Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1231: little regret

Lord Snow Eagle

, Legend of the Dragon King

, super soldier

, Cultivation: Overturning the Rain and Turning the Clouds

, Martial Arts Supreme

, Eternal Night King

, my neighbor is a banshee

, fairy wood legend

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Ye Han couldn't help but be a little curious. Are the aliens doing this simply to cover non-military ships, or what secrets does the fat ship have?

He prefers the latter.

Alien warships are basically controlled by servants, they are just a group of thoughtless high-level puppets, no matter whether the retreat is a cover, they are all controlled by the alien nobles.

And the fat ship planted a strange tree on the No. 1 base. This thing belongs to the alien technology that the servants have no right to touch. That is to say, there should be at least a group of alien nobles on the fat ship!

The situation seems to be getting more complicated!

After discovering the enemy ship, Leishan did not slow down, but flew an arc centered on the enemy ship.

The enemy ship on the opposite side did not dare to confront Leishan at all. It seemed to be confronting head-on, but it kept its original direction and speed, and kept flying backwards behind the fat ship.

When the positions of the two sides stabilized a little, Ye Han did not hesitate to order the launch of the missile, and it was a cocktail combination of smoke screen, female fish and hidden swords, including two hidden swords with nuclear warheads installed.

In addition, two magnetic nuclear shells were also sent.

Dealing with an enemy ship is much easier than the previous one-to-two battle. The Thunder Mountain slammed hard, but within a few minutes, a hidden sword successfully hit the enemy ship. With a flash of light, the enemy ship disappeared for three minutes. one part.

The enemy ship immediately lost control and plunged toward Ceres in a whirl.

Ye Han was looking forward to the remaining nuclear bombs hitting the target, but the other three nuclear bombs all missed, and there was no movement at all.

Ye Han didn't have time to care about the crashed enemy ship, and directed Leishan to chase the fat ship.

Before flying far, a strong light suddenly exploded from behind, which startled Ye Han.

When I looked back, I realized that it was actually a missed nuclear bomb that hit Ceres, and that the fallen enemy ship was still spinning above the bright light.

Recovering attention, Leishan pursued the fat ship at full speed.

But the fat ship looks inconspicuous, but it does not fly slowly. After such a short time, it has already opened a distance of thousands of kilometers.

This distance is really annoying. If you have already flown far, there is no point in chasing at all. Ye Han can withdraw his troops and return home with peace of mind; if it is closer, it will not take long to catch up and kill the enemy. , can also return triumphantly.

And what about this distance? The speed of the enemy ship has already been raised, and the acceleration of the alien battleship is relatively fast, even if it is Thor, it will take a while to chase it before it is possible.

Note that it is only possible that Ye Han does not understand the performance of the fat ship at all. It is not surprising that it takes only a month to catch up to kill the target. It is not impossible to catch up with the strong second fleet for a few months.

If Ye Han hadn't threw Luo Qi to Base No. 1, he would have chased after him, but the current situation is that the team who stayed at Base No. 1 could hold on for a week at most!

No time to hesitate, Ye Han gritted his teeth: "Chase!"

Whether you can catch up or not is another matter, in short, let's chase it for two days.

Ye Han was not chasing blindly. He also ordered the electromagnetic gun to fire on the enemy ship to see if he could get a little windfall. If he wanted to accelerate faster, he had to fly in a straight line. Avoiding the shells would definitely affect the speed. It depends on how the aliens choose.

Unfortunately, his plan failed again, and the enemy ship just swerved slightly and avoided the shell.

Ye Han tried two more missiles, but the effect was also not very good. The hidden sword's range was too short, and it lost power before touching the side of the enemy ship. The female fish was slightly better, but was intercepted by silk light in the final attacking stage.

After only ten minutes of chasing, Ye Han was sure that he would not be able to chase the enemy ship for a while, and in desperation, he could only give up the pursuit.

Just after ordering the battleship to turn around, Leishan received an order from Beiyuezhou, asking Leishan to stop its pursuit and focus on No. 1 base.

Not being able to kill the last enemy ship, not being able to draw a successful end to the battle, is not enough to be a little regretful.

Ye Han was very annoyed. On the way back, he saw the crashed alien warship on Ceres, and immediately ordered a nuclear shell to it with hesitation.

Ye Han's reasons are also very good. If the enemy ship is not completely destroyed, what if there are surviving aliens taking root in Ceres?

Half a minute later, a strong light flashed on the surface of Ceres, and the crashed alien warship completely disappeared.

Leishan circled around Ceres a few times, carefully scanned the surface of Ceres, and left with satisfaction after making sure that there were no aliens infested.

Before flying away from Ceres, Ye Han did not forget to leave a few small satellites to monitor Ceres.

This thing is also one of the standard equipment for long-distance voyages, but it has not been used much for a long time, and it is just right to use it on Ceres.

This thing can not only monitor Ceres, but also the space around Ceres, even if the detection distance is a little closer, it only looks like two or three light seconds.

If there are alien warships appearing within this range, the satellite will immediately send the news back to Leishan, giving Leishan some time to prepare.

Leishan was finally able to return, but Ye Han was very dissatisfied with those satellites, nothing else, the detection distance was too close.

The most ideal way should be optical early warning. To put it bluntly, it is to use a space telescope to find suspicious targets. Once a suspicious target is found, it will immediately compare the database and call the police immediately after confirming that it is an alien aircraft.

If the system cannot recognize it, it can also be converted to manual recognition for the first time.

This is not Ye Han's fantasy, the military has developed a set of optical early warning equipment, the recognition range can reach half an astronomical By that time, unless the aliens disguise the battleship as a meteorite, anyone Don't even think about attacking Ceres.

The military had planned to install the first set of equipment on Base 1, but the project was interrupted by aliens at the beginning.

If he had optical equipment in hand, Ye Han would definitely stare at the fat ship that escaped to see where it escaped.

It took more than an hour to return to Base No. 1. Ye Han was impatient and contacted Base No. 1: "Luo Qi Luo Qi, how's your progress there?"

"About one-third of it has been cleared." Luo Qi said, "There are still many traps on the road, which will delay a lot of time."

"Have you found anything?"

"We found two hiding holes and we are digging them. We don't know what's going on inside." Luo Qi said.

Ye Han immediately regained his energy: "Be careful, there may be air in the hiding hole!"

There is air, which means there is pressure. If you don't pay attention when digging, you might have an accident. If the people inside are still alive, there may be danger.

"Understood, don't worry... Open, open!" Luo Qi suddenly sounded a little excited.

"How is it in there?"

"I'm looking... there is air but no lights, the air pressure is a little low... someone, found them, they are all wearing armor!"

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