Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1194: The main force is out

The night is getting darker, the insects in the forest are bursting, and countless small flying insects are circling and flying in front of the light.

Some of the unlucky ones landed directly on the lampshade, and after a while they were roasted into dried worms.

Ye Han, who was behind the high wall, looked up at the sky, and the dark sky was dotted with a few stars.

Today is the beginning of the month, and the moon can't be seen all night. Ye Han knows that there is a space fleet above his head, but he still has a very unsteady feeling in his heart.

I hope there won't be any demon moths.

Ye Han was pondering his own thoughts, and suddenly heard a trace of abnormal rustling in the sound of insects in his ears, and he couldn't help looking at the high wall.

The sentinel on the top of the wall was nothing unusual, still carrying a rifle, pacing back and forth unhurriedly, and every time he took a step, he had to look a few times to the west side of the high wall.

Ye Han couldn't help but secretly wondered if he had heard something wrong, but the rustling sound was still echoing in his ears. According to the time, the swarm should almost arrive.

Looking at the others, the warriors were standing up one by one, staring silently at the high wall.

The sentry at the top of the wall still didn't find anything unusual. Ye Han was about to give a loud reminder when a sentinel suddenly stopped and his rifle swung horizontally in his arms: "There is a situation!"

The shouts spread far and wide in the silent night, overshadowing all voices.

The top of the wall boiled instantly, and the sentries and the awakened warriors immediately woke up their resting companions. Everyone took their places, their guns were loaded and their swords unsheathed, and the grenade was at hand, quietly waiting for the swarm.

Although the one on the wall is not a front-line army, which domestic combat force has not dealt with giant insects? Even if he didn't face such a large swarm, he still had some experience in dealing with bugs.

The rustling sound became louder and louder, and the radar, which was originally unresponsive, slowly fluctuated. After a while, the screen was filled with fast-moving targets.

With an order from the on-site commander, the self-propelled mortars behind the high wall fired at the same time. With the continuous roar, thousands of shells roared over the high wall and fell into the jungle on the west side of the high wall.

The jungle that was originally shrouded in darkness was instantly illuminated by fire, and countless explosions came one after another.

Although the artillery positions behind the wall were scattered, the cannonballs that could land were connected in a straight line, forming a barrage that cut off the swarm. After three consecutive rounds of shelling, the barrage began to extend westward, and the artillerymen used the most classic barrage to advance tactics. Deal with the surging swarm.

The worms dodged and ran under the cannon fire, but none of the worms turned to escape. Their speed was astonishingly fast. Many worms forcibly broke through the barrage, spreading their long legs and rushing towards the high wall.

Four hundred meters!

"Fire!" The commander gave an order, and the high wall shot loudly, but the shooting frequency was not very high, and everyone shot after aiming at the target.

The insect is three meters and four meters long, but only a little over one meter tall. The frontal area of ​​the insect is only about half that of a human.

Not everyone can hit a high-speed moving target 400 meters away. Shooting indiscriminately will only waste bullets, so the soldiers are very cautious.

Seeing this, Ye Han couldn't help nodding. Don't look at the second-line troops on the wall, but they were in a very good position for battle. If they were equipped with power armor, they might not be any worse than the first-line troops.

If he read it correctly, 80% of the reason why this troop is still in the second line has nothing to do with combat effectiveness, but because it didn't get the chance to prove itself.

Take a look at the military's combat sequence and you will know, which first-class main force is not named in the military history of the military?

There is no real record, no matter how strong the combat effectiveness is, you can only stay in the second line. When will you come up with a record that convinces everyone, when will you be able to hold your head high and enter the ranks of the first-class main force.

I don't know if this blockade will be able to play a first-class main force...

Thinking of this, Ye Han couldn't help laughing, laughing at himself thinking too much. Is the first-class main force so good?

The insect swarm is really strong, but in terms of real combat power, the insect swarm cannot be compared with the real enemy. This battle should be played beautifully.

Unless the swarm is replaced by a worm, there may be a silver lining.

But that is absolutely impossible, because all the information Beidu has obtained, including the remote sensing results of its own satellites, say that there are only insect swarms and no insect people in Asan.

The battle continued. Although the artillery continued to fire continuously, more and more giant insects broke through the barrage. The originally loose gunshots gradually became tighter. The moment the insect swarm rushed into the 200 meters, a few people at the top of the wall. All the firepower points fired together, and the dense bullets were like a long flaming whip, volleying towards the running bugs, penetrating, knocking down, and breaking them one by one.

As long as the bugs are pointed at by machine guns, there is only death. Each firepower point suddenly becomes the strongest support on the defense line.

As far as the intensity of firepower is concerned, let alone the swarm of insects, even if the servants come, don't even think about hitting the high wall, unless the aliens personally take action, there is little hope!

There is no need to worry about the wall, Ye Han is free to think about how to complete the order above.

It's not a big deal to catch a single giant worm alive. The problem is that the battle is so fierce that there is no way to ask the soldiers to keep their hands. There is no chance to catch the giant worm alive in front of the defense line... Well, maybe the giant worm is just transported here. Excited soldiers ran over and shot the giant insect.

If you want to complete the task, you can only leave the line of defense and attack the single bug.

Ye Han made up his mind, and immediately said on the radio: "Attention all units, assist in defense as planned, Luo Qi, take your people with me!"

There were a few laments on the radio immediately. Everyone knew that Ye Han would definitely do something again, but in this situation, everyone had to stay in their command positions, and even if they wanted to participate, there was no chance, that is, Luo Qi. Only the captain of the guard has the opportunity to follow Ye Han everywhere.

Luo Qi immediately agreed: "Master, how many people are you taking?"

"Bring them all, bring more bullets." Ye Han said.

The actual establishment of the guard company should be a whole battalion, but the personnel who replenish the first division give priority to supplementing the grassroots. Until now, the guard battalion is still in the establishment, and the actual number is less than one company.

However, in terms of combat effectiveness, the guards even said second, and no one in the entire division dared to say first.

Luo Qi immediately gathered his troops, and the soldiers were all eager to try, just waiting for Ye Han to issue an order.

The guard company is a veteran of the first division. Ye Han didn't need to do any pre-war mobilization. With a wave of his hand, the troops immediately followed Ye Han, and the whole company went north along the high wall, and left the battle area after a while.

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