Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1211: The Lord is here

Lord Snow Eagle

, Legend of the Dragon King

, super soldier

, Cultivation: Overturning the Rain and Turning the Clouds

, Martial Arts Supreme

, Eternal Night King

, my neighbor is a banshee

, fairy wood legend

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Ye Han sighed, really pitiful for the hearts of parents in the world: "That's okay, just squeak when it's useful."

"Can I still be polite to you?" Gao Kai punched Ye Han with a smile.

Ye Han instinctively flashed and avoided effortlessly: "Don't do anything with me, I've already been integrated, and you can't keep up with my speed even if you're exhausted."

Gao Kai angrily accused: "You wait for me to fuse it!"

"What are you afraid of?" Ye Han looked provocative, "I'm still afraid of you sitting in a chair?"

Both of them are commanders of the front-line troops, but their positions are fundamentally different. Ye Han often leads the troops to fight with the alien forces. In terms of the combat level of individual soldiers, he can stabilize Gao Kai several times, even if Gao Kai is fully integrated, It is also a big difference from Ye Han.

"What happened to the chair? What happened to the chair?" Gao Kai was full of indignation, "If you have the ability, go head to head with my battleship!"

Ye Han didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Can you be any more shameless?"

"I'm shameless and proud, what can you do?"

"I've taken it, and I've taken it, can't I?" Ye Han really couldn't learn this, so he changed the subject on his own initiative, "It's not easy for us to go back to the base, and it's even more difficult to meet each other, so, Call all the old comrades you can find, and you will be the host at night..."

"Wait a minute, what do you call me to be the host? Can you come back first?"

Ye Han grinned: "I came back first. The problem is that our airborne division is stationed in Nanyuezhou, and Beiyuezhou is the site of your fleet. I'm just staying here for a while, do you have the nerve to let me do it? "

"What's so embarrassing about this? I can't ask for it!"

"But I'm embarrassed to steal your limelight!" Ye Han spread out his hands innocently, "I can't let everyone see a joke, right?"

"It's okay, everyone jokes around, I really don't mind!"

"Don't say goodbye, look at you, why are you always so duplicitous!"

"I'm very consistent on the surface, don't destroy me!"

"I don't know how long a horse's face is. The shortcomings can only be seen on other people's bodies. It's normal for you not to know that you have this problem."

"I'm your sister!"

"Hahaha..." Ye Han laughed, and finally moved back to Yicheng!

The two of them met an opponent and would meet a good talent, and they fought happily for a long time before they stopped, and it was almost time for dinner, so they split up and called their old comrades.

Everyone was in Beiyuezhou. Except for a few who couldn't get out of the way, everyone else arrived at the fastest speed.

Just kidding, there is a problem with not having positive thoughts when eating, and some people don't hurry up to arrange it. Isn't there something wrong with the brain?

In fact, the so-called arrangement is not delicious, it is the most common thing in Beiyuezhou, and there is not a drop of alcohol. One is that drinking is strictly prohibited in the military, and the other is that there is a shortage of food, and the country does not allow food to be wasted.

However, the old comrades did not get together to eat and drink, but it was rare for everyone to get together. After a long time, there was an opportunity, and of course we couldn't let it go.

It is a pity that many people are not in Beiyuezhou, and there are even two who are no longer there. One of them died in a spaceship crash, and the other died in the interception battle.

Everyone is a veteran, and they have seen their lives and deaths over the years. All they can do is to take care of the survivors of their comrades as much as possible.

The old comrades in arms were very friendly and lively together, chatting and laughing, but everyone was very restrained, and they left before nine o'clock in the evening. Ye Han couldn't sleep after returning to the dormitory. The idea was written down, polished and turned into a formal report, which was sent to Beidu overnight.

When he woke up the next morning, he unexpectedly received a reply from Beidu.

I opened the email with excitement, and the result was only six words: report received, read.

Ye Han's whole person is not good, even if he writes a few more, saying that he is whimsical or is researching, what is the situation? Who read it?

It seems that the boss doesn't care what he thinks at all, otherwise the reply will not be so simple.

Ye Han gave up now, and continued to accompany his wife and children, and occasionally met with old comrades in arms, so that his life should not be too moist.

However, he won't be able to nourish for a long time. The airborne division has all been injected, and cell fusion does not have to stay in Beiyuezhou. Everyone knows in their hearts that the time to gather is running out.

However, Ye Han never expected that the accident would come so quickly and suddenly. Just a few days later, he suddenly received an order from his superiors to immediately rush to the comprehensive command center at the bottom of Beiyuezhou.

There is the entire Beiyuezhou fleet, as well as the command center of all space facilities. It is the second largest command center of the military after Beidu. Ye Han stayed in Beiyuezhou for a long time, but he never had a chance to enter. Take a look.

He rushed to the bottom floor quickly and was stopped by a major officer as soon as he got out of the elevator. After confirming Ye Han's identity, he took him to the depths of the command center.

After a while, the major took Ye Han to the command hall. The area is huge, with more than a dozen large screens almost filling the wall, and each screen shows scenes in space.

Hundreds of people in the command center were sitting, standing or shuttling, and everyone was extremely busy.

Ye Han was wondering why he had brought him here, but the major turned to the side again, opened the door of the conference room, and made a gesture of please.

One side of the conference room is a wall, the other side is a large floor-to-ceiling glass, and the outside is the command hall.

Walking into the conference room, Ye Han saw that many senior officers had gathered They were sitting on both sides of the conference table, whispering and discussing something.

Ye Han first found Gao Kai at the table, and then found Huo Qiang at the end of the long table.

He couldn't help being secretly surprised, when did he arrive at Beiyuezhou? Why didn't there be any wind in advance?

Huo Qiang also saw Ye Han, and he immediately squeezed his hand: "Everything is quiet, the Lord is here!"

Everyone's eyes turned to the door, and Ye Han felt uncomfortable. He immediately stood at attention and saluted, "Comrade Chief, Ye Han, the commander of the first division of the Airborne Division, is instructed to come and report!"

He was calm on the surface, but his heart was already open. What does the righteous master mean?

"Okay, sit down." Huo Qiang pointed to the end of the conference table, where there were still two vacancies.

Ye Han was not pretentious, walked over and sat down generously, took off his hat and put it on the table.

Huo Qiang said, "Ye Han, do you know about Base No. 1?"

"I know." Ye Han admitted without hesitation.

Base No. 1 is the asteroid that was selected as the counterweight. Although this was not the information he got from regular channels, but then again, if the information had to be kept secret from him, Gao Kai would definitely not tell him a word.

"Very good." Huo Qiang nodded, "How much do you know about Base No. 1?"

"Very few, I know that it is an asteroid that is about to be transformed, located near Ceres." Ye Han said honestly. Tips: You can search for "Zero Point Academy 00sy" or "00sy" in Baidu to visit this site. The address of this site is: . For the convenience of reading this book next time, you can click "Add Bookmark" below to record this reading record, and you can directly read this chapter when you open the bookshelf next time!

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