Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1168: time is the biggest issue

Just kidding, what's going on in Australia and the North? You Americans don't let the Chinese start, are you planning to give these islands to aliens?

The situation in Europe is even more unbearable. The lost territory has just been taken back, and there are countless bugs hidden in the ground. I can't take care of it at home. How can I care about disputes half a world away?

If it weren't for the fact that the uranium mines in northern Australia had too much strategic significance, it would be strange for the Al Qaeda Group to waste manpower and material resources in northern Australia. *WwW.suimeng.lā

The northern capital was very satisfied with the response of the west and ordered the fleet to carry out the landing as planned.

Guda Port is not a big port, but Guda Port is located at the northernmost tip of Kalitan Island. If you follow the road here, you can occupy the entire Kalitan Island.

The large ro-ro wheel responsible for transporting troops quickly docked at the port, and various fully loaded military vehicles drove out of the cabin like water, and immediately moved towards the predetermined target after driving to the dock.

Kaledan Island is located in the tropics and is one of the areas most severely plagued by insects. Soon after the outbreak of the insect plague, the local government abandoned Guda Port. Later, the regime on the island collapsed, and the whole of Kaledan gradually entered anarchy.

At that time, the island was indescribably chaotic. Insects harmed human beings, and human beings also harmed human beings. The population on the island dropped sharply, and within a few years, no traces of human activities could be found.

Beidu estimates that there must be local people alive on Kalidan Island, but 1% of the population before the insect disaster has burned incense for several lifetimes.

Under the general reasons, the landing troops are not worried about the resistance of the locals at all. It is optimistic that the locals who have been bullied by the bugs should be very welcome to this foreign army occupying the magpie's nest.

The situation was similar to what Beidu had estimated, but it wasn’t that I didn’t resist, but that there wasn’t even a ghost. After the first batch of troops landed, they took control of the traffic arteries and all traffic nodes near the port without much effort.

The second batch of landings were the engineering troops. Hundreds of engineering machines drove off the roll-on wheels and headed to the mission site as assigned by their superiors.

The engineering soldiers opened roads and bridges in the mountains and waters, and after a while, they rushed to the front of the combat troops and became the leader of the landing troops!

The reason for this is that the local infrastructure is notoriously outdated, with few railways and poor road conditions. After the outbreak of the insect plague, it was simply worse. The transportation network all over the island lacked the necessary maintenance and was already dilapidated. .

When the plan was made before the war, Beidu knew this through satellite, but the actual situation was worse than expected. The traffic in China was much stronger than here 20 years ago. If there is no engineering force to repair the road, the mechanized force will simply Can't move forward.

This unexpected situation made all the commanders laugh or cry. The military originally planned to land an entire army at Guda Port, but the bad road conditions made the plan to land at a point and go south quickly failed.

Beidu had to temporarily revise the battle plan, moving the land route to multi-point landing at sea, requiring the troops that had already landed to continue to follow the original plan, and the troops that had not yet landed to cancel the landing.

The aircraft carrier battle group that received the order set sail immediately and went south along the coast of Kaledan Island, sending troops to land along the way, and then relying on various landing points to advance into the island... The task of the landing troops is to seize all strategic nodes, first Take control of Kalidan, and then find a way to eliminate the giant insects all over the island.

For the plan to go south, Beidu dispatched more than half of the remaining navy in one breath. All the warships were divided into three parts. The fleet in charge of Kaledan Island was the most powerful southward fleet; another fleet went to the Philippine island. It is called the Eastward Fleet; the weakest fleet is precisely the one heading for New Guinea Island, which is called the Southeast Fleet internally.

At the same time that the southward fleet landed on Kalitan Island, there were only dozens of minutes left between the eastward fleet and the Philippine island.

At this time, the Southeast Fleet had bypassed the northern part of Kaledan and was advancing at full speed in the direction of Buha Island.

The target of the Southeast Fleet is not Buha Island, but New Guinea to the east of Buha Island. The distance between the two islands is only a few dozen kilometers. As long as New Guinea is taken, even if only part of it is taken, Buha Island is not at all. question,

Just when everyone thought that the Southeast Fleet would rush to New Guinea as planned, the satellite discovered the abnormal movement of the bug people. This situation immediately aroused the vigilance of Beidu, and immediately ordered the aerospace department to pay close attention to the situation on the major islands. .

All the satellites above New Guinea were mobilized, just as the moon moved over New Guinea, and even the observation equipment on the moon and the space station were aimed at these islands, and various observation methods turned and scanned. On the ground, no abnormality was found on Kalitan Island and Philippine Island, but insect people were found along the southern coast of New Guinea, and the insect people there, like Buha Island, were desperately collecting coconuts and dead bodies.

And there are new harvests from the satellite. Humans on New Guinea Island are on the brink of extinction. The worms can’t find humans, so they make up the number with giant insects. All giant insects that are not under the command of aliens are all within the hunting range of the worms. , All the bugs are gathered together by the bug people, and it is not clear what they want to do.

This time Beidu couldn't sit still, and while the Southeast Fleet was ordered to go south at full speed, he also ordered Beiyuezhou to send a warship over New Guinea.

Beiyuezhou transferred the order to the assault fleet, and Gao Kai transferred the order to Lishan.

The Lishan spacecraft, which was still cleaning up space junk, immediately re-orbited and arrived over New Guinea in a short while.

Gao Kai dispatched the assault ship, not because the comprehensive combat capability of the assault ship is low, but because the assault ship is a professional landing support ship, and the ship is equipped with various advanced ground reconnaissance ground Reconnaissance capabilities are much stronger than satellites.

The comprehensive combat capability of destroyers and frigates is indeed stronger than that of assault ships, but they are not even worse in ground reconnaissance.

Immediately after the Lishan was in place, a comprehensive scan was carried out on Kaledan, Philippine Island and New Guinea, and later, northern Australia was included in the scan.

Scanning found that no insects were found in Kalidan and Philippine, and the insects in New Guinea were concentrated along the coast, which was basically consistent with the reconnaissance results of satellites.

However, the situation in northern Australia is more serious than expected. A large number of insects have been found in northern Australia, eastern Australia and southern Australia. Only the western line is normal, but a large number of giant vines have also appeared along the western line.

The situation is very serious. At this time, Beidu has been unable to ignore the situation in New Guinea, and immediately notified the world of the latest situation, emphasizing that, in order to prevent the further spread of the insects, China may launch a devastating and comprehensive attack on New Guinea at any time. .

It will not work if you don’t say that. It will take more than 20 hours for the fleet to arrive in New Guinea. It will take longer for the troops to fully deploy. Before the Southeast Fleet arrives, the military presence of Beidu near New Guinea will only be airborne. 1st Division and Lishan in orbit.

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