Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1269: Indirect at most

The debris rain is getting closer and closer, and the ten missiles are gradually getting apart. When the first missile penetrated into the debris rain, the fire control system issued a detonation command within ten thousandths of a second, and the ten missiles were ordered from front to back. Detonation, the detonation interval is less than one hundredth of a second.

In the dark space, a string of dazzling light suddenly exploded. The strong light not only dispelled the darkness, but also exploded an avenue to the sky in the overwhelming rain of debris. Apart from scratches, there is no other loss.

The bridge instantly boiled, and the joy of the rest of the life made everyone cheer.

Ye Han is still as steady as Mount Tai: "What's the quarrel, it's not over yet, He Lu, the two enemy ships in front, don't let go!"

"Okay!" He Lu was already prepared, and he smashed a batch of artillery shells directly without using nuclear bombs... Well, anti-aircraft shells.

The shells left the chambers and soon exploded in the air, forming two clouds of debris.

The speed is too fast, and the aliens do not have such a powerful weapon as a nuclear bomb. The two enemy ships are unavoidable and unavoidable. They crashed into the cloud of debris, and were knocked into holes by the debris in the sky, and the broken hulls were scattered everywhere. .

The smoke screen swept past the enemy ship, and the Thunder Mountain, which was hidden in the smoke screen, was almost hit by the blasted debris on the enemy ship.

The Thunder Mountain was lucky to escape, but an "eye" outside the smoke screen was hitting an enemy ship, and the Thunder Mountain immediately lost sight of the port side.

But this collision was like a super critical strike, and it was like a bolt of lightning hitting the enemy ship. After the bright light flashed, the small half of the enemy ship exploded instantly.

At the moment when the port side screen was lost, the enemy ship had been left far behind by the Leishan, with a speed of more than 140 kilometers per second. It only took a blink of an eye, and the enemy ship became an inconspicuous little point, and then disappeared. in sight.

The speed was so fast that no one saw the sight of the enemy ship bursting open, only cheers resounded through the bridge again.

The only exception was Ye Han. He always felt that he had missed something. It was not until he saw the enemy ships in the rear hurriedly dodging that he suddenly realized, and said to He Lu in a very regretful tone: "Just use the nuclear bomb just now."

He Lu was stunned: "What did you say?"

Ye Han pointed to the screen: "We have a large group of enemy ships behind us. If we blow up those two enemy ships..."

He Lu suddenly realized, his expression quickly changed from clear to cloudy, and there were signs of continuing to change.

The others stopped cheering when they heard Ye Han's words, and regrets were written on everyone's faces.

Isn't it, the relative speed of the enemy ships is not only for the Thunder Mountain, but also for the enemy ships behind the Thunder Mountain.

The scene of the enemy ship being destroyed by fragments of the enemy ship appeared in everyone's mind, but the opportunity has been missed, and now is there any time to regret it?

He Lu grimaced: "Captain, I...I..."

Ye Han sighed: "It's alright, don't be like a dead wife, didn't I just remember it? Next time it happens, just remember it."

He Lu's heart throbbed with pain: "There's no next time!"

The lesson this time is enough for aliens to feel distressed, and the next time will not have a long memory at all?

Ye Han couldn't help laughing: "That's right, hehe, it's good, let's see if the aliens dare to mess with us again."

Everyone burst into laughter, all beaming and discussing the battle just now.

In addition to these two enemy ships, Leishan has sunk seventeen enemy ships, and another six were damaged.

He Lu was not in a high mood, so he did not join the discussion, and silently observed the enemy ships in the rear.

A few minutes later, he suddenly raised his head and looked at Ye Han strangely.

Ye Han was wronged by him: "What's the matter with you? What are you excited about?"

He Lu's expression became even more bizarre. He casually turned the image he saw onto the big screen: "See for yourself."

Ye Han wondered: "Look at what..." He was stunned by the image on the screen as soon as he uttered two words.

On the screen, the broadside of an enemy ship was damaged and a huge hole was broken; the bow and underbelly of another enemy ship were shattered, and the damage was also not small; in the other direction, there was also a heavy damage to the stern of an enemy ship.

Although there was no damage to the remaining enemy ships, all the enemy ships were turning hastily, and none of the ship's bows turned towards Leishan.

Ye Han's eyes turned straight to where, and almost didn't twist his eyeballs: "Fragment Cloud?"

"It should be." He Lu's expression was a mix of surprise, surprise, and surprise, as complicated as he said.

Luo Qi was puzzled: "No way, didn't you avoid it? How did they bump into it?"

He Ludao: "I couldn't collide originally. I think the nuclear explosion should have dissipated the debris cloud. These enemy ships were unlucky and just collided with the debris."

When everyone heard it, they all felt that He Lu's guess was very reasonable.

Ye Han asked: "He Lu, will it count the distribution of debris?"

He Lu grinned: "I can count the shells, but I really don't know how to count the nuclear bombs."

During the conversation, another enemy ship was hit by debris, and it was in the center of the bow of the ship. It was like a punch in the face of the enemy ship, which opened a dark hole in the front face of the enemy ship.

"The fourth ship." Ye Han sniffed, "You say, do these count as our achievements?"

"Should count?"

"It's hard to say, it's not direct destruction, it's indirect at most."

"It's not just direct destruction, it's basically aliens killing each other. At most, we just push it and see how it is determined. Anyway, I don't think there is much hope..."

Everyone has expressed their opinions. On the whole, there are still more bad-mouthing.

Ye Han didn't care either, and listened cheerfully to everyone's argument - Leishan had already had enough victories, so there was no need to care about these sinkings.

But this thing seems to be able to fight for it!

At this time everyone thought that the remaining enemy ships had escaped the debris cloud, but they did not want another enemy ship to win the lottery, and it was unfair to the remote enemy ships.

This discovery made everyone more aware of the distribution of debris clouds, and then everyone found that it seemed that all enemy ships could be hit by debris!

So everyone began to discuss how many enemy ships the fragments could hit. Many people even used biochips to calculate the density of the fragments. It was not until they got the calculation results that they realized that the enemy ship just now was really unlucky.

As for the remaining enemy ships... Well, the closer you are to the route of Leishan, the higher the probability of being hit by debris. The few enemy ships closest to the route are already in disarray, and the result of hasty dodging is that the hull is loose. , instead exposing the largest broadside to the debris cloud.

crack metal theory

To answer the book friend's question of "Soldier i77", ten nuclear bombs are a bit too many, but the relative speed of the two sides is extremely high, and the intersection time is only a moment, and ten nuclear bombs explode one after another.

Compared with the safety of warships, what is the point of hitting a few more nuclear bombs?

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