Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1195: Field experiment

Ye Han took the team out a few hundred meters, and the gunshots on the wall were several times weaker. It was obvious that the attack of the insect swarm was very concentrated, and there were only sporadic insects in the farther position.

This is good news for the upcoming mission, but out of prudence, Ye Han did not immediately cross the high wall, and led the team to continue to the north, walking for nearly two kilometers. Only sporadic gunshots could be heard at the top of the wall. Order troops to the wall.

No one on the wall knew what Ye Han wanted to do, but they all received orders not to interfere, so they happily gave up a space... The soldiers thought that Ye Han wanted to take over this high wall, but they didn't want Ye Han to set foot on the wall, the first One jumped out of the wall.

Then the guards lined up and jumped out like dumplings. After a while, they jumped cleanly. After jumping under the wall, they immediately dispersed in units of squads. The dense jungle on the west side.

The warriors on the wall are envious, jealous, and hateful. When will we be able to put on a power armor?

After the team entered the jungle, they did not approach the fighting direction, but continued to advance westward. After advancing for about two kilometers, they turned south and carefully searched for the trail of giant insects.

It was a bit far from the battlefield, but Ye Han was not worried at all about not being able to catch the giant insect.

Even the elite troops of human beings will inevitably fall behind on the march, not to mention the rabble-like swarms?

As expected, after about a few hundred meters forward, the vanguard sent a warning signal, and the team immediately stopped advancing.

The signal from the front came quickly, it was three giant insects alone.

There are still some traces of giant ants on these giant insects, but they are very inconspicuous and can't be seen if you are not careful.

Ye Han felt very lucky to meet three at a time. He immediately arranged for Luo Qi to pick out the soldiers with the best marksmanship.

Luo Qi scratched his head very much. It was easy to kill the giant insect, but it was not so easy to just break the insect's legs without hurting the insect's body. Fortunately, Ye Han's requirements were not so strict. No big deal either.

I don't dare to say anything else in this ghost place. There are as many bugs as I want, and they are all killed. It's great to find them.

When the soldiers heard Ye Han say this, they immediately put down all psychological burdens and completed the task wholeheartedly.

The soldiers picked out by Luo Qi moved forward quickly and soon reached the shooting position.

After a while, the giant worm entered the shooter's sight. Luo Qi gave an order, and everyone fired at the same time. The precise single shot hit the target one after another. The three giant worms exploded on the spot and charged desperately in the direction of the gunshot. .

However, their charge is a bit funny. The first one broke four legs, leaving only two front legs to support the whole body. As a result, the six-wheel drive changed to the fore-wheel drive but still crawls very fast. As a result, they were taken care of by the soldiers and interrupted by a random gun. The remaining two legs, but they were also shot several times on the body, and there were several holes the size of a bowl, and it was impossible to survive.

The second one had three broken legs, but all three legs were on one side, and the three intact legs bounced together, rolling all over the floor and turning in circles but not moving forward.

The last one was the luckiest. All six legs were broken from it. With the broken legs, he scrambled on the ground, twisting forward like a snake, but the speed was a bit unbearable. The nest can't move.

One dead and two wounded, brilliant results!

Ye Han immediately organized the soldiers to carry the insects. The insect that had not a single leg stretched its head out and planned to bite. The angry soldier shot and broke its lower jaw. As a result, the insect's bare mouth was exposed. The remaining bits were attached to his face, and he kept moving.

"Doesn't it know it hurts?" Luo Qi asked curiously.

"Who knows!" Ye Han couldn't answer either, and waved to the soldiers to send the bugs back.

The soldiers of the two classes left the team to send the insects. In order to prevent the friendly troops from accidentally hurting the giant insects, they did not directly approach the high wall, but stopped when they were still a few hundred meters away from the high wall, and sent one person to the high wall first. Explain the situation, and then work together to carry the bug over.

After the two giant insects were evacuated, the troops continued to look for their targets and caught seven more giant insects within half an hour.

At this time, the sound of gunfire on the defense line gradually weakened. Ye Han didn't know the situation of the insect swarm. He was about to lead his team to return. Suddenly, he received an urgent notice from the superior, saying that the insect swarm gave up attacking the high wall and was turning north to remind Ye Han. Avoid swarms.

The swarm was still far away, and Ye Han immediately led the team away and returned to the line of defense smoothly.

When Ye Han returned to the back of the wall, he found that a group of people were busy around the giant insects. They didn't even have military uniforms on them. They didn't know what they were doing.

Ye Han walked over curiously, but before he got close, he was stopped by an officer, and Ye Han was not allowed to pass by.

Ye Han didn't reluctantly asked bluntly what it was doing.

The officer said that these people were scientists from Beidu, but he didn't know what they were studying.

Ye Han was about to leave when the armor suddenly detected very weak infrasound waves.

He was startled immediately, and when he took a closer look, the source of the sound was the direction of the giant insect. The people surrounding the giant insect were using an unnamed instrument to aim at the giant insect. A guy with glasses was constantly adjusting instrument.

Suddenly there was a cheer, and several people jumped up together, shouting "Success!" "Found!" "Great!"

Several people quickly controlled their emotions, unabashedly used military communication equipment, and reported a series of professional terms aloud.

It may not be understood by other people, but Ye Han heard several familiar keywords, including infrasound, resonance frequency, sound wave intensity and so on.

Obviously, these people are looking for the resonance frequency of the giant worm's internal organs, and they are going to use infrasound to deal with the giant worm.

The infrasound cannon is not a new equipment. It has been used in the past against giant insects. It is said that the ready-made equipment can be directly used. Why do you have to catch a few giant insects and come back to experiment?

Is it possible that these giant insects are different from the past?

It really made Ye Han guess right. The military didn't think about infrasound, but after using it, they found that whenever the infrasound gun was activated, the swarm would become very violent, and the attack of the swarm would also become extremely ferocious. When will it be turned off? Infrasonic cannon, when will the swarm return to normal.

The weapon originally used to kill the giant insect has actually become a catalyst for the giant insect's combat effectiveness.

At present, the experimental team has found the most important resonance data from the bug, so that the infrasonic cannon can be put into the battlefield again.

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