have to control the media to limit public opinion to prevent the situation from getting out of control.

At a time when most of the world's eyes were on Africa, the American Ant Legion first arrived in Panama. The surging ant colony launched an attack on a cross-section of more than 60 kilometers at the same time, and a fierce conflict broke out with the US military stationed in Panama.

Due to the short preparation time, the defense line of the US military stationed in Pakistan did not even have a prototype, and had to rely on simple fortifications to fight against the ant The US military commander did not hesitate to use highly toxic chemical agents in the battle. Subsequent troops win assembly time.

Fire support from the Space Fleet arrived first, the weather at the time of the battle was not very good, the laser cannons were ineffective, and the Space Fleet could only provide fire support with artillery shells.

The space battleship's cannons fire extremely fast, but there are not a lot of cannonballs in reserve, so they have to hold down the firing speed to avoid running out the cannonballs. Fortunately, the cannonballs are powerful, and every time a cannonball falls, a good result can be achieved.

A few minutes later, the navy's fleet launched shelling. The large-caliber naval guns of the dead ship were extremely powerful. A large-caliber artillery shell of more than 400 millimeters could clear a football field of giant ants.

After the navy joined the battle, the task of interdiction of firepower was handed over to the navy, and the space fleet began to conduct interdiction artillery bombardment, dumping a large number of shells on the subsequent ant colonies, killing a large number of the living forces of the ant colonies.

The army artillery group behind the defense line was the last to be put into battle. The flexible and mobile artillery group was mainly responsible for front-line fire support. Wherever fire support was needed, where to hit the artillery shells - American soldiers liked to call for air support, but a large number of flying ants made the Air Force hampered. , Fortunately, the cannons of the US military are not vegetarian.

The four-in-one firepower strike has an extraordinary effect. Hundreds of shells explode every second. The intensive firepower finally stops the attack of the ant colony. The US military killed countless giant ants in the battle for more than an hour, and the ant corpses piled up like mountains. , the exact number cannot be counted.

However, this is only the first wave.

The situation in Africa is better. The ant colony can only go along the Nile River. As long as the defense line of the Nile River can stop the ant colony, and there are deserts nearby, there is no problem in throwing a nuclear bomb.

All in all, global military power is stirred by ant colonies on two continents.

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