Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1267: The key to breaking the game

Gao Kai did send a piece of good news, but Ye Han and the others on the Thunder Mountain were just happy, and no one was excited about it.

Nothing else, there are really too few human battleships in the asteroid belt. There are only four ships when they are full. Even if the reinforcements are in place immediately, there are only ten ships.

Moreover, these ten warships are distributed on a long front line of 200 million kilometers, and the strength of the enemy and us is not on the same level at all.

Ye Han always felt that the purpose of the aliens sending so many warships was definitely not as simple as building a few space bases, but he couldn't guess what they wanted to do.

The only viable countermeasure right now is to destroy whatever the aliens want to do.

Based on this principle, Ye Han used his crooked brain again, called up the nearby star map, and picked out all the asteroids that might be used by aliens one by one.

Aliens have already occupied several asteroids on the arc surface, and there is no reason to abandon the asteroid behind the arc surface. This arc surface located in the asteroid belt has been identified by Beiyuezhou as a front for both the enemy and the enemy. , the two sides of the front are the actual control lines of the two sides.

Ye Han soon realized that even if the size is over the line, there are not as many asteroids that can be used by aliens. They must have several common characteristics at the same time, one is that they are large enough, the other is that they must be strong, and Just have to have water.

Ye Han has never been aware of the water problem. He accidentally mentioned that Jupiter is far away during the chat, and he suddenly realized that the aliens also have supply problems.

It takes nearly twelve years for Jupiter to complete one revolution. In other words, aliens in the asteroid belt have to wait ten years for Jupiter to return.

How did the aliens survive the long decade without logistical supplies?

They either have prepared a lot of supplies long ago, or they can use local materials... Jupiter should not be able to provide so many supplies, so Ye Han prefers the latter.

Asteroid 4 is an example, if there were only rocks there, would aliens take it so seriously?

Thinking of this, the situation in Ye Han's eyes that was not very clear all of a sudden seems to become clear - water is not only the source of life for human beings, but also the source of life for aliens!

"This is the key to breaking the game!" Ye Han commented on his discovery.

He immediately marked all the nearby ice-rich asteroids that were over the line, but only four were found. After thinking about it, he simply marked all the ice-rich asteroids regardless of their size.

The relatively large ice-rich asteroids are definitely the first choice for aliens, but thinking about it in reverse, aliens can completely collect ordinary ice-rich asteroids and use them!

In this way, aliens have a wider range of choices.

Ye Han reported his findings to Beiyuezhou at the first time, and then stared at the ice-rich asteroid in front of him. When he encountered one, he blew up the other, and was ready to crush it all the way.

Ye Han's plan was really good, but as soon as the first asteroid was blown up, the alien warships that had been following Leishan gave up. They were like a group of restless wasps, rushing towards Leishan from all directions and angles.

The moment the enemy ship rushed towards the Thunder Mountain, the guess was confirmed.

The alien battleship has always kept a safe distance from the Leishan, and it is not so easy to get close now. Ye Han gave an order, and the Leishan accelerated again, dragging a group of enemy ships to continue to fly.

The situation was sent back to Beiyuezhou as soon as possible, and the bosses who received the news didn't know what to say. A ray of dawn.

Huo Qiang sighed with emotion after knowing this, and praised: "This kid is lucky, he is a lucky general."

It is far from enough to just evaluate a sentence. After careful research by the leaders of Beiyuezhou, Beidu sent the asteroid belt dispatching army to issue the highest order to march behind the enemy.

The content of the order is very simple, march behind enemy lines and destroy all ice-rich asteroids.

There are also different voices within the military. Some visionary generals pointed out sharply that the ice-rich asteroid is not only the lifeline of aliens, but also an important material basis for mankind to enter the asteroid belt and take root in the asteroid belt, all indiscriminately. Destruction is not conducive to human beings in the asteroid belt in the future.

The words are very reasonable, and the opinions are very pertinent, but they can't take care of them right now. Who can think about such a distant issue in the future?

After receiving the order, the Nanzhou, which had been hovering near the front, immediately headed forward and advanced behind the enemy, becoming the second human warship to drill into the enemy's hinterland.

The Binghai at the No. 3 base and the Qionghai at the No. 4 base also left the base after receiving the order, and went behind the enemy separately.

Even the reinforcements that were flying to the asteroid belt received orders to fly directly behind the enemy.

The situation in the asteroid belt has never been so clear.

The changes of human beings could not be concealed from the eyes of the aliens. The Nanzhou had not crossed the battle line, and the aliens nearby had already begun to dispatch troops to block the Nanzhou.

The Nanzhou was already ready for battle, but Gao Kai was surprised to find that there were only a dozen enemy ships blocking the Nanzhou.

He thought that the aliens hid the main force and wanted to catch the Nanzhou by surprise, but Gao Kai soon discovered that it was not that the aliens did not want to send more, but that there were only so many enemy ships in this direction!

Gao Kai immediately became unbalanced. That kid Ye Han could attract thirty or so enemy ships. How could there be only ten or so ships left when he got to him?

More than a dozen enemy ships were enough for Nanzhou to drink a pot. Gao Kai did not dare to fight recklessly.

The enemy is strong and we are Nanzhou is very cautious, and every contact with the enemy is only a shallow taste.

The aliens didn't even want to annihilate the Nanzhou, just keep the Nanzhou out of the front line.

The situation of the Binghai and Qionghai was similar. They were both dragged by the enemy ships that had an absolute advantage, and they could not cross the front line without fighting with the enemy.

As a result, the Thunder Mountain was still the only human warship that went deep behind enemy lines.

Gao Kai deeply felt that his own strength in the asteroid belt was still too weak. It would not be difficult to break the enemy's blockade if he could gather several warships.

But having said that, although the three warships on the human side failed to enter the enemy's rear, there were as many as forty warships sent by the aliens to fight, which also served the purpose of mobilizing the enemy. It doesn't really make much difference behind the enemy.

The battle situation is stalemate again, and there will be no hope of breaking the game for a while. Beiyuezhou can only pin his hopes on the reinforcements flying to the asteroid belt.

Beiyuezhou had already informed the joint headquarters of the situation, and issued an order to march behind the enemy through the joint headquarters.

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