Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1230: Smaller angle

Lord Snow Eagle

, Legend of the Dragon King

, super soldier

, Cultivation: Overturning the Rain and Turning the Clouds

, Martial Arts Supreme

, Eternal Night King

, my neighbor is a banshee

, fairy wood legend

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Leishan just flew away from Ceres for ten minutes, but when Ye Han gave the order to return, the battleship was accelerating, and it had to decelerate and then accelerate before returning. Between this minus one plus one, it was basically more than 20 minutes to make a base. By the time Leishan flew to Ceres again, the minute hand had already made a full half turn.

Everything is normal on Ceres, and there is no trace of the enemy at all.

Ye Han was not surprised at all. He thought about it carefully on the way back. Since the aliens dared to play hide-and-seek, there must be some way to monitor the movement of the Leishan. Maybe the Leishan just started to turn around, and the aliens here will accept it. Here comes the news.

If the Thunder Mountain is flying around Ceres as before, the aliens will definitely continue to hide and seek, so how can they find out the enemy ship?

The first thing that came to his mind was to circumnavigate in the opposite direction. To put it simply, it was approaching from the left side of Ceres just now. This time, it was cut from the right side, and the two sides just collided head-to-head.

But Ye Han immediately rejected the idea.

It's not that his idea is wrong, but that the gravity of Ceres is too low, and its escape velocity is only 510 meters!

That is to say, the speed of Thunder Mountain must be maintained between 360 meters and 510 meters per second in order to pursue the enemy ship around Ceres. As long as the speed is slightly faster, it will immediately break free from the gravity of Ceres.

360 meters per second is indeed rare for ordinary people's daily life, but this speed is only a little higher than the speed of sound.

For example, if the Air Force sends a unit to Ceres, the fighter jets at the base can fly into outer space every day to have a good time.

If Leishan orbits in the reverse direction, the aliens will immediately turn their heads and fly away after discovering Leishan, slow down and then speed up, which is ten seconds and eight seconds, and it will definitely be too late to escape.

But what's next? The Thunder Mountain had to turn into a chasing madman, chasing the enemy's spaceship all the way, and when to stop.

Ye Han believes that he has no brains, and does not want to fight such a stupid battle.

But he couldn't think of a better plan for a while. He simply didn't think about it, and ordered loudly: "helmsman, cut me to the right... the angle is bigger... smaller, smaller..."

The helmsman's cheeks twitched: "Captain, no matter how young, it's too close..."

"Can you hit it? If you can't hit it, give it to me a little bit, and fly over to the ground and I'll give you a credit!"

As soon as this sentence was finished, everyone broke out in a cold sweat, but everyone understood what Ye Han meant, and the adventure factor in many people's genes was instantly activated.

Ceres has no atmospheric gravity and is low. With the power of Leishan, it can fly again even if it landed directly. Flying at close range is not a problem at all.

However, it is different for the aliens hiding behind Ceres. Think about it, I thought Leishan was flying slowly around Ceres, but now it suddenly flew out close to Ceres, and it still maintained such a high speed , even if the aliens want to hide, they have to have that reaction time!

The helmsman finally understood Ye Han's intention, and suddenly pressed the steering gear, the bow of the Leishan sank, and Ceres appeared on the main screen, and quickly zoomed in as the battleship moved forward. If Leishan could not be pulled up in time, use It won't be long before it hits Ceres head-on.

This sense of sight that is about to hit the ground makes everyone stunned, and their heart rate rises uncontrollably.

Until Ceres covered the main screen, the helmsman still didn't mean to stop. Many people's hearts almost jumped out of their chests. If there were no female soldiers on the ship, they would have screamed in a series of surprises.

However, not all male soldiers can face this scene calmly, and there are not a few who call out subconsciously.

It wasn't until the corner of the ground of Ceres was able to cover the screen that the Leishan arrived at the correct position. The helmsman pulled up the ship's bow sharply, and the earth quickly moved to the bottom of the screen. The dark starry sky re-occupied the screen, and when the picture on the screen stabilized , the ground is only the arc of the horizon along the bottom of the screen.

The hearts of everyone hanging high in the air suddenly fell, and I don't know how many people breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

Playing like this is really exciting!

Ye Han was also very excited. He did plan this way, but he didn't intend to dive into the battleship.

But thinking about it carefully, it's really no wonder the helmsman, because the time he ordered was indeed a little late, otherwise the suddenness of the plan would not have been achieved.

At this moment, the height of the Thunder Mountain is only two kilometers at most. Although it is not a real ultra-low altitude flight, it is not far behind. At the speed of the battleship at this time, as long as the helmsman shakes a little, the battleship will collide head-on. On the ground, come to a close contact with the earth.

Of course, this is absolutely impossible. First, because the helmsmen of the battleship are all pilots, they cannot sit in this position without two brushes; the second is because the battleship itself also has an anti-collision mechanism. It is determined that the battleship is likely to hit the ground, and Thor will immediately take over the battleship.

Thor, the shipborne intelligent system, has many permissions. With it, Ye Han can start the battleship even if the bridge officer is absent for two-thirds, but Ye Han is not used to it and does not believe in this intelligent system, so he summoned Thor. time is rare.

Thunder Mountain swept across the surface of Ceres, and at the same time as its height rose rapidly, all observation equipment was concentrated on the left side of the battleship.

Ye Han's roar echoed in all communication channels: "All units prepare for battle!"

This sentence is pure nonsense. It's all this time. Which department dares not be ready?

As soon as the words fell, two alien spaceships, one thin and one fat, had already jumped over the horizon.

They should have known Leishan's actions in advance, have turned their direction, and are speeding up to escape from Ceres.

The distance between the two sides is only a thousand kilometers, how can Ye Han give them a chance to escape? The battleship immediately turned 90 degrees and aimed its bow at the enemy ship. After that, all the laser cannons were fully fired and greeted the enemy ship fiercely.

Ye Han also wanted to use the full firepower of the whole ship to smash the enemy ship in one breath. The problem is that the flight direction of the enemy ship is perpendicular to the track of the Leishan. In this case, it is very difficult for the high-speed Leishan to hit the enemy ship. The difficult thing, even if the missile will deviate from the target due to inertia, must fly a huge arc to fly near the target.

Up and down the whole ship, only the probability of laser cannons is slightly higher.

As the laser approached, the two alien spaceships were calm, the chubby spaceship continued to flee, but the alien warship turned to face Leishan, and shot a dense fine light at Leishan, a face-to-face confrontation.

Ye Han touched his chin, the aliens should know that a battleship is definitely not the opponent of Leishan, but they still put on a counterattack posture, obviously trying to cover the chubby spaceship to escape. Tips: You can search for "Zero Point Academy 00sy" or "00sy" in Baidu to visit this site. The address of this site is: . For the convenience of reading this book next time, you can click "Add Bookmark" below to record this reading record, and you can directly read this chapter when you open the bookshelf next time!

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