Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1275: Flying over a cloud of debris


()     In just a split second, all the alien fighters that looked like fragments woke up. The oval fighter suddenly unfolded four X-shaped wings, and without seeing any movement, they suddenly accelerated towards the Thunder Mountain, like a group of Hungry wolves pounce on helpless prey.

     This is an alien warship, it is basically a group of alien warships disguised as warships.

    The brains of the aliens are also clear enough, how did they come up with such a method?

     Ye Han has never seen, no, never heard of such strange alien fighters, but they suddenly appeared in front of Leishan and roared towards Leishan.

     But the Thunder Mountain is not a pitiful little helpless, Ye Han's roar resounded through the bridge: "Fire, fire at me"

     Before he finished speaking, all the main guns of the ship fired at the same time.

     Several lasers pierced the alien aircraft like sharp spears, causing chaos in the aircraft. However, no movement of the enemy aircraft was seen. They slid away like frightened rabbits. The enemy plane could even fly up and down between the laser beams, leaving Ye Han stunned.

    Is this still an alien fighter? Is this a juggling fighter jet?

     Their actions reminded Ye Han of the missiles that were about to hit the enemy ship, which made him suspect that the flight movements of these enemy planes were learned by aliens stealing division missiles.

    Although he is reluctant to admit it, this new type of alien fighter is indeed too flexible, more flexible than the latest missiles. Ye Han is very doubtful whether human missiles can catch up with this kind of enemy aircraft.

     It's hard to imagine that not long ago they were floating in the void of space like real debris, even with a knife and axe.

     The first round of the laser cannon was over, and Ye Han was also surprised that the beam of light that swept through the alien aircraft group only hit one enemy aircraft.

     Probably because the distance is too close, the power of the laser far exceeds the endurance limit of the enemy aircraft. As long as the enemy aircraft persists in the laser for a short time, it will completely intensify and disappear.

    The main laser gun continued to fire, staring at the enemy plane and punching it, but it fired a lot of beams, but not many enemy planes hit.

    The artillery shells from the Thunder Mountain were finally in place and exploded in front of the enemy planes one after another, forming a small cloud of debris.

     The relative speed of the two sides is not large. If the opposite is a thick-skinned alien warship, these fragments will not be the best, but for a thin-skinned and large alien warship, every fragment is deadly enough!

     Ye Han seemed to see the scene where the alien swarm was killed by the cloud of debris in one go.

     But what happened next took everyone by surprise.

    The alien fighters had no intention of evading at all, and plunged straight into the debris cloud. They flew up and down in the dense debris, rolled left and right, and flew all kinds of inexplicable flexible movements.

     Note that it is not evasion, but real avoidance. Only a few enemy planes were destroyed by debris, and most of the enemy planes successfully passed through the debris cloud.

    Ye Han couldn't believe his eyes, what a **** right? No matter how slow the current relative speed is, there are 30 to 40 kilometers in one second. How fast is the reflection arc to be able to come and go freely in the debris cloud?

     Or is it that the aliens found a way to deal with the debris. Although the enemy plane was hit by the debris, it did not cause fatal damage?

     Ye Han suddenly shouted: "He Lu, is there any slow motion?"


     "Shoot me now!"

     "Yes!" He Luyun pointed like a fly, and at the same time as another wave of guns fired, he adjusted the camera and started to work.

    The shells exploded in a blink of an eye, and the enemy plane once again demonstrated how to pass through the cloud of debris.

    He Lu got the video and gave it to Ye Han immediately: "Captain, it's taken!"

     "Home screen, put it on the home screen!"

    He Lu did as he did, and the picture on the main screen changed. It was no longer the scene of the fierce battle ahead, but the scene of the shell just exploded.

    Because the distance is very close, the picture is very clear, and you can even see the shrapnel slowly opening with the explosion.

    In a blink of an eye, the enemy plane collided with the debris cloud. On the screen that was slowed down by an unknown number of times, a shrapnel slammed into an enemy plane head-on.

     Seeing that the shrapnel was about to hit the enemy plane, the X-shaped wing on the enemy plane suddenly vibrated a few times, and the vibration speed was very fast. Even the lens of a high-speed camera could only capture a faint shadow.

    The moment the vibration appeared, the enemy plane immediately changed its posture, some rotated left and right, some turned up and down, and avoided the shrapnel magically.

     Ye Han blinked hard: "Really or not, can this be avoided?"

    The relative speed between the enemy and the enemy is 30 kilometers per second, even one thousandth of a second is 30 meters. How fast is the enemy plane?

    If it hadn't been for the slow motion of the enemy plane, Ye Han would never have believed that the enemy plane had the ability to detect the incoming shrapnel and avoided it in advance.

     It is even more unbelievable that the track of the enemy aircraft flying out of the debris cloud is actually a combination of a large number of flight actions.

    Remove the slow screen and the battlefield reappears on the main screen.

     At this time, Thunder Mountain's main guns had completed three salvos, and the enemy plane was about to break through the 160-kilometer defense limit.

     Ye Han's face was sinking, staring at the screen.

     He didn't need to speak at all. The alien aircraft group had just crossed the defense limit, and the close-up guns on the Thunder Mountain opened fire immediately. The dense lasers and cannonballs formed a dense fire net, covering the head of the incoming alien aircraft group.

    It takes a while for the shells to fly through the void, but the laser does not have this problem, and several enemy planes are instantly hit by the laser.

     But the enemy plane that was hit by the gun didn't have any trouble, how to fly or how to fly.

    The close-range defense system automatically adjusts the shooting mode. All close-range defense artillery will focus on one target, when to destroy the enemy plane, and when to switch to the next target.

     The enemy plane flying in the front was taken care of by the Thunder Mountain. Within a second, twelve laser beams were fired in a row, literally cutting the enemy plane in half from the beginning to the end.

    As soon as one enemy plane was destroyed, the gun immediately locked on to another enemy plane.

     However, only two light defense cannons have firing angles, so this round only killed two enemy planes.

    However, the two enemy planes divided into four pieces made Ye Han deeply shocked.

     He actually saw some viscera-like things slowly floating out of the separated half of the enemy plane. One of them turned twice, and the cut plane was exactly aligned with the lens of the Thunder Mountain. The situation is very clear.

     What kind of alien fighter is this? It is an alien giant worm at all, and the four X-shaped unfolding things are not wings at all, but four elytra!

    Using giant insects as fighters, aliens can do it, this hand is really beautiful!

     Ye Han knew that The alien fighters in the past were operated by servants, which were almost the same as human fighters, and there was no place for servants to install the servants inside the worm.

    There is no doubt that this thing is a giant insect, a super flexible giant insect that can fly in space!

     Code the next chapter now. These days, I have a lot of things to do, every day is very late, I feel only one word, sleepy!

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