Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1167: Just a matter of time

Ouyang Ping's heart rose to his throat. ◢щЩш.suimEnG.1a

He knew that this was the location where the team evacuated from Buha Island, but he didn't know the details of the evacuation, so he couldn't help but speculate whether it would be his own who was captured by the bugmen.

A layer of cold sweat instantly oozes out of his forehead, and his eyes are always fixed on the bug man, trying to see who the bug man is carrying.

But the speed of the bug man was very fast, and he could barely see the clothes on the man's body, but he didn't even notice his appearance.

Now it's troublesome!

He is very clear that the possibility of his companions falling into the hands of the bugmen is very small, but he is not afraid of 10,000. If he is in other parts of the island, he can pretend to be invisible, but this place does not dare to add more Be careful.

Ouyang Pingya gritted his heart and opened the hatch quietly, lying on the deck with his gun in a prone position, aiming at the bugman dozens of meters away.

With his marksmanship, at this distance, he can completely take a headshot without hurting the prisoner!

Just as they were about to shoot, two more worms emerged from the cave. Each of them was carrying half a corpse. The blood had already formed a dark brown blood scab. .

The smell of ** attracted a group of flies, they flew around the corpse, and a slender and flexible tongue suddenly popped out of the insect man's mouth, popped out and retracted like lightning, and there was one fly missing in the air.

Ouyang Ping almost died of nausea, what the hell, even if he changed into a worm, at least half of him would still be human, right? How can you eat flies as snacks?

It wasn't over yet. The two bugmen turned their heads stiffly, flicking their tongues every time they moved, and a fly was missing in the air. After a while, the flies attracted by the corpse were eaten up by them.

The two bugmen also licked their lips, but their slender tongues licked their entire chin again, so disgusting that it couldn't be more disgusting.

Ouyang Ping felt that his psychological endurance was not bad, but this scene still exceeded his lower limit. His stomach was surging for a while, and a mouthful of sour water rushed to his throat, and almost spurted out.

After finally suppressing the sour water, Ouyang Ping re-targeted the worm, but he suddenly found that the swaying arm of the corpse was the kind of brown-black that has been exposed to the sun all the year round!

He raised his head in amazement and recalled the previous situation carefully. According to the flashback of the biochip, the skin on the back of the prisoner's neck was also this color. It was a skin color unique to living in low latitudes all year round, and it was absolutely impossible to be his companion!

He immediately gave up the idea of ​​shooting and retracted into the cabin sweating profusely.

Judging the enemy and me by skin color seems to be a very stupid thing, because the soldiers have been trained all the year round, all of them are tanned and bright, and their skin color is no better than these equatorial natives.

But the specific situation is analyzed in detail. The Airborne First Division left the earth at the end of last year. After that, it either slept in the hibernation compartment of the battleship, or carried out the mission in the power armor, and did not see the sun for a whole year.

It's not a good thing to see the sun for a long time, but because of this, the military can't sunbathe on the battleship where space is extremely precious, right?

The result was that the entire fleet from top to bottom, everyone's skin became whiter and whiter because they didn't see the sun.

As we all know, the darker the skin gets, the darker the skin is to fight the ultraviolet rays in the sun. Ouyang Ping hid in a tree and basked in the sun for half the morning. Now the skin on his body, face and legs has been tanned by the scorching sun of the equator. Unusual flushing, itchy when touched, always consciously or unconsciously want to reach out and scratch twice.

Ouyang Ping was also concerned and messed up, so he ignored the nodule of skin color. Fortunately, he found the problem in time and returned to the cabin. If he fired on impulse, maybe next year's day would be his memorial day!

But the question arises again. The worm collects coconuts first and then collects human corpses? What's the connection between this? Could it be that the growth of something provides nourishment?

In this case, the purpose of the building behind the mountain is not so simple. Is it possible that it is the biochemical center placed by the aliens on Buha Island?

This is so special, it's just a dog!

Ouyang Ping can't wait to notify the superior now, and immediately drop a few neutron bombs on Buha Island... Oh, by the way, there should be communication equipment on the yacht, right?

Turning my head to look, I found a civilian radio station...civilian...

Ouyang Ping wanted to cry but had no tears. Since this thing can be installed on a yacht, the communication distance is definitely not a problem, but the problem is that this thing is a civilian product and cannot be adjusted for military communication frequency at all.

Is it really possible to keep in touch with this thing? It is definitely possible, even if it is not good, it can also contact the ro-ro wheel dozens of kilometers away. The problem is that this thing does not have the encryption method of military communication equipment. As long as he dares to use this thing to shout, all communication equipment on this frequency can hear it. Clearly.

The content of the speech can be code words, but the direction of the radio station cannot be concealed from those who care. If the radio signal attracts the Americans, the entire southward plan may be affected.

With his small arms, calves, and shoulders, he can't carry such a heavy responsibility.

Ouyang Ping finally sighed and retreated to the corner to continue waiting.

Since the top plan to go south starts from Buha Island, it must be a part of the southward movement, and it is likely to be a very important one. It is only a matter of time before the arrival of the large troops.

Ouyang Ping didn't know it yet. At the same time he got into the yacht, Beidu had announced to the world in a high-profile manner that a ro-ro requisitioned by the military was ordered to transport nuclear materials to northern Australia. The ship returned through the western waters of Buha Island. Rescue a group of pirates from Buha Island.

According to the pirate's confession Buha Island has been occupied by insects... Due to the large amount of nuclear material loaded on the ship, the ship cannot venture close to Buha Island, and Beidu has ordered the **** troops to divide troops to reconnaissance the situation.

In the end, the Northern Capital declared Buha Island to be an occupied area, and the troops sent to Buha Island would conduct a comprehensive assessment of the situation on the island. If necessary, the Northern Capital would carry out a devastating and comprehensive attack on Buha Island.

In fact, Beidu didn't want to be so high-profile, but the worms on Buha Island have already appeared openly. Even if Bei didn't speak, they couldn't hide it from the satellites in the sky. machine.

The news of Beidu has indeed attracted some attention, but it is not as explosive as expected. After all, there have been insects in northern Australia, and Buha Island is so close to northern Australia, it is not surprising that insects appear.

The press conference of Beidu has just ended. A fully-staffed aircraft carrier battle group has arrived at Guda Port, the northernmost point of Kaledan Island. The external rhetoric is naturally the cliché of guarding against insects. In fact, everyone knows Beidu's thought.

But what does it matter? South America is enough for Americans to have a headache. No matter how unwilling they are, they have no time to reach out to this side. They can only watch the actions of the northern capital without even expressing their verbal objections.

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