Armor Frenzy

Chapter 846: Substitution

Flip to the next page, the page was still full of handwriting, but Ye Han found that all the handwriting on the back had changed, and even turning a few pages was a different handwriting, Ye Han suddenly had a bad premonition.

He quickly turned to the front and carefully looked at the contents of the diary. As expected, the first line of words confirmed his guess:

My name is Huang Biao, the deputy captain of the Marine Corps of the First Fleet of the Chinese Expeditionary Force, Shuwan, with the rank of captain.

This diary has always been written by Lu Peng. We all know about this. I once objected to it. I was worried that the enemy could decipher our words through the diary. Later, I found that there were some books in the things that fell into the hands of the enemy, so I no longer opposed Lu Peng. record of.

The reason why I changed it to record is because Lu Peng is missing and may have been killed by the enemy. There are also other possibilities. I will not guess too much. In short, it is unlikely that he will survive.

I was mentally prepared, but I didn't expect Lu Peng to be the first.

how to say? I never thought of taking over this diary, but with Lu Peng gone, I feel obliged to record what happened to us, even if it is extremely unlikely that it will be discovered by fellow Earth compatriots.

I never asked Lu Peng what he had written down. After I got the diary today, I roughly turned it over from the beginning to the end. When I saw these words, it seemed that the previous encounters had been experienced again, and my heart was particularly blocked.

But after reading it, I also have a few words to say, although I am a monster now, but my thoughts, my memories, and my past are all real people, no matter what my appearance grows into. No matter what, I always firmly believe that I am still a person, and I will only be a person, always a person!

Fate really played an unbearable joke on me, although I have accepted the reality of mutation, but only my body is mutated, my heart will never change, I will always be a member of the People's Liberation Army, forever! ! !

Huang Biao clicked several exclamation points, as if he couldn't express his emotions without doing so.

After forever is not a text, but a series of irregular numbers. Ye Han, who was born in the special forces, can see at a glance that this is a communication password, and it is a common password during the First Fleet period.

It was more than two years ago for the First Fleet, but Ye Han still remembered this code very clearly. He translated the code without any obstacles: one day is a soldier, a lifetime is a soldier, and today's grievances are for the future. Take revenge.

The next line changes back to normal Chinese characters:

Without a timing tool, I don't know how long I've been a prisoner. I've been counting the changes in gravity. If I remember correctly, it should be early July, which is early July 2025.

It’s been about a month from the complete mutation to now. This time seems to be calm, but I always feel that this is the tranquility before the storm. Before the enemy, there was no movement until Lu Peng disappeared a few days ago.

I saw his record and knew what he found, but how stupid can the enemy be, so stupid that he doesn't even recognize nuclear bombs? Even if they really don't know each other, missiles always know, right? There are many nuclear warheads on warships, but they are basically installed on missiles. As long as the enemy's brain is not filled with paste, he will definitely know what a nuclear bomb is.

The disappearance of Lu Peng is probably related to the nuclear bomb. I recalled the situation before Lu Peng disappeared and discussed it with others, but we all felt that there was nothing unusual about Lu Peng in those days. Only Wang Zhifei said that Lu Peng disappeared. He seemed to have heard the explosion before, but only he heard it, and no one else had the slightest impression.

It was later discovered that the place where Wang Zhifei went to work was not far from where Lu Peng went to work, and the others were farther away, which could explain why others could not hear the explosion.

So, assuming this explosion does exist, what exactly happened to Lu Peng?

It was just an explosion, not an earth-shattering nuclear explosion, there is no doubt about it, and I don't want the explosion to be related to the nuclear bomb. I hope Lu Peng just detonated other explosives and perishes with the enemy.

If Lu Peng really detonated the nuclear bomb, but there was only one ordinary chemical explosion... If this is the case, it means that the enemy has mastered the structure of the nuclear bomb, and even said that they already knew the specific structure of the nuclear weapon and took out the warhead nuclear material.

Only then can the explosion be explained.

In other words, the enemy is likely to deliberately send the empty nuclear bomb to Lu Peng in order to figure out how to detonate the nuclear bomb!

I hate to think so, but I'm more convinced that the enemy is smart and cunning - I hate them, but I must admit that the enemy is smart.

Of course, even if the enemy has mastered the detonation method of nuclear bombs, it does not matter. After all, the enemy can't capture too many nuclear warheads. I am afraid that they will master the technology of making nuclear weapons.

With the enemy's technological level, it shouldn't be difficult to replicate with reverse engineering after getting the nuclear bomb... the more you think about it, the worse it gets.

In addition to Lu Peng's I have to add some things, mainly about the mutation.

I will not repeat the situation during the mutation process. Lu Peng has made detailed records, mainly the physiological changes after the mutation.

I found that after becoming what I am now, many physiological indicators have changed. I am a little taller than before the mutation, and my body is thicker, but it is more flexible than before, and my strength is about doubled, which can be said to be physical fitness. Overall improvement.

This is not how I feel alone, but it is the same for everyone!

This is very strange. After all, we are prisoners. Shouldn't the weaker the prisoner be, the easier it is to take care of it? Is it to make us do hard work and deliberately improve everyone's physical fitness?

This kind of reason is too bizarre, let alone other people, I don't believe it myself.

Doesn't this improve our odds of escaping? Or is it that the enemy is not afraid of us escaping at all... Or is it that the enemy deliberately released water and let us out before playing the game of cat and mouse?

The integrity of the aliens, no matter what they do, I wouldn't be surprised.

But then again, if the enemy really did this on purpose, what was their purpose?

Seeing this, Ye Han couldn't help but start to think about the purpose of the aliens.

So far, the aliens have never used nuclear weapons on the battlefield, but the aliens have added naval guns to the warships. He always thought that the enemy's naval guns came from analyzing the combat data, but looking at it today, he felt that The naval gun is likely to be one of the achievements of the aliens studying the Shuwan!

There are not only nuclear missiles, but also nuclear artillery shells, laser cannons and various other human weapons on the Shuwan, and the design principles of these weapons have always been simple and easy to use. In other words, it is not too difficult for aliens to copy them. From now on, more imitation weapons will appear on alien warships!

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