Armor Frenzy

Chapter 847: Missing

Early August 2025.

If I'm not mistaken, it should be the beginning of August, and it's another month in the blink of an eye. We are used to working for the enemy every day, but we have never found a chance to escape. I don't even know if I can wait for this opportunity in my life. In short, The only thing to do now is to take a step by step.

Very sad and helpless, but there is no way... alas!

There is actually nothing to say during this time. The reason why I remember another paragraph is because Zeng Rui has disappeared, and he is the second one.

We have long guessed that this day will come. I don't know how others are, but I have been thinking since Lu Peng disappeared, who will be the second.

So far, we still don't know what happened to Lu Peng. We got together and reviewed the situation in recent days several times, but no matter how we thought about it, we couldn't find any clues.

When Lu Peng disappeared, there was still a movement, and when Zeng Rui disappeared, there was no sound.

In this ghost place, only the enemy can do this. Lu Peng and Zeng Rui must have been dealt with by the enemy. Then, who will be the third one?

Since Lu Peng disappeared, the remaining few people are in danger, and they are all worried that it will be their turn next. This time, Zeng Rui is missing. Don't look at no one to say it, but I can see that this place One counts as one, and all breathe a sigh of relief.

Even myself, no exception.

This time I can finally relax for a few days, and it will be too late to start worrying after a while.

Mid-August 2025.

The third is Wu Songyan. This time the interval is only ten days, maybe less than ten days, the interval is too short.

We shouldn't put our hope in the mercy of the enemy, and if we go on like this, it won't be long before we all die.

Everyone has always wanted to escape, but they didn't wait for the opportunity, but the situation has changed. If you continue to wait, sooner or later, the enemy will be killed. My opinion is that it is better to take a risk and have a try. It is better to stay here and wait.

But the adventure also has to wait for the opportunity!

Early September 2025.

Another person has disappeared, this time not one every time, but one every day. So far, three people have been missing in a row. Now everyone is in danger, and I don’t know who will be missing tomorrow.

Today, everyone got together to discuss for a while, and we plan to fight the enemy, but we have nothing in our hands, so what should we use to fight the enemy? With paws?

Late September 2025.

Finally came back again, the experience of these few days was really thrilling, and looking back now, it still gives me lingering fears.

Not just me, but others too.

Let’s briefly talk about the situation. Before, there were people who disappeared every day. I just finished the last one, and the enemy took it away alone the next day.

I still remember that four aliens broke in at that time, and then the one who was in the lead glanced at me, and didn't know what to do with me.

At that time, my heart was cold, and I followed the enemy out, trying to figure out how to escape, but there was no chance at all along the way.

The situation really surprised me. After I went out, I was put on the bug car. It took me at least half an hour to stop. I guess this time was enough time for the bug car to traverse the dungeon.

I was really nervous at the time, and I kept thinking about what to do. At that time, I thought about it. If I saw a bed or anything close to a bed, I would immediately fight the enemy desperately. I would rather die and let the enemy dissect it. Let the enemy take me for a living experiment.

But the enemy didn't do this. They sent me to the garbage dump, the garbage dump of human objects. When I saw those messy things, I remembered the things Lu Peng wrote in the diary. I couldn't help but look around to see if there was anything specious the nuclear bomb.

There really is!

At that time, my mentality was very bad. On the one hand, I didn’t know what the enemy wanted to do, and on the other hand, I couldn’t tell whether the nuclear bomb was real or not.

Before this happened, I didn't understand Lu Peng's choice very well, but at this time, I found that I couldn't be rational. Even if the nuclear bomb was fake, I was willing to fight with the enemy.

But when things came to an end, reason prevailed over impulse.

Maybe people who see this passage will say that I am greedy for life and fear of death, but the clearer is self-clearing, and I don't want to explain more, anyway, I look like this.

I was hesitating when an enemy suddenly said something to me, which meant to tell me to separate things into categories... It was in Chinese, and although the grammar was wrong and the sound was very ugly, it definitely meant that.

Damn, when did they learn Chinese? Isn't it said that Chinese is the hardest language on earth to learn? How did aliens learn it?

Also, now that you can say it, what about writing it? Is it that every word I write, every line I write down, is seen by the aliens?

I suddenly understood what it means to shudder.

I deliberately pretended not to understand the delay, and took the opportunity to wonder what the enemy meant, and whether this was the case with the previous few people.

I don't have the slightest I can't think of a reason, and then I started to guess, guess how the first few people divided...if they did.

The enemy was very patient and told me several times, until I could no longer fool me, and I began to divide things.

I think the enemy wants me to be divided according to the purpose, so I did not do this, but divided them according to their appearance and signs. For example, those with radiation signs were all divided together. Anyway, the enemy did not say how to divide them.

There were not many things, and it was finished in a short time. Those aliens said nothing from the beginning to the end. After seeing the things, they took me away. The enemy took me to another place. I will see you there. I arrived at the comrades who were missing before, but there were only two, and the other one was sent to somewhere unknown by the enemy.

I learned about what happened to the two of them, and the situation I encountered was basically the same. I know that the purpose of the aliens is not simple, but why are they doing this? Does a certain classification method work for them?

In the next few days, other people were escorted by the enemy to the experiment one after another. Most of them joined us, but in the end, when we came back, four more people were missing.

There are only fourteen people in total, and now there are not even half of them left. If we go on like this, it won't take long for us people to die.

Mid-October 2025.

It's strange that no one has disappeared during this time.

We have never been able to guess where the missing people have gone, but now we all feel that 80% of the time the enemy's experiment has been completed, so we let us go.

Leave us alone for now.

Many people think that the missing comrades must have been sliced ​​and studied by the enemy, but I think that the enemy should have cut it long ago. There is no need to wait until we become this way before slicing. experiment.

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