Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1274: new enemy ship


()    Ye Han couldn't help but look surprised. He has never seen aliens with non-ice-white aircraft, but the ice-white color is really conspicuous in the dark space, for fear that others will not see it.

     In contrast, the black paint of human warships can play a bit of camouflage.


     Ye Han didn't mean to stop at all, instead he perked up his ears to listen to everyone's ideas... In most cases of battleship confrontation, kite flying is carried out from a distance, unlike the short-term encounter of life and death like a land battle, even if the battle is fierce, it can be inserted Just a few gossip.

    For now, it will take Thunder Mountain an hour to put the No. 5 star into its range. For such a long time, you can't be nervous all the time, right?

    Most people's thoughts are random guessing, but one sentence caught Ye Han's attention, "The two enemy ships went back and forth several times, maybe to cover these two things..."

     Ye Han's eyes lit up, it makes sense!

     These two enemy ships have been hiding and refused to come out. There must be some reason. If the Thunder Mountain were not forced hard enough, they would definitely not be able to escape.

     So the question is, why are the aliens hiding these two spaceships? Just because of the new paint? Shouldn't be that simple, right?

     Ye Han couldn't think of a reason, and suddenly ordered, "He Lu, zoom in on the picture, I want to see what these two enemy ships look like."

    He Lu hurriedly followed suit, the screen expanded rapidly, and the enemy ship that just flew away from the fifth star quickly occupied the screen.

    Because both the enemy and the enemy are in high-speed motion, the zoomed-in picture shakes a little bit, and He Lu zoomed out a bit, and the image finally stabilized.

    Everyone's eyes fell on the screen, and when they saw the appearance of the enemy ship, everyone invariably came up with an idea, is this really an alien battleship?

     It's not that everyone is so strange, but this enemy ship is really weird.

     Its appearance is similar to that of an ordinary ice ship, with no special changes, but the surface is no longer as smooth as an ice ship, but full of rows of protrusions, which at first glance looks like an enlarged version of a super release Jiatou is like two mutated super-large grapes.

     And the shell of this enemy ship is definitely not the worm shell of the past, but it is impossible to see what it is.

    The two strange enemy ships suddenly separated from left to right and rushed towards Thunder Mountain from two directions.

     This change surprised everyone, Luo Qi was surprised, "There are aliens who dare to hedge against us?"

     Ye Han's expression was solemn, "Don't be careless, dare to do this, it's definitely not easy... First-level combat readiness, what road, the enemy ship will fire immediately after entering the range, no need to ask for instructions."

     "Yes!" He Lu agreed and quickly calculated the shooting of Zhu Yuan, "There are still thirteen minutes to enter the range of the laser cannon."

     "Where are the two enemy ships on the side?"

     "Slow down, didn't come over."

     "Be careful, don't let them pick up the cheap." Ye Han said.

    He Lu nodded, "Don't worry...will you be hedging this time?"

     Ye Han frowned and thought for a while, "The aliens must know what the outcome of their hedging with us will be... Let's not rush, hide for a while and see how the enemy ship reacts."

    "Got it!"

    Leishan immediately adjusted its attitude, the bow was no longer facing the fifth star, and made a gesture of giving up the attack.

     However, the enemy ship had no intention of giving up, and turned with Leishan, determined to block Leishan.

     Ye Han felt a strong unease in his heart, "These two enemy ships are definitely not easy, what the way!"


     "Prepare the nuclear bomb. You don't need to ask for instructions when you need it. Just blow up a passage. Do you understand what I mean?"

    "Understood!" He Lu replied loudly.

     The enemy ship in front was desperately blocking Leishan, and the enemy ship on the side slowed down in advance, obviously trying to copy Leishan's fragment cloud tactics.

     This hand, Ye Han, is playing with everyone, so how could he not be on guard against aliens?

     The two sides continued to approach. When the enemy ship entered the range, all the laser cannons of the Thunder Mountain fired at the same time, and the beam hit the enemy ship instantly.

     However, the enemy ship is no longer strikingly ice-white, and it is impossible to see the effect after the attack.

     I couldn't see that I had to continue fighting. The lasers fired one after another. Although the enemy ships tried their best to avoid them, the effect was minimal.

    This is an excellent phenomenon, Ye Han ordered the electromagnetic gun to fire without hesitation.

    Because the distance is still a little far and the life rate is not very high, so there is no waste of limited magnetic nuclear shells, just a wave of ordinary depleted uranium armor-piercing shells.

     With such a long distance, the enemy ship can avoid the shells with just any movement. Ye Han didn't expect these cannons to have much effect at all.

     However, a scene that surprised him happened. One of the enemy ships did not dodge or evade. It hit the front of the electromagnetic gun and slammed it hard. After the shell hit the enemy ship, it actually penetrated the whole ship, and the good battleship was hit hard. broken.

     It’s really sparse, not even a larger piece.

     Ye Han suddenly woke up, didn't the aliens build two fragile ships and set them on the Thunder Mountain on purpose?

    The question was suddenly put in front of Ye Han, and another enemy ship was fighting?

     After only thinking about it for a few seconds, Ye Han made up his mind - fight, must fight, it's great to blast a way with a nuclear bomb.

    The electromagnetic gun fired again. This time the enemy ship finally knew what it meant to dodge in advance. Just as the gun was fired here, the plane began to move there, and it just avoided several shells.

     Ye Han didn't want to entangle any more, and ordered He Lu to turn on all his firepower.

     Not long after, the second enemy ship was also hit by the Thunder Mountain. After several explosions, the enemy ship was also broken into many fragments, and the size and shape of the fragments were similar.

    At this time, Ye Han finally understood why the two enemy ships had such a strange appearance. This thing is similar to a grenade. Those regular protrusions and depressions are clearly prefabricated fragments for the shape of fragments!

    The aliens can think of this way, it is really difficult for them, but unfortunately Ye Han did not plan to become the result of the aliens "What way, how long to contact?"

     "The distance is six hundred, the relative speed is forty-four, and there are still thirteen... no, twelve seconds."

     "Horse launches nuclear bombs, ten bursts!"

     "Yes!" He Lu's finger quickly clicked on the just clicked on the launch box, and a voice suddenly resounded through the bridge "The fragments moved, the fragments of the enemy ship moved!"

    He Lu suddenly raised his head, and saw that the fragments of the screen suddenly moved, and at the same time rushed towards the Thunder Mountain from all directions.

     Ye Han's roar shook the bridge, "That's not a debris, it's a fighter, it's an alien fighter..."

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