Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1212: The most suitable candidate

Lord Snow Eagle

, Legend of the Dragon King

, super soldier

, Cultivation: Overturning the Rain and Turning the Clouds

, Martial Arts Supreme

, Eternal Night King

, my neighbor is a banshee

, fairy wood legend

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"Not much." Huo Qiang glanced at Gao Kai, "Two hours ago, the base received an alert from Base No. 1, the content was that the alien fleet attacked Base No. 1, and the enemy was three ice ships, because the base It has not been built yet, so there is no way to resist it, and it can only be held by the rock formations.”

After Huo Qiang finished speaking, his sharp eyes scanned the audience, and finally fell on Ye Han: "Ye Han!"

"Here!" Ye Han quickly stood up.

Huo Qiang waved down: "Sit down and talk, don't stand up."

"Yes!" Ye Han sat down without hesitation, not even stumbling.

Huo Qiang continued: "At present, the No. 1 base is in urgent need of support. We have discussed it just now. You are the most suitable candidate."

"Me?" Ye Han almost thought that something was wrong with his ears, "Chief, I am willing to complete any task that my superiors have given me, but I can't be the most suitable person, right?"

He has performed many tasks, but this is the first time he has encountered such a task.

The No. 1 base is far away in the asteroid belt. No matter how you look at it, long-distance support is the work of the fleet. Which round will he get the intervention of the division commander of the airborne troops?

"You heard it right, don't doubt, you are the most suitable person." Huo Qiang said, "I don't understand, do you?"

Ye Han nodded: "I don't quite understand."

Huo Qiang glanced at the audience: "Who can explain?"

"I'll come." Gao Kai took the initiative to stand up, "The situation is like this, this task should have been handed over to our fleet, but the fleet's return time was too short, and there were not many people who injected fusion medicine, and the fusion has not been completed. , is not suitable for this task, and other people have difficulty in performing this task because of long-term weightlessness."

Ye Han suddenly said: "Some of our airborne divisions have already completed the fusion, is that so?"

"Yes, that's it." Gao Kai nodded, then looked at Huo Qiang.

Huo Qiang motioned Gao Kai to sit down: "Not only because of this, but more importantly, you understand battleships, is there any problem?"

Ye Han grinned bitterly: "Sir, I can accept the mission, but the semi-major axis of Ceres is 2.7 AU, right? Ceres isn't in the ideal location, right? It's at least two months for a one-way trip, and when we arrive, It's too late, it's too late to leave now!"

"It will take less than two months, and the power of the latest battleship has been improved, and it will arrive in about forty days."

"Forty days is also too late, right?"

Huo Qiang sighed: "It's really too late, but we can't ignore the distress signal of Base No. 1 because it's too late, and we must determine the situation of Base No. 1, especially the situation of the personnel."

Ye Han suddenly realized the crux of the problem: "Besides the construction plan of Base 1, what else do they know?"

"Everything you should know," Huo Qiang said.

Ye Han immediately pointed to his forehead: "Biochip, do you have one?"


"What about the secrecy procedure?"

"Officers have it, and most of the soldiers have it."

Everyone's eyes were on Ye Han, Ye Han was under a lot of pressure, hesitated for a while, but decided to tell the truth: "Commander, heads, this task is entrusted to me, because of my trust in myself and the Airborne Division, I can fully Accept the mission, but I can't guarantee what will happen when I arrive."

"You can rest assured." Huo Qiang said, "your mission is to support the No. 1 base. Someone saves people, but no one confirms the details of the base, including the situation of personnel and materials. Do you understand what I mean?"

Ye Han was startled and quickly replied, "Understood!" Where is this support?

"We hope that the No. 1 base can persist until the support arrives. If the No. 1 base is damaged by aliens, I need you to evaluate the damage of the No. 1 base and provide a reference for the follow-up plan."


"Also, you and your troops may have to stay at Base 1 for a period of time. You must pay attention to the situation nearby, especially the situation on Ceres. If you find aliens appearing, you must report it immediately."

"Yes... Chief, what should I do if I find an enemy ship, or if the enemy ship comes over again?"

"Look at the strength comparison, you can decide for yourself."

"Then I need the support of the chief!"

Huo Qiang glanced at Ye Han unexpectedly: "What support, let's talk."

"I need a high-yield nuclear bomb, and if there are aliens on Ceres, I want to bomb Ceres."

Huo Qiang said: "I don't have this power, but I will reflect your thoughts to the above, any more?"

"How to solve the problem with manpower? Should I choose it myself or arrange it from the base?"

Huo Qiang said, "Gao Kai?"

Gao Kai quickly said: "In this way, I will give you a compilation table when you go back, you can take it back and select people according to your requirements. After the people are selected, they will be sent to you as soon as possible, and I will arrange for them to be familiar with the battleship."

"Isn't it a new warship?" Ye Han wondered.

"The improved version of the old model has improvements in all aspects, especially the power, which is very strong." Gao Kai briefly introduced two sentences.

He was very optimistic about this kind of warship, and once hoped to build a few more ships, and then assign all the new models to him to form a high-speed battleship battle group, but he never thought that the report would be assigned to Ye before the report was submitted. Han one.

"Understood...there is only one battleship?"

"It's not just one, it's just this one." Gao Kai emphasized.

"Then the supply of ammunition or something, is it enough?"

"It's definitely no problem to support for half a year. If the materials in the No. 1 base are still there, it will not be a problem to persist for three or five years."

"I'm fine." Ye Han said.

"Okay, let's end the meeting. All departments will prepare as soon as they go I don't want to see anyone holding back."


"Let's go, Ye Han, stay here."

Everyone left in a rush, leaving only Huo Qiang and Ye Han in the conference room.

Huo Qiang beckoned: "Come and sit."

"Yes!" Ye Han jumped gently, jumped a few steps to sit down in front of Huo Qiang.

Huo Qiang laughed: "You boy."

Ye Han was not embarrassed at all, and looked at Huo Qiang with a smile.

Huo Qiang said: "Ye Han, you are clear about the mission. I must emphasize it to you again. First, the situation of the personnel must be determined. Even if it falls into the hands of aliens, you will pay for it. I'll find evidence!"


"Second, determine the base situation. Ceres is the only suitable asteroid. If aliens destroy it, it will not be so easy to find it again."


"Third, pay attention to the alien fleet. I just received a notification these days. Originally, the alien fleet was active near Jupiter, but it suddenly appeared near Ceres recently. The above analysis shows that this is most likely because aliens want to attack Ceres. I It's the same sentence, what to do in the end depends on the situation, my request to you is very simple: don't be impulsive, come back alive!"

"Yes, chief, don't worry, my little life is precious!"

"You kid." Huo Qiang smiled, "Go!"

"Yes!" Ye Han turned around and strode away. Tips: You can search for "Zero Point Academy 00sy" or "00sy" in Baidu to visit this site. The address of this site is: . For the convenience of reading this book next time, you can click "Add Bookmark" below to record this reading record, and you can directly read this chapter when you open the bookshelf next time!

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