Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1268: Can't draw a tiger

After the deadlock lasted for a few days, He Lu suddenly reported to Ye Han: "Captain, the enemy ship is found ahead, the number is two!"

Ye Han was very surprised: "Why are there still enemy ships?"

After flying for so many days, Leishan has penetrated tens of millions of kilometers behind enemy lines. At the beginning, there were always alien warships in the vicinity, but after a long time, only the thirty or so enemy ships were left, and there were no more. New enemy ship replacement.

Through observation, Ye Han found that the main force of the enemy was concentrated within 0.3 to 0.5 astronomical units behind the front. .

This is also a relatively important discovery. If the asteroid belt is cleared in the future, this information can provide a basis for the clearing plan.

But these two enemy ships shattered the previous speculation. Could it be that all the enemy ships on the way were hiding?

In any case, it is not a good thing for the enemy ship to appear directly in front, and Leishan has nowhere to hide, so she can only fight with all her strength.

"The asteroid orbited behind it."

Ye Han knew it, and was about to order to wake up the hibernating crew, He Lu reported again: "Captain, the enemy ship is speeding up towards our ship!"

Ye Han was stunned: "Can you speed up? Is it fast?"

"It's not slow, at the current speed, it should be trying to surround us."

Ye Han couldn't help but feel a pain in the ass. More than 40 enemy ships were fighting against one of his own warships. This battle was not easy to fight: "Contact time?"

"Just an hour or so."

"Get ready to call someone... Wait a minute, He Lu, the two goods in front are flying towards us, aren't they?"


"How much speed? I mean relative speed."

"It's 110 kilometers now, and it's still accelerating."

"Is that so!" Ye Han rubbed his chin and thought for a while, "Let's not be busy calling someone, let's turn to avoid it."

He Luwei: "It's too close, it can't be avoided!"

"I didn't plan to avoid it, you just do it."

"Yes!" He Lu agreed, and the Thunder Mountain began to turn.

The enemy ship also made corresponding adjustments after discovering Leishan's actions. Judging from the current course, it would not take long before the enemy ship could block directly in front of Leishan again.

However, Ye Han didn't look at the enemy ships in front, but kept observing the enemy ships hanging in the back, and found some very interesting little moves - there were enemy ships in all directions behind, but there was nothing in the back, and It happened to correspond to the two enemy ships in front!

"He Lu, change direction and continue."

He Lu didn't understand anymore, and turned in another direction in confusion.

The enemy ships in the front and rear were adjusted one after another, and the situation after the adjustment was similar to that before. No matter how the Thunder Mountain moved, there was always a place behind where there was no enemy ship.

Ye Han couldn't help showing a clear smile: "He Lu, you said, if the aliens learned our way, what would we do?"

He Lu's mind immediately flashed a sentence: The relative speed is one hundred and four!

"Aliens want to use super shotguns?" He Lu exclaimed, stunned all the bridge officers.

"Can't you?" Luo Qi was dubious, "Do they have guns?"

"No cannon doesn't mean you can't learn." Ye Han said, "Just think about it, aliens used to fly backwards, which time did they fly facing each other like today?"

It's not that they didn't fly against each other, but either they weren't fighting, or they weren't so fast. In short, the two enemy ships in front had an unusual smell from head to toe.

Luo Qi changed slightly: "Then what should we do?"

Super shotguns are no joke. No matter how strong the armor of Leishan is, it can't stop the shrapnel traveling at more than 100 kilometers per second.

Ye Han pondered for a while and said, "Let's fly and see, and try a few more times."

Luo Qi said angrily, "These grandchildren are so boring, they know how to learn from us, but they don't know how to innovate themselves?"

Ye Han smiled: "Who made our method work? It's a good thing to learn from us, at least you can guess what they want to do."

He Lu didn't speak, commanding the warship to change direction again and again, the enemy ship was always firmly in front - not really in front of Leishan, but the enemy ship changed in response to Leishan's movements, no matter how it changed, The orbits of both sides will cross shortly after.

The speed on both sides is not slow. After more than half an hour, the relative speed has reached 140 kilometers per second.

According to Ye Han's calculation, the contact time between the two sides was only ten minutes. At this time, a new change suddenly appeared in the enemy. I saw that the two enemy ships each released a large number of fighters. Hit the Thunder Mountain.

If this makes them collide, it will not be as simple as smashing to pieces!

Luo Qi's eyes straightened: "Is this what the aliens do?"

"It shouldn't be that simple." Ye Han's face was dignified: "It's almost time, first fire the smoke bombs, and then another round of air defense."

He Lu complied, and the Leishan was soon shrouded in heavy smoke, not only the enemy ships in front could not see, but the enemy ships behind also couldn't see Leishan.

At the same time, several "eyes" responsible for providing line of sight also flew away from the Thunder Mountain, transmitting the situation in all directions, front, rear, left, right, and back to the bridge.

The situation did not change due to the firing of the Thunder Mountain. The enemy planes could not see the Thunder Mountain, but they could see the smoke screen. More than 200 enemy ships gradually dispersed, blocking the front of the smoke screen like a large net.

Ye Han grinned secretly, if the enemy plane just crashed into the smoke screen like this, there must be someone who crashed into the Thunder Mountain... In any case, it must not be like the intention of the aliens!

As time passed, missiles and artillery shells exploded in front of the alien swarms, countless shrapnel pierced through enemy planes, but none of them evaded.

Ye Han couldn't help but scream, isn't this helping the enemy to create shrapnel?

This scene seemed to remind the enemy that the two enemy ships suddenly opened fire at the same and the most intense firepower was when they started.

However, Shi Guang's target is not the Thunder Mountain, but an alien fighter in flight!

Intensive thin light flashed, and all the fighter planes were cut into pieces by the thin light, and the fragments flew all over the sky, and the number was beyond imagination.

Everyone who saw this scene was dumbfounded, Ye Han gritted his teeth with hatred: "Dog. Japanese, it's really worth paying for!"

He Lu's face turned blue: "Captain, what should I do?" In two minutes at most, Leishan will get into the rain of debris.

Ye Han smiled: "Don't be nervous, you can't die... He Lu, aim straight ahead, give me ten bursts of missiles, with a nuclear prefix!"

Everyone was startled at first, then overjoyed.

He Lu flushed with excitement, and shot ten nuclear missiles straight ahead in one breath, and deliberately picked ten high-yield missiles.

The relative speed of the enemy and us is too fast, and the human nerve reaction speed cannot cope with this situation. Ye Han directly handed the detonation task to the fire control system.

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